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Prepar3d > Page 405
Parachute textures fix for the C-47V3
0.04Mb (1632 downloads)
Textures fix for the parachutes in the Douglas C-47V3. Place textures into the main Effects - textures folder in FSX/P3D
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 2, 2016 09:55 by admin
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 German Air Force Luftwaffe package
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 German Air Force Luftwaffe package
48.03Mb (2616 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 German Air Force Luftwaffe package for FSX. Includes VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. I included the great textures by Christophe Boneville. Includes FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A330 manual. Custom A330 sounds included. Packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Jul 31, 2016 06:37 by chris evans
FSX/FSX-SE/P3D Douglas C-47R Skytrain V3.12 Beta
FSX/FSX-SE/P3D Douglas C-47R Skytrain V3.12 Beta
180.82Mb (10310 downloads)
FSX/FSX-SE/P3D Douglas C-47R Skytrain V3.12 Beta This is the next version following Manfred's popular Douglas C-47 Skytrain V2, now featuring a 'Vintage Virtual Cockpit' (VVC), a genuine P&W R-1830 Twin Wasp soundsuite developed by Ted 'Tufun' Wolfgang as well as a fully fledged cockpit-soundsuite, crew communication and audible checklist developed by Daniel Gauthier. Also the flight dynamics have been updated by Alexander as well as some perfections done on the external model by Manfred. Repaints available for the V2 model will still work with this new V3 model although with some restrictions. Look for a new, V3 dedicated C-47 Paintkit by Gordon 'gman5250' Madison ( MJJV C-47 ) and further information about using existing C-47 V2 repaints in the C-47 V3 release thread at the Sim-Outhouse FSX forum ( ). This file now includes the parachute textures missing from the original upload.
Posted Jul 23, 2016 03:52 by uploader
Gainsville, KGNV, Florida
36.91Mb (659 downloads)
KGNV, Gainesville, Florida. This airport has been designed and tested for use in FSX and P3D. All buildings, taxiways and ground textures have been modeled after the real airport. Note that Jetway's are currently stationary but will updated to function in later versions. Add-on Airport designed by LKP Designs.
Posted Jul 17, 2016 02:27 by uploader
FSX/P3D McDonnell F-101B Voodoo Package
FSX/P3D McDonnell F-101B Voodoo Package
83.80Mb (5015 downloads)
McDonnell F-101B Voodoo Package. This is an update of Henk Schuitemaker's awesome revision of the Alphasim freeware McDonnell F-101B Voodoo for FSX/P3D, to include some more paints and with reflective and specular shine. It is a complete package and includes two models; CFB2 is the initial production model as first delivered to both the USAF and those delivered new to the Royal Canadian Air Force, starting in 1959. CFBR is the later production model (blocks 115 and 120) with infra-red sensor ahead of the cockpit. Starting in 1961, the majority of aircraft were brought up to the later standard so this represents the final appearance of the Voodoo in US and Canadian service. Model by Alphasim, updated for FSX by Henk Schuitemaker, additional updates by Dave Quincey
Posted Jul 16, 2016 04:20 by uploader
FSX/P3D McDonnell F-101 1-str Package
FSX/P3D McDonnell F-101 1-str Package
65.80Mb (3820 downloads)
FSX/P3D McDonnell F-101 1-str Package. This is an updating of Henk Schuitemaker's FSX conversion of the freeware Alphasim/Virtavia F-101A/C and RF-101A/C models. It contains updated textures for F-101A/C, 81st TFW repaints, plus a set of RF-101 textures. Individual spec panels have been added and alpha channels enabled on the models. The texture sets have been revised to give a more realistic metallic finish where appropriate. The package has been tested in FSX Acceleration and P3D by Dave Quincey, Henk and Jens-Ole Kjolberg
Posted Jul 13, 2016 06:59 by uploader
FSX/Prepar3D Scenery - Santa Barbara del Zulia-SVSZ, Venezuela package
FSX/Prepar3D Scenery - Santa Barbara del Zulia-SVSZ, Venezuela package
58.42Mb (1086 downloads)
FSX/Prepar3D Scenery - Santa Barbara del Zulia-SVSZ The "Miguel Urdaneta Fernandez" National Airport serves the cattle town of Santa Barbara del Zulia, located south of Lake Maracaibo in Zulia state. Serves air link between South Lake region and the capital of Zulia state, Maracaibo. Photo-terrain area improved with Autogen files. Only compatible with versions to FSX or P3Dv1v2v3.x. Also includes a friendly Auto-Install. By David Maldonado
Posted Jul 10, 2016 11:42 by David Maldonado
FSX/P3D C-133B Cargomaster (Reworked 2.0)
FSX/P3D C-133B Cargomaster (Reworked 2.0)
69.90Mb (4758 downloads)
I have reworked the overhead and the flight engineer 2d panels and added more switches and warn lights to them! I have reconfigured some gauges in the VC, reworked a bit the flight behavior, added three fictitious textures, the new model modification by LLS and a "Flight engineer mod" as a selection to this version! Please take a look in the respective "Read me" file to get more info! Many thanks to Tim Conrad for his great C-133 sim, Philippe Wallaert and all the other unknown guys for the xml gauges I could use in the main and VC panel, LLS for the new FSX model modification, Dietmar Loleit for the TCAS, Halcyon Skies for the great C-133 main/overhead photos and Ken LaRock for the really nice C-133 flight engineer station photo (Sorry, I have forget him last time)! This is the whole aircraft, only tested in FSX + Acceleration!
Posted Jun 26, 2016 12:35 by Andiroto
P3D V3 and FSXA Beechcraft D-18 4 livery package
P3D V3 and FSXA Beechcraft D-18 4 livery package
59.27Mb (3081 downloads)
P3D (up to v3) and FSXA Beechcraft D-18 4 livery package. USMC JRB-2, JRB-1 USMC First Marine Division, SNB-5 Fleet Marine Force Pacific, 67296 Based in Quonset Point, RI. Model by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas and Andre Folkers. Added the textures by John Detrick and Jim Boynton. Please zip preview for larger images. Packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Jun 25, 2016 07:01 by chris evans
FSX/P3D EPRU - Czestochowa/Rudniki Airport, Poland
1.61Mb (563 downloads)
Landing Cz, Stochowa-Rudniki (IATA airport code: CZW, airport code ICAO: EPRU) - post-military airport near Rudnik, Poland, lying at a distance of approx. 16 km from the center of Czestochowa in the north-east at the national road No. 1 Gdańsk-Cieszyn, now private property. Landing admitted to flight operations performed by airplanes, helicopters, gyroplanes, gliders, paragliders, paragliders drive, powered gliders, parachutes in accordance with the visual flight VFR day and night aircraft with a total take-off weight (MTOW) up to 5700 kg.
Posted Jun 24, 2016 06:56 by Captain X