CFS1 > Missions & Campaigns > Page 7
56th Fighter Group - Zemke's Wolfpack
Join the famous 56th in this historically
accurate 6 mission USAAF Campaign.
Uses CFS default aircraft & scenery.
File size 55453
Author Bill Potvin
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.36Mb (1224 downloads)
Air Force One. Mig 29's attack the president's 747. Your command
of F-15's can fight them off... File size 382170
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.16Mb (951 downloads)
Attack on Paris. You are sent to attack a German stronghold
in Paris to be met by a large Luftwaffe air defence. File size 162701
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

3.51Mb (1675 downloads)
CFS Mission. Lancaster
Bombing Raid deep into WW2 Germany. Includes complete Lancaster
Bomber with gauges. File size 3685267. Download here
or here
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

2.47Mb (856 downloads)
: Defense of Wake Island.
Fight with the Marines in this campaign that includes aircraft, scenery
& missions. File size 2589486
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
6.48Mb (2576 downloads)
180 Missions Striker Pack: Title:
Fly 180 missions with the Striker-Squadron. This is the Mother of
all mission packs! This pack contains a replacement folder for your
CFS1 Missions. It contains all of the stock Missions, PLUS over 150
more! All types of missions too, High altitude bombing, low altitude
bombing, strafing, and even furballs with over 150 planes. The best
part is you get to fly with the Pilots of the Famous Striker-Squadron
of CFS1.! This folder neatly organizes and numbers your stock and
custom missions, installs super easy and contains a handful of extra
planes for the special missions. You will spend YEARS trying to master
them all. There is even a mission or two that are Impossible to beat!
Compiled by Robert E. Hogan, Some Missions are New, some are Modified
Stock, some have been collected from various authors over the years,
and ALL of them have been modified and ordered nicely, and neatly!
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
1.97Mb (1236 downloads)
BoB Bf109 experience;
A campaign of 64 Battle of Britain CFS1 missions for Bf109e, and the
same campaign split up in 4 smaller campaigns. A few reworked stock
missions and many new missions with up to 180 A/C, following more
or less historical happenings. Included are a Blenheim MkIV from Norman
Turner, a defiant (the one of Eagle angriff by Richard Steel but less
deadly) and 2 new standalone versions (8./JG51 and 2./JG26) from the
stock 109. All other aircraft, ground objects and scenery used are
stock. Also included as an option are damage profiles wich make all
A/C used in the campaigns stronger. May not work on the slower system.
By Waco Jaco. 2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
3.16Mb (1088 downloads)
1 Missions 109 Experten, Year Three
This is part three of the linked 109 Experten campaign's. Only seventeen
missions this time, but all ranging from quite challenging to very
challenging. These missions are designed to show the increased activity
of the R.A.F. over France during the year 1942, and the arrival of
the first units of the American Army Air Corp. Seven aircraft included,
all scenery is default. Includes a new campaign file for "109 Experten,
Year Two" connecting the two campaigns. Part four is now in preparation.
Richard Steele. 732K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

7.06Mb (1289 downloads)
1 Missions 109 Experten, Year Two Twenty one missions Full Version,
centered around the siege of Malta. Includes seven aircraft, and
a new campaign file for the original "109 Experten" to make the
two campaigns continuous. This is Full version, containing aircraft,
mission files, and a copy of C Burgess's "Sic strait" scenery, complete
with Italian scenery and all attendant texture files. Richard Steele.
1 Missions 109 Experten, Year Two Twenty one missions Lite Version.,
centered around the siege of Malta. Includes seven aircraft, and
a new campaign file for the original "109 Experten" to make the
two campaigns continuous. This is the lite version, containing aircraft,
mission files only. This is for those of you who already have a
copy of C Burgess's "Sic strait" scenery, plus his Italian scenery
files already installed. Richard Steele. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.06Mb (754 downloads)
The BoB Alternative RAF Experiences:
files included allow you to fly specific periods of the Bob hurricane-
and spitfire experience campaigns, referring to the four phases in
which the Battle of Britain mostly is divided. Also included is a
campaign that starts in a hurricane and ends in a spitfire. No new
missions are included, the missions from the BoB hurricane- and spitfire
experiences are used, so both downloads are needed to be installed.
Also included are 2 kinds of alternative damage profiles for the planes
used in the experience campaigns that you fly for the RAF. By Waco
Jaco. 66K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive