CFS1 > Page 135

3.94Mb (340 downloads)
Approach Plates for CFS. These files were developed by T.S.
Holden. The plates allow NDB approaches to the base. They are built
like standard approach plates. There is a plate for each of the six
runways in CFS 2. These are fictional and for CFS 1 or CFS 2. You
must have the airfield and NDB installed. GZR Bassingbourn is available
here. It will be more difficult to get it for CFS 1. By Marv Howell,
GZR_Sactargets. 4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.61Mb (204 downloads)
RAF Charlie Base. Located on the South East corner of Guernsey
Island. 2 bomber runways and 1 fighter escort runway. Refuel available.
Night lighting, Static aircraft which includes my repaint of the RAF
C-17, RAF Charlie Squad Headquarters, RAF_Hollywood's "Pub -n- Grub"
and a Hospital. All allies of the RAF are welcome! Mahogany_Rush.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.07Mb (384 downloads)
RAF Carriers : Located about 12 miles West of RAF Charlie
Base on Guernsey Island. 2 landable RAF carriers escorted by 5 battleships.
No Refuel available. Mahogany_Rush. 68K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.65Mb (206 downloads)
Northolt Base. Located just 11 miles West of London between
2 fictitious mountains. 1 bomber runway and 1 escort runway. Static
aircraft and refuel available.created by Mahogany_Rush. 668K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.28Mb (196 downloads)
FANTASY ISLANDĀ· Includes carrier & other features. Brian
Stevenson (RAAF_Bullet). 290K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.82Mb (176 downloads)
Lake Located just 20 miles SW of Interlaken in Switzerland
and just 10 miles West of RAF Yank's Liquor Store. Great alternative
for bomb runs. Refuel, Static aircraft and night lighting. By Mahogany
Rush. 841K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.09Mb (189 downloads)
Rush Bomberbase Located in France about 25 miles South of
Mahogany Rush Base. 3 huge runways and 3 landable carriers. Refuel
available. Floating balloons, static aircraft and night lighting.
By Mahogany Rush. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

2.41Mb (216 downloads)
Rush Base Located about 112 miles South of Ark Royal in
France. With 1 landable carrier and refuel available. Great for
night flights. Includes 3 huge runways. By Mahogany Rush 2.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

5.15Mb (270 downloads)
Scenery add-on called "Presidente" Bored and tired of Ark Royal
landings eh? Try Runway 28 ! It is 2460' ASL high atop a plateau and
your landing better be perfect! Runway includes distance markers for
short landing competition. By Paul Harmon, aka H_PAUL. 5.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.52Mb (1014 downloads)
Scenery - ID4 City Destroyer You could have seen this extra-terrestrial
ship in the sci-fi movie "Independence day". Its diameter is impressive
16 miles ( 25km ). Destroyers in this scenery are above 3 areas: New
York, London and Prague. Special features: there are two airports
on each ship. You can perform take-off or landing on Destroyer's tower
roof or in its "beehive" By Milan Lisner and Vlada Stoje (CVA Design).
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive