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CFS1 > Page 152
            Scenery Add-On "Wismar"
0.17Mb (186 downloads)
CFS Scenery Add-On "Wismar" by Edmundo Abad, July 2003 Santiago- Chile The "Wismar" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the little german airport of Wismar during WWII. I am only based on current aerial photos and FS98 Wismar scenery. 172K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Scenery Add-On "Wittmundhafen"
0.50Mb (167 downloads)
CFS Scenery Add-On "Wittmundhafen" by Edmundo Abad, July 2003 Santiago- Chile The "Wittmundhafen" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the german airport of Wittmundhafen during WWII. I am only based on current aerial photos and FS98 Wittmundhafen scenery. 647K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Scenery Add-On "Moenchengladbach"
0.48Mb (213 downloads)
CFS Scenery Add-On "Moenchengladbach" by Edmundo Abad, July 2003 Santiago- Chile The "Moenchengladbach" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the german airport of Moenchengladbach during WWII. I am only based on current aerial photos and FS98 Moenchengladbach scenery. 495K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Scenery Add-On "Bremerhaven"
0.76Mb (241 downloads)
CFS Scenery Add-On "Bremerhaven" By Edmundo Abad, Santiago- Chile The "Bremerhaven" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the german airport of Bremerhaven during WWII. I am only based on current aerial photos and DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH flugplatkarte. All information are took through the net, for represent a wartime style of this airport located at the mouth of the Weser river near Bremerhaven harbor. I don't know if this was operated by the Luftwaffe in the WWII. But is a good fictional complement to my other sceneries of Baltic and North Sea area. I include a static Lufthansa DC-2, searchlights, zeppelin's hangars, a section of Weser mouth, rotating windmills, lighthouse, the waterwork neighbor at airport, ships, harbor facilities and refuel area with moving fuel truck. 774K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
              - Image Viewer and Converter.
0.61Mb (1905 downloads)
Show - Image Viewer and Converter. Show is a general purpose image viewing and converting program. All main image types supported plus the added advantage, for FS/CFS users, of reading and writing the R8 Texture Format. Convert direct from jpeg (or any supported format) to R8 with good quality remapping and automatic resizing to 256x256. Convert R8 to bmp or any other format for editing. Browse folders of images. Print images via WYSIWYG dialog with mouse placing/sizing. Image adjustment features. By Martin Wright.. File size 646359
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.06Mb (1039 downloads)
The Setclass utility changes the Surface Type parameter of the default Combat Flight Simulator terrain texture files. This will allow water landings without exploding! File size 63615. Author: B Potvin
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
              Static Object Generator v1.11.
0.05Mb (1058 downloads)
CFS Static Object Generator v1.11. Increases the number of possible objects from 30 to 203. It also displays a texture for many objects, and allows the user to change the size of objects. Requires Visual Basic 4.0 drivers from main Utilities section. File size 49k. By Chuck Dome.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.84Mb (1498 downloads)
CFS Mission Editor v3.0.0. CFS Mission Editor is based on MS Mission Editor EXCEL spreadsheet. Features improved ground layout and stationary objects loading, editing and saving; refined point assignment for individual stationary objects; add/delete stationary objects to/from a layout; selective path overlays; option to build a catalog of mission files; option to compact the database; drag/drop mission (loading) and aircraft; added ability to decrease/increase sound volume; improved documentation. By Cor Dikland. Part 1. File size 2989322 Part 2. File size 2974863 Upgrade for this file (276375) Mission Editor Update v3.0.0.3 Part 1(524698) Part 2 (279943) Part 3 (680947)
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
1.40Mb (1402 downloads)
QCall. Reviews every plane in your Aircraft folder, then makes a QC File allowing each to be used in Quick Combat. File size 1473110
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.05Mb (903 downloads)
Gunsite re-paint utility. Requires VB4 runtime files from utilities. File size 50420
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive