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FSX/P3D 3/4 Embraer EMB-120 'Skywest Metal' and 'SkyWest' twin package
FSX/P3D 3/4 Embraer EMB-120 'Skywest Metal' and 'SkyWest' twin package
15.47Mb (1465 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3/4 Embraer EMB-120 Skywest Metal (25th Anniversary) and SkyWest (United Express New Colors) twin package. Major US Airline Skywest, are the largest operator of the EMB120 and operate them under several umbrella airlines within the group. The Eric Cantu original EMB120 updated to FSX native format by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. Added the great textures by Steve Drabek, Jeffrey S. Bryner, metal textures by Daniel Halpern. Fixed wheel sink. Uses the updated King Air panel and VC. Assembled for FSX Acceleration and P3D 3 & 4 by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 20, 2017 04:20 by chris evans
FSX/P3D 3/4 Embraer EMB-120 DHL and Fedex twin package
FSX/P3D 3/4 Embraer EMB-120 DHL and Fedex twin package
12.01Mb (4637 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3/4 Embraer EMB-120 DHL and Fedex twin package. The Embraer EMB120 Brazilia is produced by Embraer in Brazil. These liveries represent a 'what if' theme as neither Fedex or DHL currently operate the EMB120. The Eric Cantu original EMB120 updated to FSX native format by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. Added the great textures by Ciudad Madero. Fixed wheel sink. Uses the updated King Air panel and VC. Assembled for FSX Acceleration and P3D 3 & 4 by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 19, 2017 04:08 by chris evans
FSX/P3D 3/4 Embraer EMB-120 AirNorth package
FSX/P3D 3/4 Embraer EMB-120 AirNorth package
13.11Mb (1885 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3/4 Embraer EMB-120 AirNorth package. Air North is an Australian charter airline based in Darwin, Northern Territory and operates scheduled and charter services in the Northern Territory, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, and East Timor. Currently AirNorth operate 5 EMB120. The Eric Cantu original EMB120 updtaed to FSX native format by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. Uses the updated King Air panel and VC. Assembled for FSX Acceleration and P3D 3 & 4 by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 18, 2017 06:05 by chris evans
Junkers Ju-52/3m China Eurasia NO.17 Package
Junkers Ju-52/3m China Eurasia NO.17 Package
29.33Mb (2217 downloads)
Junkers Ju-52/3m China Eurasia NO.17 package Model by O.Fischer, featuring detailed virtual cockpit, 2d panel and sound. Textures by Liao Yitong. Works in FSX and P3D up to V3 (not v4).
Posted Aug 17, 2017 05:41 by Liao Yitong
AGIM Search
AGIM Search
0.34Mb (1077 downloads)
AGIMSearch provides data such as: -General Information:(E.g Long, Lat, Elevation, Time Zone etc). -Runway Information:(Length, Heading, ILS Frequency etc). -Communication Information:(ATIS, ARR, GND, TWR etc). -NavAids and Current weather *data provided by smithplanet
Posted Aug 16, 2017 04:38 by Chris Hall
FSX/P3D 3/4  McDonnell Douglas MD-90  Iceland Express package
FSX/P3D 3/4  McDonnell Douglas MD-90  Iceland Express package
37.32Mb (1730 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3/4 Native McDonnell Douglas MD-90 Iceland Express package. Iceland Express was a low-fare airline headquartered in Reykjavik, Iceland, that is now operated by WOW air. Iceland Express did operate the MD90. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND Boeing 737-800 interior model. This virtual cockpit model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing 737 sounds included for that extra realism. I have added the great textures by Randy Newman. Model is not modified in any way. VC added and textures. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC. Assembled and prepared and tested for FSX, P3D 3/4 by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 15, 2017 03:44 by chris evans
FSX/P3D 3/4 Native McDonnell Douglas MD-90  Reno Air package
FSX/P3D 3/4 Native McDonnell Douglas MD-90  Reno Air package
37.05Mb (1832 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3/4 Native McDonnell Douglas MD-90 Reno Air package. Starting in 1992, Reno Air operated out of Reno, Nevada and had a fleet of 5 MD-90 aircraft. Reno Air was merged into American Airlines in 1999. This is the native FSX McDonnell Douglas MD-90 converted by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations of the Eric Cantu/SGA original. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND Boeing 737-800 interior model. This virtual cockpit model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing 737 sounds included for that extra realism. I have added the great textures by Robert Dennard. Model is not modified in any way. VC added and textures. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC. Assembled and prepared and tested for FSX, P3D 3/4 by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 14, 2017 04:05 by chris evans
FSX Native/P3D 3 & 4  Boeing 717-200 Blue 1 package
FSX Native/P3D 3 & 4  Boeing 717-200 Blue 1 package
25.87Mb (1387 downloads)
FSX Native/P3D 3 & 4 Boeing 717-200 Blue 1 package. Blue 1 was a Finnish airlines and operated 5 Boeing 717-200 aircraft. Blue 1 was merged into Cityjet in 2016 The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model blended with Ken Wiggington's work on the default 737 VC to make it more resemble a 787. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. FMC by Garret Smith. Textures by Eric cantu. Model is not modified in any way. VC added and textures. Fixed wheel sink. See VC docs to get the best out of the FMC. Assembled and prepared and tested for P3D V3 & 4 /FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 12, 2017 05:38 by chris evans
McCoy Helicopter Landing Effect v4
91.43Mb (1075 downloads)
McCoy Helicopter Landing Effect v4 for both FSX & P3D v4. This package replaces the default rotor-wash effect for dirt and water, five sets of various sizes are included and can be used in any combination. These effects are individually assigned to a specific helicopter overriding both FSX & P3D's default effects. These effects will not detach and lift off the surface when the aircraft climes above a specific height. Some improvements over v3.4b include the removal of two emitters for better frame rates, adjustments that remove the wind effect appearing in waves, a simplified installation and all emitters have had their scale, velocity, density, offsets and colors adjusted for a more realistic appearance by Vince McCoy, 04/04/2017.
Posted Aug 12, 2017 03:53 by Vince McCoy
FSX Native/P3D 3 & 4  Boeing 717-200 Hawaiian Pacific package
FSX Native/P3D 3 & 4  Boeing 717-200 Hawaiian Pacific package
24.36Mb (1411 downloads)
FSX Native/P3D 3 & 4 Boeing 717-200 Hawaiian Pacific package. This is the native SGA Boeing 717 (MD95) converted to FSX Native by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations from the Eric Cantu/SGA original. As of August 2017 Hawaiian Airlines operate 20 Boeing 717-200 aircraft. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model blended with Ken Wiggington's work on the default 737 VC to make it more resemble a 787. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. FMC by Garret Smith. Model is not modified in any way. VC added and textures. Fixed wheel sink. See VC docs to get the best out of the FMC. Assembled and prepared and tested for P3D V3 & 4 /FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 11, 2017 06:00 by chris evans