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CFS1 > Page 111
            of Cptn. Slug's F-4E Phantom II for CFS1.
0.19Mb (1830 downloads)
Repaint of Cptn. Slug's F-4E Phantom II for CFS1. This plane has been renamed and will not replace the original F-4E. I repainted this plane in tribute to the fighting men and women in Afganistan. The tail letters and numbers have been altered for significant events on 9-11-01. The call letters NY are for New York City. 93 is for Flight 93 which was brought down by the passengers and crew of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania before it could reach it's target. 911 represents the date in which the attacks were carried out on the American people. The symbol on the side of the plane has been placed on most of the planes fighting in Afganistan. Plane was repainted by 181st_Major_Gex. 195K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Douglas A-4 Skyhawk VF-1 "Falcões do mar"
0.77Mb (5313 downloads)
FS98/FS2000/CFS1/CFS2 Douglas A-4 Skyhawk VF-1 "Falcões do mar" The VF-1 Squadron is the first Brazilian Navy Aerial Unit to operate fighters. It was created October 02nd, 1998, and it is under the command of the Naval air force. The VF-1 duty is to provide and operate aircrafts used for dogfights. Original by Deane Baunton Moving parts, flight dynamics: Lewis Magruder Repaint by Carlos Henrique. 805K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Reality "HEAD 2 HEAD" for the F-16CBlock50
0.01Mb (1535 downloads)
Ghost's Reality "HEAD 2 HEAD" for the F-16CBlock50 Replace your current files with my files and go Head to Head with the F-16C. (get it here) Special Note: The QUICK COMBAT file contains all of my current aircraft. You may not want them. Therefore, COPY the F16CBlock50 ENTRIES to YOUR QUICK COMBAT File. 15K. Ghostpony.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            TA-4J Skyhawk 'VC-8'
0.21Mb (400 downloads)
FS98/FS2000/CFS1/CFS2 TA-4J Skyhawk 'VC-8'. Douglas TA-4j Skyhawk of VC-8 'Redtails' operating out of Naval Station Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico. Bu. No. 154312. VC-8 is today the last US Navy squadron to fly the TA-4j Skyhawk. Original by Deane Baunton. Moving Parts by Lewis Magruder. Repaint by Jens-Ole Kjølberg. 221K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            F/a-18 Hornet Navy F/a-18 Hornet VFA-146 "Blue Diamonds"
1.16Mb (1067 downloads)
FS98/CFS F/a-18 Hornet Navy F/a-18 Hornet VFA-146 "Blue Diamonds" moving parts, centerline stores for extended range, landing lights, spoilers set up for carrier landings. Original design: B. Arnett Textures: Gary D. Jones Design Modification/Dynamics/Paint: Lewis Magruder. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            F-16A FAP F16A Fighting Falcon of the Portuguese Air Force.
0.12Mb (529 downloads)
FS98/CFS/FS2000 F-16A FAP F16A Fighting Falcon of the Portuguese Air Force. T Updated to include moving control surfaces, flaps, gear, afterburner, 3D pilot and glass canopy original afx by Rune Foshaug Remodelled by Colin Norwood Repaint by Joao_Corredeira. 128K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.00Mb (448 downloads)
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
1.86Mb (1372 downloads)
Pyro's vampire (works with) microsoft flight simulator 98-2000 including Combat Flight Simulator 1 and 2 (the registration name)pyro's model: f14142v15 by: scott danko. Custom textures and airfile by Tom "Vf_103_Pyro" Vaillencourt custom paint features #CCCC66 and black virtual squadron colors. Pilots have #CCCC66 and black checkered helmets and skulls for faces. Includes panel & combat jet sounds. 1.9mb
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            F-14A VF-2 Tomcat
1.46Mb (5032 downloads)
FS98/CFS/FS2000 F-14A VF-2 Tomcat FS98/CFS/FS2000 F-14A VF-2 Bounty Hunters Tomcat. A Grumman Tomcat twin engine jet fighter featuring working tail hook, stabilizer, moving gear and flaps. Original by Scott Danko. Repaint by Yosuke Ube. 286K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Gaming Lockheed P80
0.28Mb (598 downloads)
Generic Gaming Lockheed P80. Flight speed = more or less accurate, handling = [far too] good. The file ap-80.dp has guns which are far to big but p-80.dp is more accurate .I have redesigned the flight model around Bruno Duffort's Corsair- the original designers of this P80 are Chris Lampard, evaluation by Al Goguen and Mike Ballis, as listed in the .air file. I hope they don't mind the minor tweaks. This flies really sweetly - to me anyway - happy flying. James. 283K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive