CFS1 > Page 145
0.28Mb (504 downloads)
Rivers & Coast Upgrade:
Improve the appearance of rivers and the coastal areas of CFS1. This
is a simple do-it-yourself project that adds breaking waves to the
CFS1 coastal areas. This treatment makes the coast look much more
realistic when seen from the air. Also included is a replacement river
texture. Arno Brooks. 282K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.38Mb (185 downloads)
Scenery Add-On "Udine-Campoformido"
for Combat Flight Simulator 1 by Edmundo Abad. The "Udine-Campoformido"
scenery is another fictional Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana Airfield
(ANR)during WWII. I am only based on current maps and wartime pictures.
The airfield is located on Campoformido village, near Udine, to north
east of Italy on Friuli - Venezia Giulia region, the runway is 04/22,
mud with 730 m. 393K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.47Mb (427 downloads)
Scenery Add-On "Torino CFS Scenery" Caselle, Aeritalia and Fiat Factories.
for Combat Flight Simulator 1 © Edmundo Abad, February 2003. The "Torino
CFS Scenery" scenery is totally fictional, but shows the current Caselle
and Aeritalia airfields layer took from the real maps and a supposed
buildings distribution just as a Regia Aeronautica Airfield during
WWII. Also, I have added searchlights, a section of Po and Dora Riparia
rivers, and factory buildings which represent the Fiat stabiliments
on west and downtown of Torino city. I don't know if on this coordinates
there were the "Fiat" factories in Torino during WWII, this placement
is totally supposed, but based on current maps. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

Scenery Add-On "Venegono - Aeromacchi"
for Combat Flight Simulator 1 by Edmundo Abad, The "Venegono - Aeromacchi"
scenery is totally fictional, but shows the current airfield layer
took from the real maps and a supposed buildings distribution just
as a Regia Aeronautica Airfield during WWII. The airfield is located
near Varese city to north of Italy on Lombardia region, the runway
is 18/36 in asphalt. This airfield is operated by Aeronautica Macchi,
whose factory is near the airstrip, as to shows this virtual scenery.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.58Mb (295 downloads)
Scenery Add-On "Dresden-Klotsche" The
"Dresden-Klotsche" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show
a detailed depiction of the german airport of Dresden during WWII.
I have added a section of Elba river, the Frauenkirche and the bridge
over Elba on Dresden downtown. I include static FW-200 Condor, Junkers
Ju-52/3m, Fiesler 156 Storch, Junkers Ju-87 Stuka, Me-109, Lufthansa
DC-2 and FW-190. By Edmundo Abad. 595K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.56Mb (401 downloads)
Scenery Add-On "Erfurt"
The "Erfurt" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed
depiction of this German airport located on Thuringia region, as a
Luftwaffe airbase during WWII. I include static Junkers Ju-52/3m,
Fiesler 156 Storch, Lufthansa DC-2, Focke Wulf FW-190 and FW-61 (twin
rotor helicopter). The scenery also shows searchlights placed on lookout
towers and refuel area with moving fuel truck. By Edmundo Abad. 577K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.36Mb (198 downloads)
Scenery Add-On "Schweinfurt" The
"Schweinfurt" scenery is totally fictional but but is an effort to
represent the airport like it (may) have looked like in WWII days,
when Schweinfurt was called "The ball bearings city", being heavily
damaged by the allied bombers. I am only based on current aerial photos
and FS98 Schweinfurt scenery. I don't know if this airfield was operated
by the Luftwaffe in the WWII. But is a good fictional complement to
nearby Kitzingen stock CFS scenery. I include static Messerschmitt
Bf108 Taifun, Fiesler 156 Storch, and HE-219 Uhu. The scenery also
shows searchlights, ball bearings factories on Schweinfurt downtown,
and refuel area with moving fuel truck on the airfield. Edmundo Abad.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

Münster-Loddenheide airfield, Germany.
Scenery created by Wolfgang Grünewald. 670K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.81Mb (203 downloads)
Scenery Add-On "Babenhausen" To
install this scenery you must have installed the Bill Potvin's Non-Directional
Beacons For Cfs ( Scenery (included). This airport
has a grass runways, and NBD Beacons of 283 khz. (original by Bill
Potvin). I have added Buildings for the airfield and Babenhausen Kaeserne,
for represent a wartime style of this Luftwaffe airfield in the WWII.
I include static FW-200 Condor, Junkers Ju-52/3m, Messerschmitt Bf109e,
FW 190-A and Messerschmitt Me 262-a. Also, I have added new modified
textures for German Light Truck, American weap car, American 6x6 truck
and American Ford Truck, all with german markings. The scenery also
shows searchlights placed on lookout towers and refuel area with moving
fuel truck. Edmundo Abad. 831K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.06Mb (229 downloads)
15th BW USS Hancock Update.
This update rescales the USS Hancock to 888 feet. It also gives it
a wooden deck, and 2 center ship elevators. This is OK to load without
any previous 15th BW scenery. If you have 15th BW scenery installed
that includes the USS Hancock, see the READ ME file for installation
directions. Rick Herring 57K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive