0.49Mb (132 downloads)
BA Landor G-BOAE 1985 textures for the payware DC designs Concorde. Gives accurate livery point
Posted Oct 9, 2020 18:07 by Kelvin Keeble

375.20Mb (312 downloads)
These HD repaints are intended for use on the Carenado Turbo Commanders. This package represents air attack and birddog operators for aerial firefighting for 4 operators. 2 Canadian, 1 Australian, and 1 US operator. Air Spray, Buffalo Airways, NSW RFS, and USFS. Additional packs are expected. Created in P3Dv4.5, but will likely work wherever you have your Turbo Commanders installed, FSX or P3D. Repaints by Nicholas Mitchell.
Posted Oct 8, 2020 19:27 by Nicholas Mitchell

0.46Mb (148 downloads)
BA British G-BOAC livery for the payware DC designs Concorde. Gives accurate livery points.
Posted Oct 7, 2020 01:55 by Kelvin Keeble

4.91Mb (103 downloads)
FSX/P3D '50 years' Polish Airforce textures for the the payware Nemeth Designs Mil Mi2. By Voiteh.
Posted Oct 7, 2020 00:51 by Voiteh

0.49Mb (94 downloads)
BA Negus 1976 textures for the payware P3D DC designs Concorde. Gives accurate livery points.
Posted Oct 5, 2020 16:17 by Kelvin Keeble

0.24Mb (153 downloads)
Updated textures for BA 2000 livery for the new payware P3D DC designs Concorde, Gives accurate livery points. Simply paste and overwrite over old livery.
Posted Oct 4, 2020 02:02 by Kelvin Keeble

4.96Mb (151 downloads)
After lots of hard work, I'm proud to present, at long last, an unofficial patch that updates the payware Imaginesim WSSS taxiway signs to be compliant with real-world WSSS Phase 3 taxiway changes.
This is in accordance with the CAAS AIP.
Finally online flying is accurate again, with no more old charts!
You need the scenery, of course.
Will work with P3D V4, probably V5 as well, though untested. Changes current as of 27/09/2020.
Zachary Tay (zachary77)
Posted Sep 26, 2020 23:09 by Zachary Tay

3.12Mb (149 downloads)
Polish Air Force 4084 textures for the payware Iris F-16D. y Voiteh.
Posted Sep 19, 2020 02:29 by Voiteh

32.07Mb (437 downloads)
This texture package is for the Cera Sim UH-60L pack. This pack includes liveries of 4 real world operators of the UH-60/S-70 Blackhawk/Utility Hawk for aerial firefighting. Liveries include the following: California Army National Guard, Coulson-Unical, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), and PJ Helicopters. Several other civilian operators of the UH-60/S-70 exist, but these are a start. All liveries are as of late-2020. Repaints were created/tested in P3Dv4.5, but will likely work wherever the helo does. FSX, P3Dv4, & P3DV5. Repaints by Nicholas Mitchell.
Posted Sep 17, 2020 20:07 by Nicholas Mitchell

8.34Mb (178 downloads)
These are replacement textures for the late/post war varients of Virtavia's recently released PB4Y-1 & 2.
The default textures were a bit too bright and saturated, so I darkened them up to match the "almost black" blue paint used by the USN at the time.
Posted Aug 21, 2020 16:51 by InDeepSchit