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Prepar3d > Page 374
FSX/P3D > v4  Airbus A319-100 Sky Airline package
FSX/P3D > v4  Airbus A319-100 Sky Airline package
70.75Mb (1249 downloads)
FSX/P3D > v4 Airbus A319-100 Sky Airline package. Sky Airline is Chile's 2nd airline after LAN and currently (2017) operate 13 Airbus A319-100. Model by Project Airbus. Textures Jeroen Godee. Model by Project Airbus. Added the better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel) I included the great textures by Jerone Godee. Includes FMC by Garret Smith. Airbus sounds and manual included. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Dec 9, 2017 08:53 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Bear Island, FL v2.1 for FSX/P3D
FSX/P3D Bear Island, FL v2.1 for FSX/P3D
41.26Mb (432 downloads)
Bear Island v2.1 is a stand-alone update. This scenery requires the latest version of our Emerald Object Library! A download link is included in the readme. Bear Island v1.x.x must be uninstalled before installing this scenery! // Bear Island v2 is a redux of our original Bear Island scenery, released back in 2013. Although this original scenery was fairly popular, it was not very detailed and used almost all default objects. Now four years down the road, and with the original Bear Island no longer reflecting our current standards, we decided that it was time for a redux.. Bear Island has been completely recreated in incredible detail, utilizing nearly all custom objects. Animated Birds and Dolphins are now the only default objects used in this detailed scenery! Bear Island v2 includes custom hi-definition textured models depicting South Florida native vegetation, trees, and more! Many vegetation textures have been color-matched to blend well with the FTX Global matched photo real. A crisp layer of 10m mesh has also been included to give the island some slopes and elevation. SODE has been utilized in this scenery to bring many environmentally-dynamic features including rain puddles, ambient sounds, windsocks and more! Scenery by Chris Britton of Emerald Scenery Design. Compatible with FSX versions and P3D up to V4.
This addon requires the latest version of our Emerald Object Library for proper functionality (external link)
Posted Dec 9, 2017 02:02 by Emerald Scenery Design
JackRiordan's FSX/P3D TrackIR Profile
0.00Mb (355 downloads)
This TrackIR Profile was created for FSX/P3D to give the user a full range of motion in order to maximize his or her field of vision. I recommend using this profile along with all of my EZDok Aircraft profiles available on Simviation.
Posted Dec 9, 2017 00:54 by JackRiordan
P3Dv4 EBBL Kleine Brogel AB, Belgium v4.0
42.27Mb (377 downloads)
EBBL KleineBrogel AB v4.0 for P3Dv4 only . This is my second scenery from EBBL Kleine Brogel / Belgium 10 Fighter-Bomber Wing. The home of 31 Sqn (Tigers), 349 Sqn and OCU. made by Peter Ziegler
Posted Dec 8, 2017 17:44 by Peter Ziegler
FSX/P3D V3 & 4 Boeing 737-800 Meridiana package
FSX/P3D V3 & 4 Boeing 737-800 Meridiana package
67.93Mb (1441 downloads)
FSX/P3D V3 & 4 Boeing 737-800 Meridiana package with enhanced VC Meridiana is an Italian airline based at Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport. Meridiana also owns Air Italy and operates 7 Boeing 737-800, as of december 2017. Native FSX model by TDS/ Tenkuu Developers Studio with advanced 737-800 VC added. Includes utility for ground services, Passenger bus, cargo, stairs, refuelling truck etc (find it under - Views - Instrument panel - Util) The wonderful Boeing 737-800 from TDS will be enjoyed by many more people who do not know how to install a VC into a FSX native model. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing 737 sounds included for that extra realism. I have added the great textures by Andre Nalin. Model is not modified in any way. VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views and jetways. TDS wonderful native FSX Boeing 737-800 model. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC. Assembled and prepared for FSX/P3D v3 & 4 by Chris Evans.
Posted Dec 8, 2017 12:00 by chris evans
FSX Fairchild F-91
FSX Fairchild F-91
13.16Mb (1114 downloads)
The Fairchild 91 was a single-engine eight-passenger flying boat airliner developed in the United States in the mid-1930s. Fairchild designed the aircraft in response to a Pan American Airways request for a small flying boat to operate on their river routes along the Amazon and Yangtze. The result was a conventional high-wing cantilever monoplane with its radial engine mounted above the wing in a streamlined nacelle. The red "Kono" belonged to explorer Richard Archbold. This an FSX update of the fs2004 F-91 by Chris Herring. The package features entirely revised panels and includes the three default and three new liveries by other authors. Smoke and additional camera views (cabin and co-pilot) added. FDE optimized for FSX. All credits go to Chris Herring for the original model, new panels and other updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Dec 8, 2017 07:14 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D MiG-25 Foxbat FSX Native (fixed)
FSX/P3D MiG-25 Foxbat FSX Native (fixed)
28.62Mb (3409 downloads)
Classic Soviet Heavy Metal, the MiG-25P FOXBAT A and MiG-25PU FOXBAT C by Alphasim-Virtavia, another favorite from the old days. FSX update Oct 2017, with the kind support and encouragement of Phil at FSX (P3D) mdl X native materials, animation tags Armament 2000lbs on weight condition via payload manager, station 2. Base file Bob Chilco's X mod. Compatible with FSX and P3D up to v4. Sound added and cfg fixed so both aircraft show together.
Posted Dec 7, 2017 23:34 by LLS
FSX/ P3D (V.3) Lockheed U2 with updated panels
FSX/ P3D (V.3) Lockheed U2 with updated panels
11.16Mb (3062 downloads)
This is the legendary US Reconnaisance Lockheed U2 with revised and now more authentic panels. Automatic smoke and burner effects added. Original model by Alphasim, previous FSX update by Michael Pook and new panel updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Dec 7, 2017 16:03 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D V 3 & 4  Boeing 727-200 DHL Tasman Cargo Airlines  Package
FSX/P3D V 3 & 4  Boeing 727-200 DHL Tasman Cargo Airlines  Package
44.67Mb (1709 downloads)
FSX/P3D V 3 & 4 Boeing 727-200 DHL Tasman Cargo Airlines Package with enhanced VC. Tasmin cargo Airlines is an Australian airline and operated cargo flights for DHL Australia. Tasmin operated the 727-200 until 2010 when it was replaced by a B757. Boeing 727-200 freight model by TDS/ Tenkuu Developers Studio with Thomas Ruth 727 VC added. Includes utility for ground services, Passenger bus, cargo, stairs, refuelling truck etc (find it under - Views - Instrument panel - Util) The wonderful native FSX Boeing 727-200 from TDS will be enjoyed by many more people who do not know how to install a VC into a FSX native model. The VC includes working wipers, Honeywell FMC and more. See Panel manual for more info. I have used the great realistic textures by Luis Castro. Model is not modified in any way. Thomas Ruth VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views. TDS wonderful native FSX Boeing 727-200 model. See panel docs to get the best out of the VC. Assembled and prepared for P3D/FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Dec 5, 2017 10:39 by chris evans
FSX/P3D  Maryadi's MV-22B Osprey  Japan Ground Self Defense Force  Texture v1.0
FSX/P3D  Maryadi's MV-22B Osprey  Japan Ground Self Defense Force  Texture v1.0
2.22Mb (599 downloads)
Texture Repaint v1.0 | FSX/P3D Repaint For Maryadi's MV-22B Osprey. This contains 1 repaint of the very new Japan Ground Self Defense Force V-22 spotted at the Bell Helicopter Amarillo Assembly Center in Texas, USA in late 2017. As new images are released, I may update the package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 5, 2017 02:26 by JS (Heater)