2.91Mb (952 downloads)
TBM Avenger - FS2000 and CFSII. Aircraft depicted is from
Torpedo Squadron 84 (VT-84) flying from Bunker Hill during the
invasion of Saipan in April, 1945. Features full moving parts
(including tail hook) damage/weapons profile and panel. Contains
CFII prop and flap issue fix. Model and panel by David Eckert.
Pratt and Whitney radial engine sounds by Bruce Thorson. Flight
dynamics by Bob Boudoin and Bruce Thorson. WWII gauges by R.L.
Clark. 3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

0.14Mb (1343 downloads)
FAP T-6 Harvard Mk.IIA Portuguese Air Force T-6 Harvard
Mk.IIA The PoAF used the Harvard and other versions of the
T-6 in large scale, over 200 T-6 of several versions were
used. Full moving parts. Original Aircraft :Unknown. Repainted
by: João Corredeira. 143K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

1.64Mb (547 downloads)
Antonov An-2 Colt. This is a german An-2 (Registration:D-FONL)
from the airline "Classic Wings". Includes aircraft, panel and
gauges. Orginal model by Paul Clawson, Panel by Matthias Lieberecht,
Repainted by Sascha Wuesteman. 1.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

0.37Mb (553 downloads)
Cubana IL-14. As with so many other countries around the
world the Soviet Union's immediate postwar airline system was
heavily dependant on war surplus DC-3/C-47s as well as the Lisunov
Li2 (Soviet licence built development of the DC-3). In the late
1940s/early 1950s Aeroflot developed a requirement for a modern
replacement of the Li2 and the DC-3. Ilyushin responded with
a low wing tricycle undercarriage design powered by two Shvetsov
radials with maximum seating for 27. This aircraft was designated
the Il-12. Design by: Rey Lopez. 378K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
1.76Mb (527 downloads)
- Antonov An-2 - version "R", made in Poland, in PZL-Mielec
Factory. Original model made by Paul Clawson , cocpit panel
made by Thomas Görgényi , repaint by Zybi Urbanowski , This
is original repaint for agriculture aircrafts in Poland (for
one plane: An-2R call sign: SP-WSL).ZIP includes aircraft, panel,
gauges, smoke system.1.9 MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

0.35Mb (428 downloads)
Antonov An-2 Russian Air Force
(VVS) Light transport Russian Air force KB Antonov,1947 Original
model Paul Clawson, repaint Vlad Zhyhulskiy. 360K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

4.04Mb (1120 downloads)
B-36B "Peacemaker" This FSDS project has moving parts, transparent
windows and is painted to match the B-36B's the designer saw
as a young man living in Montana. A panel by Curt May and a
sound file by Pete Cambell are included. By Paul Clawson. 4.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

1.35Mb (1657 downloads)
CRDA Cant Z.1007bis "Alcione"
Medium/torpedo bomber of good performances, the Cant
Z.1007 "Alcione" constituted a great part of the bombing force
of Regia Areonautica. Feature: FSDS multi-resolution model,
accurate paint scheme, adapted air file, dp file, detailed exteriors,
virtual cockpit, full moving parts, lights, functional bomb
or torpedo payloads, default panel and sound. Use spoilers to
open the bombs port. This file includes 3 Skins: Regia aeronautica
bomber / night bomber; Luftwaffe bomber. Author: Pierino Primaves.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

0.21Mb (454 downloads)
Antonov AN-2 "Colt" This FSDS project is patterned to match
a "Colt" the designer photographed at an airshow in Valkenburg
the Netherlands in 1997. It includes moving parts and transparent
canopy and windows. By Paul Clawson. 215K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

0.23Mb (757 downloads)
Macchi "Folgore" for FS98, CFS and FS2000. Plane build with
AD2000 . 3D model: Hervé Devred - Flight model: Alessandro Casadio
Distribution: Michel Melchior. 238K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive