1.84Mb (133 downloads)
Bf 109E-3 6./JG 26 brown 8 Attack in the West spring 1940
Paintscheme in RLM 71/02/65 Original plane by Aeroplane Heaven
stand alone version Flight dynamics by Bill "Spitfrnd" Wilson
Weapons by AvHistory Flight testing by Bob "Wulfmann" Ruff repaint
& hex editing by Foute Man filename: fs_bf109e_05v2-15.zip To
fly this plane you need to have the fm_bf109e_shared files or
fs_bf109e_shared files installed. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

1.87Mb (681 downloads)
Bf 109E-3 9./JG 26 Fw Otto Jaros yellow 9 Battle of Britain
- Blitz summer 1940 Paintscheme in RLM 70/71/65 Original plane
by Aeroplane Heaven stand alone version Flight dynamics by Bill
"Spitfrnd" Wilson Weapons by AvHistory Flight testing by Bob
"Wulfmann" Ruff repaint & hex editing by Foute Man filename:
fs_bf109e_04v2-15.zip To fly this plane you need to have the
fm_bf109e_shared files or fs_bf109e_shared files installed.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

1.81Mb (134 downloads)
Bf 109E-3 6./JG 26 brown 5 Attack in the West spring 1940 Paintscheme
in RLM 71/02/65 Original plane by Aeroplane Heaven stand alone
version Flight dynamics by Bill "Spitfrnd" Wilson Weapons by
AvHistory Flight testing by Bob "Wulfmann" Ruff repaint & hex
editing by Foute Man filename: fs_bf109e_03v2-15.zip To fly
this plane you need to have the fm_bf109e_shared files installed.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

1.81Mb (156 downloads)
Bf 109E-3 6./JG 26 brown 4 Attack in the West spring 1940
Paintscheme in RLM 70/71/65 Original plane by Aeroplane Heaven
stand alone version Flight dynamics by Bill "Spitfrnd" Wilson
Weapons by AvHistory Flight testing by Bob "Wulfmann" Ruff repaint
& hex editing by Foute Man filename: fs_bf109e_02v2-15.zip To
fly this plane you need to have the fm_bf109e_shared files or
fs_bf109e_shared files installed. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

2.25Mb (206 downloads)
Bf 109E-3 5./TGr 186 black 1 Attack in the West spring 1940
in RLM 70/71/65 Original plane by Aeroplane Heaven stand alone
version Flight dynamics by Bill "Spitfrnd" Wilson Weapons by
AvHistory Flight testing by Bob "Wulfmann" Ruff repaint & hex
editing by Foute Man filename: fs_bf109e_01v2-15.zip To fly
this plane you need to have the fm_bf109e_shared files or fs_bf109e_shared
files installed. 2.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

1.82Mb (158 downloads)
Bf 109E-1 4./JG 51 white 8 Attack in the West spring 1940
Paintscheme in RLM 70/02/65 Original plane by Aeroplane Heaven
stand alone version Flight dynamics by Bill "Spitfrnd" Wilson
Weapons by AvHistory Flight testing by Bob "Wulfmann" Ruff repaint
& hex editing by Foute Man filename: fs_bf109e_51v2-15.zip To
fly this plane you need to have the fm_bf109e_shared files or
fs_bf109e_shared files installed. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

1.80Mb (256 downloads)
Bf 109E-3 4./JG 51 white 1 Battle of Britain summer fall 1940
in RLM 71/02/65 Original plane by Aeroplane Heaven stand alone
version Flight dynamics by Bill "Spitfrnd" Wilson Weapons by
AvHistory Flight testing by Bob "Wulfmann" Ruff repaint & hex
editing by Foute Man filename: fs_bf109e_52v2-15.zip To fly
this plane you need to have the fm_bf109e_shared files or fs_bf109e_shared
files installed. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

1.92Mb (259 downloads)
Bf 109E-3 9./JG 54 yellow 1 Battle of Britain summer 1940
Paintscheme in RLM 71/02/65 Original plane by Aeroplane Heaven
stand alone version Flight dynamics by Bill "Spitfrnd" Wilson
Weapons by AvHistory Flight testing by Bob "Wulfmann" Ruff repaint
& hex editing by Foute Man filename: fs_bf109e_62v2-15.zip To
fly this plane you need to have the fm_bf109e_shared files or
fs_bf109e_shared files installed. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

2.68Mb (5078 downloads)
He162 Salamander.
Developed to meet an RLM requirement issued on 8 September 1944
for a jet fighter capable of entering mass production by 1 January
1945, the first He-162 flew just 89 days later. Despite difficulties
in production, over 300 were completed by V-E day and 800 more
were on production lines throughout Germany. The He-162 was
an advanced and capable aircraft but was too demanding for the
poorly trained pilots for which it was intended. By Alpha Simulations.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
1.50Mb (3102 downloads)
Bell P-39D 'Airacobra'
This aircraft does not have a virtual cockpit or .mos file.
By: Greg Logan. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive