1.44Mb (2410 downloads)
AI aircraft sound mod v1.1.
New and improved AI aircraft AI sounds designed to enhance
the CFS3 combat environment. Full installation instructions
included. By Mark Cassidy. 1.5MB
Ai Aircraft Fix. 4K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

0.00Mb (1115 downloads)
British Airplanes as facilities.
Here are most of the stock British airplanes as facilities.
They can be placed anywhere in Mission Builder. When destroyed
on the ground you get credit for an aircraft kill! Unzip these
and drop them into your CFS3, Facilities folder. This is freeware
and may not be sold. Although this has been tested with no problems,
use at your own risk. Wulfmann. 3K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

0.00Mb (1349 downloads)
German airplanes as facilities.
Here are most of the stock German airplanes as facilities. They
can be placed anywhere in Mission Builder. When destroyed on
the ground you get credit for an aircraft kill! Unzip these
and drop them into your CFS3, Facilities folder. This is freeware
and may not be sold. Although this has been tested with no problems,
use at your own risk. Wulfmann. 4K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.00Mb (1098 downloads)
American airplanes as facilities. Here
are most of the stock American airplanes as facilities. They
can be placed anywhere in Mission Builder. When destroyed on
the ground you get credit for an aircraft kill! Unzip these
and drop them into your CFS3, Facilities folder. This is freeware
and may not be sold. Although this has been tested with no problems,
use at your own risk. Wulfmann. 3K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

0.01Mb (1480 downloads)
Vehicles as facilities by
Wulfmann These are the majority of the stock MS vehicles as
facilities files. They can be added to missions faster and positioned
more easily. Since they are actually means to access the original
file they do not reduce frame rate compared to moving vehicles.
So, don't go crazy or your FPS might go to 3. They are, of course,
stationary objects Open zip and drop into CFS3 Facility folder.
That's it. These will be required for future Ruff-Missions.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.01Mb (1312 downloads)
These are the stock ships converted to facilities
- unzip into your facilities folder. They will then be available
for use in Mission Builder or in any missions created with them.
All credits/copyrights with the original authors. Capt Black.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

7.06Mb (3001 downloads)
Nationality Expansion Kit, Part 1B (V2)
This package builds on Part 1A of the NEK by adding the remainder
of the ground objects required to allow the global scenery layer
to spawn objects for the new nationalities. It can be added
anytime after Part 1 is installed and is considered an essential
element of the NEK. Please see the included documentation for
further details. Rick (RCAF_Gunner) Rutherford. 7.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

7.10Mb (3576 downloads)
Nationality Expansion Kit, Part 1A (V3)
This package builds on Part 1 of the NEK by adding several of
the ground objects required to allow the global scenery layer
to spawn objects for the new nationalities. It can be added
anytime after Part 1 is installed and is considered an essential
element of the NEK. Please see the included documentation for
further details as well as Part 1B. Rick (RCAF_Gunner) Rutherford.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

0.23Mb (1222 downloads)
CFS3 Nationality Expansion Kit, Part 17
This package builds on the previous parts of the NEK by correcting
the nationality of one of the NEK vehicles, adding the landclass
update to allow proper single mission spawning in the areas
of the CFS3 map which were previously defined as neutral and
adding the medal images for the Free French nationality. Please
take a moment to read the included documenation for complete
installation instructions. Rick (RCAF_Gunner) Rutherford. 231K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

0.53Mb (2748 downloads)
Nationality Expansion Kit, Part 1 (Version 3) This
package adds 17 country definitions to CFS3 in a standardized
format. Part 1 includes new menu flags and updates that allow
the new countries to work with the UI, Quick Combat, Mission
and Multi-player systems. Please take a moment to read the included
documentation. Part 1A and Part 1B should be downloaded and
installed as well (available in previous pages). Rick (RCAF_Gunner)
Rutherford. 558K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive