4.13Mb (142 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Douglas C-124A in USAF colors. The freeware Douglas C-124 for FSX by Jens Kristensen (JBK) is needed for this repaint. C-124A Serial 49-241 was part of the 2nd Strategic Support Squadron (the "Globe Girdlers"). This squadron was stationed at Biggs AFB and they were equiped with C-54 Skymasters. They were redeployed to Walker AFB in Rosswell NM, waiting for delivery of their first C-124A (serial 49-235), which arrived on July 17 1950. Interestingly, it was the first C-124 delivered to the Air Force for operational purposes. They received 4 more C-124As in August. However, in 1951 the squadron was subsequently transfered to Castle AFB in Merced California, and eventually reassigned to the Air Materiel Command as a Logistics Support Squadron. As for C-124A 49-241 it was retired from service on Feb 13, 1967 and sent to the 'Boneyard' at MASDC in Arizona.. Textures are 32bit DDS. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should also work on FSX, and P3Dv1-4.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 12, 2019 08:33 by Ted Giana

4.23Mb (163 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Douglas C-124A in USAF colors. The freeware Douglas C-124 for FSX by Jens Kristensen (JBK) is needed for this repaint. C-124A Serial 49-0258 was delivered to the USAF on January 31, 1951. It was assigned to the 3rd Strategic Support Squadron, or Triple-S, which ferried nuclear devices among Strategic Air Command bases. In 1961 it was redepployed to 305th Troop Carrier Squadron (TCS). Later on in the same year it was assigned to the Tactical Air Command (TAC). Then in March 1962: to 442nd Troop Carrier Wing (TAC), Tinker AFB, OK. In July 1962: To 1502nd Air Transport Wing (MATS), Hickam AFB, Hawaii. Then March 1963: to 1503rd Air Transport Wing (MATS), Tachikawa AB, Japan . June 1964: back to 1502nd Air Transport Wing at Hickam. Then: Aug 1965 to 916th Troop Carrier Group (AFRES), Carswell AFB, TX. In January 1966 the unit became the 916th Military Airlift Group. In July 1969 it ended up being assigned to the 3902nd Air Base Wing (SAC), Offutt AFB, Nebraska. Now it is under restoration at the Air Mobility Command Museum, Dover AFB, Delaware. Textures are 32bit DDS. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should also work on FSX, and P3Dv1-4.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 12, 2019 08:32 by Ted Giana

56.43Mb (3400 downloads)
FSX/Steam/P3D3 IAF Beechcraft C90. This is an upgraded photoreal livery with completely new flying dynamics, new 2D panels and revised interior/exterior textures. Israeli Aerial Warfare Part of IAF used several aircraft of the King Air C90 and C200 series. There are two precision photoreal 2d panels. The V.C.imitation and the High Visibility. They include custom gauges,2 Diferent types of GPS an imitation weather radar and my new moving 2D yokes. There is no V.C. but I think you will be more than satisfied with the 2D V.C.imitation. There are 2 liveries of mate and gloss finish.If you want to use the model as an AI (traffic) there is a seperate AI configuration file included. Textures are in DXT 2048 px.format for clarity. Model by Henry Tomkiewicz & Dee Waldron. All upgrades done by Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas 2019.
Posted Oct 10, 2019 15:04 by Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas

21.40Mb (1060 downloads)
This package was repainted for either the stock P3D CaptainSim C-130s or the payware C-130X package for FSX/P3D aircraft. The pack includes nearly all operator liveries to fly the C-130 in aerial firefighting missions in the USA and Australia in the last 5 years. This repaint package includes 9 liveries and covers 2 different visual models. Mainly the C-130H or Model.C-130H and the L-100-30 (382G) or Model.12 in the aircraft.cfgs. The pack includes repaints for Coulson Group's T-131 in US livery(2019), T-390 (T-131 essentially just renumbered for Australia) in Emergency Management Victoria, Australia (2018). Now former Coulson T-132 in US livery and New South Wales RFS, Australia. Coulson T-134 in it's brief bare metal or, "rat rod" livery, as well as it's current livery (2019). Now ex-USFS T-116. Soon to be active CAL FIRE T-118. Lastly, USAF MAFFS 9 of the 152nd AW Nevada Air National Guard. If you do not have the C-130X pack in P3D all aircraft except T-132 will be able to show up in the Sim, CS' C-130X is however, entirely required for FSX users. Repaints by: Nicholas Mitchell
Posted Oct 4, 2019 21:14 by Nicholas Mitchell

549.72Mb (3139 downloads)
Chengdu JF-17 is a MRF and light weight aircraft. Includes multiple liveries and all blocks with full and original working vc for fsx and fsx-steam. Created by (Z-MAN Developers) Pakistan. ENJOY IT
Posted Sep 23, 2019 01:49 by MUHAMMAD ZEESHAN NASEEM

15.71Mb (5568 downloads)
Here is the hero of the Top Gun movie. original design by Dino Cattaneo. New panels for wide and standard screen, VC modification and gauges by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Enjoy!
Posted Sep 18, 2019 11:50 by Philippe Wallaert

46.88Mb (2648 downloads)
This is the ALPHASIM F-8 Crusader modified to approximate the RF-8G recon' version of the last gunfighter. Modifications include full bump maps, enhanced VC night textures, camera bays, modified fuselage and re-fueling probe, and three new paint schemes. All modifications by DC Designs, and performed with permission of the original owners.
Posted Sep 7, 2019 09:47 by Dean Crawford

7.31Mb (1337 downloads)
The F11F is a supersonic bomber with folding wings. Original design by Mike Stone. Panels for wide and standard screen (no VC), gauges inclusing GPWS warning callout by Philippe wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Enjoy!
Posted Aug 30, 2019 12:17 by Philippe Wallaert

33.12Mb (596 downloads)
Kalamata airport (LGKL), Greece.Updated to v1.02
This is my 2nd freeware scenery so far. This is Kalamata airport (LGKL), Greece. Southwest Peloponnese region, with photoreal scenery texture. It's located west side of Sparta (99 kilometers away) separated my the mountain of Taigetus. Airport opened in 1959 and is basicaly 2 airports in 1. It was started as military and a few years later, civilian flights began to operate. Airport is using objects from "airfield essentials", "orbx grass", "static military models" and "TKB object library" ... so ALL thanks goes to them for the models. This airport will work better in P3D4 because i use the "dynamic lighting" effect. Keep in mind that orbx is needed, or else the grass textures aren't goin to work... I 'am not sure about FSX though, i don't think it will work there....
Posted Aug 25, 2019 07:21 by Dimitris Mylonas

69.78Mb (2416 downloads)
FSX/P3D Yakovlev Yak-38. The Yakovlev Yak-38 was the Soviet Naval Aviation's only operational VTOL strike fighter aircraft in addition to being its first operational carrier-based fixed-wing aircraft. It was developed specifically for, and served almost exclusively on, the Kiev-class aircraft carriers. Model and VC by
Harri Thaha & Hadi Tahir
Posted Aug 20, 2019 04:40 by dnpk