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CFS1 > Page 89
            Italian Attack
0.47Mb (647 downloads)
CFS-1 Italian Attack An Italian attack on an English Channel convoy and a hit and run raid on an important sea side town must be thwarted. Lead a Hurricane Squadron from Biggin Hill in this busy demanding mission to achieve the complete safekeeping of your assets from the axis. A reverse mission from the Italian side is included. Stock CFS 1 aircraft except the 3 Italian aircraft which are included. By Terry Baldwin. 485K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.19Mb (549 downloads)
CFS2 Hawaii Mission - no descrption provided. Richard Jones. 179K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Bletchley Park Threat
0.16Mb (354 downloads)
CFS-1 Bletchley Park Threat The top secret British codebreaking unit is threatened with possible destruction. Known because operational Luftwaffe signals have been intercepted and de-crypted revealing proposed raids on Bletchley Town. You have a busy night on patrol in a Beaufighter to keep any Luftwaffe intruders away from the area. Only TOTAL SUCCESS is the acceptable outcome in this vitally important misssion. Stock CFS 1 aircraft except the Beaufighter which is included. By Terry Baldwin. 165K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Jungle base
1.85Mb (414 downloads)
CFS1-Campaign-Aussi Jungle base. Made with CFS mission editor version 3.03 By A.F.Scrub. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Jet War Part II -RAF WWII Jet Fighter Campaign.
4.15Mb (773 downloads)
CFS1 Jet War Part II -RAF WWII Jet Fighter Campaign. 17 more missions to add onto the 11 in part one. Air war in WWII has never gone so fast! New jets emerge from both sides in the conclusion to this 'what if' campaign. Requires Pt 1. NO extra scenery, all aircraft enclosed. Campaign by Mark Buckle. 4.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Walchensee Incident
1.42Mb (441 downloads)
CFS-1 Walchensee Incident 2 Missions with 2 Viewpoints of a fictional raid. Interdiction Intercept [Luftwaffe] As an experienced Fw190 ace you are tasked to destroy a force of Lancaster bombers with tallboy bombs before they reach our Secret Research Base hidden on an island in the Alps near Walchensee Resort. Walchensee Offensive [RAF] Fly a Mosquito to oversee the raid's success, with a brief to sort out any shortcomings that may prevent achieving total annihilation of the target. Stock CFS 1 aircraft except the Lancaster and Mosquito which is included. By Terry Baldwin. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.67Mb (203 downloads)
Sept_39lib -This library was made for the 'September39' campaign and is included with that package. I am making the library available for those who want to use the library without downloading the whole campaign. s.seybolt. 705K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
              RAF WWII Jet Campaign
5.08Mb (1243 downloads)
CFS1 RAF WWII Jet Campaign "Ever wondered what would have happened if WWII had gone on for another year? Jet War Pt.1 recreates the possible jet air battles of late war years. Was the Gloster Meteor a match for the Me 262 and other experimental German jets or was it really down to individual pilot skill? You decide!" No scenery required, all aircraft included. 5.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.95Mb (611 downloads)
Pilots war part 6; END GAME. A campaign for CFS 1 It's the end of 1944, and Germany is under pressure from all sides. Is this finally the end of a long war? Or does the eagle still have some fight left in it. By Richard Steele. 3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.83Mb (486 downloads)
CFS1 Pilots war part 5; WHIRLWIND. A campaign for CFS 1 "Germany has sown the wind, now she will reap the whirlwind." So declared Arthur "Bomber" Harris. And in 1944 it came to pass. Join the allied air forces as they first take control of the European skies, then set about the destruction of the German war machine. By Richard Steele. 2.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive