CFS1 > Page 99

0.06Mb (231 downloads)
This is a fictional
mission created for Ralf Triebels Eastern Front I scenery. This
is freeware and should remain as such. I accept no liability in
whole or in part. Have fun. HK_LION John Merry. 64K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

2.45Mb (502 downloads)
'Nachtjagdflieger' Missions. From 'Sandman'. wreak havoc in
the night skies of war torn Europe! Requires Hanover, Bremen &
Muenster sceneries by Ralf Triebel, all available in the scenery section.
by Peter Lagan. 2.6MB.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.24Mb (375 downloads)
Mission campaign for Hurricane Mk IIc. Aircraft Included.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.64Mb (932 downloads)
EAGLE Available from this site only. A major re-edit of the
default CFS Battle for Europe (Axis) Progress logically from the Bf109
through the Fw190 to the Me262 while flying nine new missions plus
default missions that have been re-edited to make them more of a challenge.
Intercept American formations that are more realistic in size. Find
out how good you are at dealing with the tactical fighters and light
bombers of the R.A.F. as well as the eighth air force! This will NOT
overwrite the existing default campaign, instead it will install an
additional custom campaign. Two aircraft included, all other elements
default. RICHARD STEELE. 653K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
1.19Mb (531 downloads)
Join the crews of the eighth army air force as they participate
in what General Eisenhower described as "a modern crusade to liberate
Europe." Available from this site only. This is the US companion
piece to "Fallen Eagle" from the same author. As with the former
campaign, crusade contains missions from the default Battle For
Europe that have been re-edited to make them more challenging, combined
with new missions, (including a shuttle raid) to make a new total
of twenty nine! Also included is a bonus Luftwaffe single mission.
This will NOT over write the default game, instead it will install
a new custom campaign. Three flyable aircraft included BY RICHARD
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.19Mb (425 downloads)
1945" A fictional mission set on Eastern Front around March
1945. Whole action takes place around Berlin. Includes AI aircraft
with Soviet textures by Bill Irle. Created as attempt to provide CFS
fans (like myself) with much needed break from Western Theatre of
Operation. By J Poltorak. 192K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

2.15Mb (569 downloads)
Pilots War part 4; Building Storm A campaign It's 1943,
and the allies are getting the upper hand. The night bombing campaign
of the R.A.F. is being conducted with greater power and accuracy,
and the U.S.A.A.F. In Europe is building into a real power. Fly
alongside these forces, as they go head to head with everything
the Luftwaffe can throw at them. Includes scenery, and six aircraft.
By Richard Steele. 2.2MB
: Corrects problem of bf 110 not showing up. 73K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
1.16Mb (276 downloads)
Hang on! it never happened, but what if it had! would it have been
like this? A small campaign from the British view. Developed working
from the final authentic German plans of the Invasion. You are heavily
involved over a 48 hour period flying dated Defiant and Blenheim
aircraft and modern fighters to oppose the Nazi Invasion Force.
2 Non standard Aircraft included. By Terry Baldwin. 1.2MB
for OPERATION SEELÖWE R.A.F. JU52 for Operation Seelöwe Apologies
for oversight in omitting it from the Campaign Download By Terry
Baldwin. 273K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.28Mb (320 downloads)
base Pacific. Made with CFS mission editor version 3.03 By
A.F.Scrub action packed Campaign is the Japanese against US side of
secret Base Campaign. You're piloting Jap floatplanes against US flying
boats and Wildcats. You'll need the scenery "Battle Island", designed
by Paul Harmon. If you want to enjoy the sight from above, do a little
recco and a snaky landing, also download Jungle Island 1, by Ralf-J.
Triebel (H_MAT) (big but beautiful). Useful for my next campaign.
Just download the sceneries elsewhere on the site, it's worth
can also fly this campaign without the scenery. All aircraft add-ons
are included; Floatbipe, Rufe, Coronado, Widcat, Dauntless. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.07Mb (559 downloads)
Campaign of France (may-june 1940) Ten historical missions
consecrated to the campaign of France of 1940, french side, for
CFS1 (complete version). The Campaign of France, which lasted from
the 10th of may to the 24th of june1940, was, for the Armée de l’Air,
and despite the deplorable conditions in which it had to fight,
a chapter of glory : 935 planes of the Luftwaffe were destroyed
by the fighters (against 428 downed in action for the Armée de l’Air).
It also paid a heavy price : 166 fighter pilots died (on 752). CF1Fr.
First alert at Laon, on the 10 of may 1940, with the arrival, at
dawn, of a formation of 40 Dorniers 17, with the task of destroying
the airport and the railway station. The Phoney War was definitely
over. Gérald West. 69K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive