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FSX/P3D McCoy Ground Landing Effect v4.1B
FSX/P3D McCoy Ground Landing Effect v4.1B
121.14Mb (3070 downloads)
McCoy Ground Landing Effect v4.1B for both FSX & P3D v4.1. This package replaces six effects, Dirt, Touchdown, WheelWetSpray, WheelSnowSpray, WetEngineWash & SnowEngineWash. Five levels of intensity are offered for the first four effects, the last two EngineWash effects come in one, two & four engine adjustable configurations for both jet & propeller aircraft. Improvements include wind effect for secondary snow & rain mist, thrust EnginWash effects for dirt, softened dust & mist effects with lenghtened lifespans, reworked vortex effects, engine & emitter numbers are now the same, simplified instructions, corrected typos in v4.1 & six more pre-sets have been added. I'm now including pre-sets for the 737, 747, 777, 787, A380, Baron 58, DCH-6, F-16, F-35A, KingAir 350, L-049, Lear 45 and the Skyhawk 172. Single engine aircrafts should work well with out any adjustments. Wheel Effects have been re-positioned, Blast & some Wheel Effects have been adjusted for color, size, density & speed. These effects can be used in any combination so every aircraft can be easily dialed-in. By Vince McCoy, © Copyright 2017 all rights reserved. Previous versions 14632 downloads
Posted Dec 18, 2017 18:29 by Vince McCoy
	Implementing Prepar3D SIDS and STARS V1.4
	Implementing Prepar3D SIDS and STARS V1.4
130.86Mb (293 downloads)
This ZIP-file contains all Information and Examples for creating Standard Instrument Departures (SIDS) and Standard Arrival Routes (STARS) for Lockheed Martin Prepard3D begining from Version 1.2, Version 2 and Version 3. This Capability has been implemented with Version 1.2 but is hardly known by the Flight Simmer Community. This is just a very basic paper on that subject with simple samples. Learn how to create SIDs and STARs with Prepar3D On-board-Tools. Works also with 3rd Party-Addon-Sceneries, find out how! Includes real (!) working Samples for some Alaskan Airports: PACV, PAFA, PAFE, PAGS, PAHO, PAJN, PAKT, PAKW, PAPG, PASI, PAVD, PAWD, PAWG, PAYA. Includes now Approaches for PAVD and PAWD! Get to know that Airport Design Editor can also be used to Design STARs and SIDs! Compiled and prepared by Conrad F. Staeheli
Posted Nov 26, 2017 11:08 by uploader
Project Airbus A321 Hotfix v20170922
Project Airbus A321 Hotfix v20170922
0.01Mb (238 downloads)
This hotfix is only for the Project Opensky A321 if you installed my recent Airbus Megapack Modified Configs v20170921 for FSX/P3Dv4. This hotfix addresses the NAV/GPS button not working correctly on the dash.
Posted Sep 22, 2017 08:29 by JackRiordan
Project Airbus A320 Family Megapack Modified Configs v20170921 FSX/P3Dv4
0.27Mb (522 downloads)
This package contains ALL of my updated Aircraft and Panel config files for the A318, A319, A320CFM, A320IAE, and A321 included in the Airbus A320 Family Megapack by Project Airbus. I rewrote these files to fix various issues that my VA members and I found when flying them. The Morse code sound now works properly. A321 deicing is working again. I have also integrated a few addons into the Panel config as well, including the freeware Flightdeck SFX Panel, the payware EasyFMC, and the payware REX Advantage Radar. You must have legit versions of the payware installed to see those popup panels. No aircraft are included. This is just the config files. Installation instructions are in the README. Change notes are in the config files. This download replaces ALL previous config packages uploaded by me. FSX and P3Dv4 compatible. Enjoy!
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 21, 2017 21:48 by JackRiordan
GPWS folder
0.19Mb (1413 downloads)
GPWS is an option in my of my uploads but sometimes missed out of the file. This should be unzipped and the GPWS FOLDER placed in the MAIN SOUNDS folder in FSX or P3D
Posted Sep 8, 2017 07:08 by chris evans
McCoy Water Landing Effect v4
McCoy Water Landing Effect v4
99.37Mb (1363 downloads)
McCoy Water Landing Effect v4 for both FSX & P3D v4. These effects are individually assigned to a specific aircraft or boat overriding both FSX & P3D's default wake. Five effects of various sizes are included. Visually v4 looks a lot like v3.2 but some improvements have been made such as a compatibility fix of surface decals and airborne particles when subjected to wind, re-direction and velocity adjustments of the splash effect, a greatly simplified installation for P3D v4 and the first update for FSX since v2.0. A short video is included to demonstrate each size. Although intended for aircraft these effects can be used on boats 38 feet or smaller. Sound file included by Vince McCoy.
Posted Sep 1, 2017 18:18 by Vince McCoy
McCoy Helicopter Landing Effect v4
91.43Mb (1078 downloads)
McCoy Helicopter Landing Effect v4 for both FSX & P3D v4. This package replaces the default rotor-wash effect for dirt and water, five sets of various sizes are included and can be used in any combination. These effects are individually assigned to a specific helicopter overriding both FSX & P3D's default effects. These effects will not detach and lift off the surface when the aircraft climes above a specific height. Some improvements over v3.4b include the removal of two emitters for better frame rates, adjustments that remove the wind effect appearing in waves, a simplified installation and all emitters have had their scale, velocity, density, offsets and colors adjusted for a more realistic appearance by Vince McCoy, 04/04/2017.
Posted Aug 12, 2017 03:53 by Vince McCoy
P3D/FSX USS America CV-66 V 1.5
P3D/FSX USS America CV-66 V 1.5
40.29Mb (1367 downloads)
V1.5. The Vietnam-Desert Storm era of aircraft carriers is really lacking in the world of FSX/P3D. I have been working, using Google Sketchup, to fill this gap. This is the latest project fresh out of the Dry dock. The USS America (CV-66) is the 3rd of the Kitty Hawk class. It is a HEAVILY modified 3DWarehouse model originally by A.W. ( I have tried many times over the last 2 years to find out how to contact the author, to no avail. I am using it under free use, and I will not be charging money for it. I also got permission to use the static planes from Gary (Author of the Midway CV-41 and the Oriskany.) with my previous uploads.
Posted Jul 22, 2017 17:35 by WombRaider78
P3D/FSX Locator for Henrik Nielson's Global AI ship traffic as July 2017
10.37Mb (740 downloads)
This is a program that can help you find the many vessels in Henrik Nielsens' wonderful "Global A.I. Ship Traffic". It covers the latest download, Version 2 and all updates up to July 2017.. It displays the routes on Google Earth, the route number and a list of the ships that can be found on that route. There is a separate file containing their departure and arrival times on each of the routes, with instructions on how you can locate them. There is also a full list of the names and types of all the ships that are in the program. For best results I recommend using my program with the "Little Navmap" program. Little Navmap displays all the AI ships and more in an approximate forty mile area around your aircraft. It is a navigation program all by its self. See "Installation" doc for details where to find it. This download was created by Carl Vokes.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 17, 2017 10:14 by Carl Vokes
Drzewiecki Design Grass (Revised)
Drzewiecki Design Grass (Revised)
9.28Mb (1028 downloads)
Drzewiecki Design Grass is a freeware, fully automated package of ultra high quality, 4096x4096 pix grass and snow textures for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, Microsoft Flight Simulator X, FSX:SE and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D (v1,v2,v3 and v4). It will enhance ground textures in the whole FS. Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D have texture resolution limit, which is 1024x1024 pixels. It is possible to select higher resolution by manually editing configuration files but Drzewiecki Design Grass will do that for you automatically! Default FS9's grass is 128x128pix and with Drzewiecki Design Grass you can admire the 1024x1024 ground texture resolution. Extra features: Drzewiecki Design Grass will automatically add a HIGHMEMFIX=1 tweak to your FS, which will prevent texture disappearing from aircraft and buildings + snow texture for winter flying. Enjoy your virtual flying with Drzewiecki Design!
Posted Jun 6, 2017 03:59 by Drzewiecki Design
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