0.30Mb (1020 downloads)
Falcon 50 full panel upgrade.
This upgrade adds an EFIS ADI and Radio Altimeter to Yannick's
Falcon 50 full version. Upgraded by Dan Walloch. 311K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

0.82Mb (870 downloads)
Meridian Panel. A panel update and new paint scheme for
Mike Stone's Piper
Meridian. This panel was designed to better represent
the real Meridian Panel. Panel and paint scheme created by
Dan Walloch. 860K
new paint scheme for Mike Stone's Piper Meridian. This panel
was designed to better represent the real Meridian Panel.
Panel and paint scheme created by Dan Walloch. 899K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
2.68Mb (1305 downloads)
EP 70/100 V1.1 (fs200x standard/PRO) Here you can see my
first EASY PANEL v1.1 (last update, 15 May)! This means FRAME
RATE friendly! This panel is designed for FS2000 and FS2002,
and is also compatible with: VCP2000, GPWS, Airbus Warning sounds,
and the Airport 2000 series. This panel has also cabin signs,
and the usual things! I have also included my first version
of my INFO CENTER (designed in Visual Basic). This is a stand
alone program. There is also 1 winampskin included! This panel
has also an easy installation! By Frank Elfert. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
0.83Mb (907 downloads)
Cessna 210 Centurion panel for FS2000 / CFS2 / FS 2002.
Designed from a real Cessna 210 picture, but can also be used
for Cessna 185 Skywagon or even Cessna 182 ... Completely realistic
instruments, but includes a freeware "homer" to find back your
airfield ... Designed by Pat Grange. 860K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
Panels 757 Pilot In Command This
new panel includes an Easy-Read EICAS system, Pedestal view,
Very Photo Realistic 757/767 cockpit, FMC and Fully functioning
Annucators. This is the first rival to 767 Pilot In Command.
Incudes sounds. By David Chapman. 3.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

2.34Mb (492 downloads)
Dornier328 Panel.
Dave Tomlinson. 2.4MB.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

6.30Mb (1957 downloads)
737-200 panel for FS2002 1024x768 Based on real photos from
airliners.net, panel highly realistic, gauges by varios freeware
designers. This panel is designed for FS2002 1024x768 resolution,
includes fotoreal interior wiews, special nighlighted (frame
rate friendly!) some custom gauges, requires FS2000 concorde
gauge. Panel by Helio Estrela. 6.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
1.11Mb (945 downloads)
70 -100 Panel for FS2002/FS2000 Here you can see my first
EASY PANEL! This means FRAME RATE friendly! This panel is designed
for FS2000 and FS2002, and is also compatible with: VCP2000,
GPWS, Airbus Warning sounds, and the Airport 2000 series. This
panel has also cabin signs, and the usual things! I have also
included my first version of my INFO CENTER (designed in Visual
Basic). This is a stand alone program. There is also 1 winampskin
included! By Frank Elfert. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

1.87Mb (764 downloads)
Casa C212. This is my first version the bitmap isn´t it
of a lot of resolution but is the same that in the life and
all of the gauges(or a few isn´t it). I realize this panel because
I didn´t know how was the panel in the real life and y was lookin
for information and pictures and this is the result. By Ignacio
Alemany Hernández "Maver" 1.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
4.89Mb (1465 downloads)
727 panel (fs200x standard/PRO) Here you can see my first
version of my Boeing 727! This panel is designed for FS2000
and FS2002, and is also compatible with: VCP2000, GPWS, Airbus
Warning sounds, and the Airport 2000 series. This panel has
also cabin signs, interal views, AP pop-up support and GPS!
I have also included my first version of my INFO CENTER (designed
in Visual Basic). This is a stand alone program. By Frank Elfert.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive