FS Design > Design Source Files > Page 1

2.44Mb (181 downloads)
This is a design object in 3d Max format for fsx/p3d designers of the MIG-29S 19-3. I hope some one can transforme it to a flyable aircraft!
Posted Sep 13, 2017 07:34 by Mohamed HADDAD

0.91Mb (128 downloads)
FSX source file
Blumberg Fliegerstaffel, Berlin.
I am unable to convert to a Bgl File because of problems with FSDS. Can anyone finish? :)
Posted Apr 24, 2013 01:06 by Malte Deja

0.38Mb (79 downloads)
Includes FSDS source file for mods. No textures or sound. This basic model can be used as it has the panel is from FS2004 Star Trek Captains Yacht.
Posted Aug 5, 2012 12:03 by Jason Reid

1.22Mb (688 downloads)
3ds source file for designers in 3ds. This is the new 737 MAX. Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations has been working on this project for a little while now but previous projects and time constraints have limited our productivity with it. So now we are releasing the model to the public. It is a high poly and accurate model. In addition it is a fully complete external model. ERS is putting up the model in the hopes that the FSX community can finish and publish the model. All that we ask is to give us appropriate credit. We hope to see this model finished in the near future!
Posted Mar 21, 2012 18:11 by EagleRotorCraftSimulations

1.70Mb (189 downloads)
Unfinished Gloster Meteor Mk1 and Mk1 with axial turbojets for FSDS 2.0 or higher. Needs a cockpit and main landing gear completing. Nose gear is accurately replicated from walkaround photos I took at a museum.
Posted Mar 15, 2012 18:16 by Mark Walsh

0.94Mb (213 downloads)
A re-imagining of the B-25 Mitchell as a turboprop in .fsc format for use with FSDS V3.0 or higher. Includes completed model, with partially completed texture set and virtual cockpit.
Posted Mar 15, 2012 18:15 by Mark Walsh

0.25Mb (234 downloads)
The Royal Navy's latest tech in .fsc format for use with FSDS V3.0 or higher. Both models are approx 1000 polys and were built for AI ship use in CFS2 but may be adapted to other sims as you see fit.
Posted Mar 14, 2012 18:53 by Mark Walsh

1.44Mb (688 downloads)
FSDS 3.5.1 Source File for KC-30A , Airbus A330-200 MRTT.
This zip contains a head start for any would be freeware developer with an interest in this military version of the Airbus KC-30 aircraft.
Have Fun!
Posted Nov 1, 2011 10:46 by M Griggs

11.77Mb (715 downloads)
This is my Star Wars Episode 2 LAAT/I or better known as the Republic Gunship.
I believe it is a first ever to, I don't know of any other one for fsx ever made until now.
It's not anything amazing no panel no vc. It's just something I threw together using model converter x, google sketchup, and gmax. Enjoy. I will be releasing the final sometime in the future. Feel free to tweak and edit it.
Posted May 27, 2011 13:55 by Skyler H.

1.60Mb (412 downloads)
Polikarpov I-153 GMAX source This source is complete with textures. If someone can do a better model with a nicer Vcockpit, have a try. This software may not be used for financial gain. It can only be used for freeware purposes. A.F.Scrub
Posted Dec 2, 2010 14:00 by A.F.Scrub