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0.06Mb (69 downloads)
A SHORAN gauge for the panels of the B-45 Tornado, late WW2 B-17s and B-24s, Korean War B-29s and possibly other early Cold War American bombers. It was made in and for FS9 but should work in any sim that handles XML gauges, or can be placed on a 2D panel in any sim. It doesn't actually work, since there are no SHORAN transmitting stations in FS9, but it can add a bit of authenticity to the panels of appropriate planes. The the instrument face is modeled on a photo of one in a Korean War B-29.
Posted May 16, 2023 09:43 by Mick Morrissey
FSX 24 Hour Clock
1.70Mb (248 downloads)
This type of clock is not so common nowadays, maybe interesting to have one in a panel! You can switch between Local and UTC time! Tested only in FSX & Acceleration!
Posted Jan 22, 2022 20:36 by Andiroto
FSX/P3D FMC Gauge V1.1
FSX/P3D FMC Gauge V1.1
2.24Mb (3178 downloads)
Found a few bugs in the first release including one which stopped VNAV working on some (many) flight plans. Please use this to replace previous version. This is a new FMC loosely based on the popular FMC by Garrett Smith. It includes a full function VNAV system which can work on any length of Flight Plan, a radio Tuner, Maps, and easy to use GPS functions. It can be fitted to any aircraft although mostly oriented towards jet aircraft. Installation instructions included
Posted Jan 30, 2021 00:06 by G. Munro
HUD for any aircraft
0.69Mb (720 downloads)
Universal HUD For Any Aircraft. All Basic Readings. No Interactive Functions. Comes With Two On Screen Positions. Inspired By Other Aircraft Panels. By Nick K.
Posted Jul 7, 2020 02:47 by uploader
GPS2020 - V09.4
3.21Mb (1577 downloads)
This FSX GPS2020 gauge is based upon the original Microsoft gps_500 gauge. It substitutes the original gps_500 (it is developed for FSX, as yet untested on Prepar3D). Although the GPS2020 device is based on the original GPS500 code, it has become so different to the extent that we can no longer call this a "Garmin GPS 500", it is certainly not a replica of that real-life device (although all of the original features still are there). Hence the new name, in short "GPS2020".
Posted May 8, 2020 02:47 by uploader
FS2004/FSX  General Aviation HUD
0.47Mb (790 downloads)
FS2004/FSX General Aviation HUD A simple hud for small aircraft, light twins, turboprops and small jets. Annotated XML. Coding tips and instructions included. By Bob Kellogg
Posted Dec 13, 2019 01:37 by uploader
Boeing 737 Head-Up Guidance System (HGS)  Model 2350
Boeing 737 Head-Up Guidance System (HGS)  Model 2350
7.59Mb (1269 downloads)
This gauge has been developed for FSX Flight Simulator Acceleration. It should also work with FSX SP1/SP2 . The functionality of this gauge is based on the Rockwell Collins HGS which is designed for the B737NG . It works correct for FSX B737-800 models only !! The gauge has been developed as close as possible according to the HGS Pilot Guide from Rockwell Collins for normal operations. The HGS can be used during all phases of flight from takeoff to landing. This can include Ground Roll Guidance, all enroute operations and either non-precision or precision approaches. This gauge is very realistic. It supports the pilot particular during approach operations to meet always precise the runway touch down zone by keeping a 3° glide slope angle. Even for a visual approach maneuver the HGS supports the pilot to establish and maintain the aircraft on the proper glide path to the runway without reference to a ground based landing system like ILS. Technical descriptions and installations guide are included in the zip file for further information. Look at video also : By Dietmar Loleit
Posted Nov 7, 2019 07:53 by Dietmar Loleit
FS9/FSX/P3D Generic GCA Gauge V2.1
14.81Mb (662 downloads)
FS9/FSX/P3D Generic GCA Gauge V2.1. This V2.1 (October 2019) package contains three Ground Controlled Approach modules: Approach Pattern Control (APC), Precision Approach Radar (PAR), and a custom Autopilot (AP). You can request Pattern Control from 20 to 30 miles out, and the Approach Controller will set you up for a downwind, dogleg, or straight-in approach leading to a glideslope intercept from which to start the final descent. Taking over at the intercept, the PAR Controller will talk you down until "over the runway." The processes can be run either in "auto-learn" mode or in a range of manual modes creating challenges of varying difficulty. The project is highly indebted to Karol Chlebowski's AILA (Airborne Instrument Landing Approach) gauge, adapted by permission of the author, and Doug Dawson's sound gauge. FS9- specific modifications by Tom Gibson, historical research by Tom Harnish, GCA gauges and manual by Manfred Jahn. See for a brief introductory video.
Posted Oct 30, 2019 04:40 by uploader
Photoreal Animated 2D Panel Yokes.
0.70Mb (270 downloads)
Photoreal Animated 2D Panel Yokes.Theese Gages were created to add more realism to the 2D panels especialy for models with no V.C.It is ment mostly for developers but if you follow the instructions you can add them to any of your 2D panels.There are two seperate Yokes one for the pilot and one for the F.O. that can be used at will as panel gauges or you can create a pop up window.The textures are of the King Air series (C90 B200 350 etc) but you can change them to any other yoke if you have a good photo of it.The yokes are rotating according to aileron position movement and are in 700x700 px 8 bit format for extra clarity. By Hellenic Aircraft/Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas 2019.
Posted Aug 1, 2019 06:15 by Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas
FSX Simple Ramp Gauge
0.94Mb (668 downloads)
Simple Ramp Gauge for FSX. Activation with a klick: Exits 1-4, Tailhook, Wing fold, Jetway, Pushback (left, straight and right) Only tested in FSX & Acceleration!
Posted Apr 9, 2019 03:40 by uploader
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