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FS2002 > Utilities > Page 4
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                  2002 Flight Assistant
0.48Mb (2541 downloads)
FS 2002 Flight Assistant is a program for flight enthusiasts that provides a virtual co-pilot. You can give commands using a microphone which the co-pilot executes then. For example, one could give the command "flaps up", and then the flaps will be raised automatically. Furthermore, the co-pilot responds to your commands, so that you receive a confirmation. The program is nearly fully configurable. You are able to create new commands and even to edit the existing ones. Can be used with Flight Simulator 95/98/2000/2002 or any other flight simulator. (Requires MS Visual Basic 6 Runtime and MS Speech (SAPI) 5.1).
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.01Mb (479 downloads)
FS2002 Keyboard Commands. Easy print Word format. 6K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.01Mb (3210 downloads)
AutoSave. AutoSave: Automatic flight saving for FS98, FS2000, FS2002 & FS2004 Place AutoSave.dll in your FS98 Modules folder. It will save flights ("STN" files) at regular intervals, so you can retry that crashed landing or quickly recover from other problems. File size 10K. Pete Dowson
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.01Mb (700 downloads)
B747-400 Quick Fuel Planner (Version 1.0) AUTHOR: TAREK SHARKAWY Introduction: B747-400 Quick Fuel planner is a quick and easy way to load your plane with the right amount of fuel. Enter basic trip information and you will get the results in both Ibs and Kgs. Also, it gives you total reserve value if you use FMC. 10K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Wing Leveler Utility - Version 1.3
0.02Mb (388 downloads)
FS2002 Wing Leveler Utility - Version 1.3 This little utility will modify your FS2002 Aircraft.cfg file(s) to remove or restore the Wing Leveler function when the Autopilot is enabled. Now with an option to allow selective removal of the default Bank, Pitch, or both. Requires the VB6 Runtime (vbrun60.exe) files. (Fixes a minor bug that prevents some aircraft from being restored). Freeware - Dave Westbury. 21K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.02Mb (170 downloads)
Auto Start FS Flight Tracker - FTAUTO.DLL FTAUTO.dll is a module for your Flight Simulator Modules folder that will automatically start FS Flight Tracker when FS starts. You may then use to easily switch between the two. Freeware - Jonathon Bonde. 16K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                    2002 Final release
2.96Mb (1417 downloads)
AirMan 2002 Final release A tool for MS FS/CFS that can help you install, manage, repair and remove aircraft, clean unused gauges, search for missing gauges or replace them with others, change flight dynamics and apperance or your aircraft, panel and gauges, repair damaged MDL files (with add-on). Freeware. "One Flight Sim utility that does it all." (in user's words). By Zeljko Vukovic, FCP Products Novi Sad, Serbia. 3MB MDL Repair Add-on for FCP AirMan With this add-on for FCP Air Man you will be able to fix damaged model files (*.mdl). You only need this if you are using Windows NT, 2000 or XP. You need Air Man version (final release) or above. MDLRepair (c) Dave Parsons, 2002. All rights reserved. Air Man 2002 (c) FCP Products. 314K New! AirMan Update: If you get error 380 when you install and first run FCP Air Man, please apply this fix. When you unpack this archive run AirManDefault.reg, click Yes and then OK. Air Man should start working. By Zeljko Vukovic, FCP Products. 1K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.05Mb (3066 downloads)
ACTIVE CAMERA FOR FS 2002 v1.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULE. With this module you can enable a "fly by" view in Microsoft FS 2002. (c) 2002, Andy Newman and Serge Baye. 48K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.06Mb (365 downloads)
Mdlpatch This is unsupported software for non-commercial use only. The purpose of this utility is to patch an MDL610.MOD based airplane visual model so that external stores will appear under the 7.5 version of Flight Simulator. It can also be used to prevent the simulator from cycling over the "Virtual Cockpit" view. The utility does two things: 1. The function that creates the MODELHEADER structure is modified to set the appropriate flags. 2. The function that, in real MDLs, sets component flags and scale values, is added. MDL610.MOD does not have this function because it is designed to hold FS5.x planes. The software operates on visual models incorporated into Microsoft MDL610.MOD template DLLs whose code section is UNMODIFIED, except for modifications to the variable table update function. Files that do not meet this criteria will be rejected. 65K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
Mission-Control                   version: 0.2
2.24Mb (344 downloads)
Mission-Control version: 0.2 date : 24th april 2002 author : Hans-Peter Jacobs contact: license: Freeware simulat: FS 2002 The freeware-tool Mission-Control introduces a rating-system into the FS 2002-world. It can be used to verify flight-routes, watch limits, evaluate landing-approaches and a lot more. Both private pilots flying just for fun and Virtual Airlines will benefit from Mission-Control. The package contains 4 little demo-missions (Aerobatics, Helicopter, Precisison Landing, VFR-flight in the alps). Version 0.2 adds a tool for VA's to keep track of multiple pilots (rating, flight-hours, etc.). Requires fsuipc.dll (tested with 2.83 and 2.85). 2.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
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