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FS2002 > Scenery > Page 4
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                  FS2000/FS2002 France
0.65Mb (1262 downloads)
Demo: FS2000/FS2002 France High Resolution Mesh 1 arc/sec (30 m elevations points distance) This is a Demo for the New High Resolution Mesh Package for France - a Low Price Shareware Mesh Addon. It cover (N44 - E7 to N43 - E 6 - On the Cote D'Azur of France - No More Comments! By: Raimondo Taburet. 664K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
0.01Mb (665 downloads)
FS2002/FS2000 Scenery ROCK SOUND - BAHAMAS This scenery compliments Worship International (above) by completing the southern area south of the airport. Good as a "stand alone" scenery addition. Install into "scenedb/carib". 8K. By Rev Jimmy R Martin (see update below)
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
1.83Mb (1209 downloads)
GZR_Base 2002 Version 2.5 335th" Charlebois GZR_Base 2002 is a fictional CFS2/Fs2002Pro air base located on an island off the coast of England in almost the same exact location as it was in CFS1, CFS2 and now Fs2002. Upgraded for CFS2 to handle Heavy Bombers. This latest version features Multiple Entry locations in Free Flight enhanced even further in Fs2002 Pro. Frame rates have been improved and should also improve frame rates on other GZR_Sceneries in CFS2. Installation in Fs2002 Pro (not sure about the Standard version) will provide entry at each end of all three runways. Also, the trees will change foliage according to the season. By Richard" GZR_Frenchy/ Frenchy 1.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
                  Cyprus Mesh Terrain Scenery
0.83Mb (1062 downloads)
FS2002 Cyprus Mesh Terrain Scenery An addon to the default MS scenery that incorporates new elevation data for the Cyprus island. This Freeware Mesh Terrain Scenery is a promise kept for all my Cypriots Friends. Have Fun Guys:-) By Babis Peribolas. 854K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
                  Yukon Floatplane Pilot Flights package for FS2002.
0.26Mb (1137 downloads)
FS2002 Yukon Floatplane Pilot Flights package for FS2002. As a Cessna Caravan Amphibian pilot in Yukon, fly tourists and residents from 25+ lakes and rivers to destinations throughout this beautiful Territory, or fly by yourself to take in the sites. The lakes and rivers vary in size and shape. Some are easy to take-off from and land on, while others are quite tricky. The terrain is as diverse from flatlands to snow-capped mountains. The weather is clear and sunny, but you can set it to whatever you like. Keep an eye out for those Northern Lights. Enjoy the Territory, and fly safe. Jeffrey Hendricks. 266K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
                  British Columbia Floatplane Pilot Flights package for FS2002
0.70Mb (1589 downloads)
FS2002 British Columbia Floatplane Pilot Flights package for FS2002. As a Cessna Caravan Amphibian pilot in British Columbia, fly tourists and residents from 140+ lakes and rivers to destinations throughout this beautiful province, or fly by yourself to take in the sites. The lakes and rivers vary in size and shape. Some are easy to take-off from and land on, while others are quite tricky. The terrain is as diverse from flatlands to steep mountains with deep valleys. The weather is clear and sunny, but you can set it to whatever you like. Enjoy our province, and fly safe. Jeffrey Hendricks. 733K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
                    SCENERY "Worship Intl - Bahamas"
0.09Mb (1953 downloads)
FS2002 SCENERY "Worship Intl - Bahamas" (CJCR) My first attempt at scenery design. Finally a full service jumbo jet airport situated south of Rock Sound in the Bahamas. Full IFR, GPS, etc. Shipping docks, hotels! See read me file. Rev Jimmy R Martin. 90K Fix - fixes some problem - details not provided. ...... 107K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
                  Scenery/ Hollywood, CA.
1.60Mb (1329 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery/ Hollywood, CA. Positions the famous sign & radio tower on Mt. Lee and includes the Griffith Observatory which is located on Mt. Hollywood. Exclude file removes the Microsoft default Hollywood sign which they placed on Mt. Hollywood. Ian Yates. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
                  Kumul Oilrig 2000/2002 in the gulf of Papua off the south coast
                  of Papua New Guinea
1.02Mb (846 downloads)
Chevron Kumul Oilrig 2000/2002 in the gulf of Papua off the south coast of Papua New Guinea south of Kikori with a landable helipad and barge. the Pacific 212 is used to fly from Kope to the rig. By Deane Robson. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
                    Recife, Brazil. Guararapes International Airport
2.56Mb (1271 downloads)
FS2002, Recife, Brazil. Guararapes International Airport By: Bill Melichar This scenery is an edit on my scenery of Recife, created for FS2000. There were some texture issues with the old scenery, and rather than put out a fix, I decided to create a new airport, which correctly duplicates the real thing. In this scenery I have completely changed the airport layout, buildings, runways, and static aircraft to resemble the real airport. In the process, everything was simplified resulting in lower frame rates, and a much easier airport to fly in and out of. The simplification also allowed me to put in more detail in terms of signage, lighting, and taxi stripes, especially in the gate area. This scenery should also work fine in FS2000. 2.6MB UPDATE: , Recife, Brazil Guararapes Int. Airport Fix.By Bill MelicharThis file is a patch for the missing car textures in the parking lot in my Recife, Brazil scenery 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
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