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Airbus A32Xneo PW PTU (Barking Dog) sound.
2.48Mb (744 downloads)
Airbus A32Xneo PW PTU (Barking Dog) sound. This simple sound file adds the famous Airbus "Barking Dog" sound effect to any A320neo family aircraft with Pratt and Whitney PW1000G engines when the engines are started.
Posted Dec 1, 2023 15:21 by dbob
[CSS] FSX/P3D Unified Early RB211 Soundpack
70.39Mb (340 downloads)
THIS IS A CSS-FORMAT SOUNDPACK, AND REQUIRES CSS BASEFILES VERSION 1.0 OR LATER TO WORK PROPERLY! This soundpack is a slightly modified version of the RB211-22/524B/C/D sounds for L1011 which I uploaded two weeks ago. The tonal quality of the turbine between 30% and 50% has been modified, and it uses more accurate cockpit ambience sounds (found in the CSS basefiles). It has also been converted to CSS format, and adapted for early 747s as well. Listen to the old version of the L-1011 variant on YouTube before you download.
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Posted Jul 23, 2022 01:24 by FL2070
71.83Mb (281 downloads)
THIS IS A CSS-FORMAT SOUNDPACK, AND REQUIRES CSS BASEFILES VERSION 1.0 OR LATER TO WORK PROPERLY! Sounds for PW4000-94 engines, for A300, A310, B747, B767, and MD11--four types of aircraft in one soundpack thanks to CSS packaging format. All CSS format soundpacks made by FL2070 are made with high-quality audio samples recorded from real aircraft. Engines, cockpit ambience and warnings all sound like the real thing. Expect my signature quadruple-layered buzz sounds, along with extensive use of sound cones in external views for a more realistic experience from all outside angles and flyby views. Listen to the the sounds variant on YouTube before you download.
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required file
Posted Jul 22, 2022 21:08 by FL2070
[CSS] FSX/P3D Unified IAE V2500 Soundpack
71.22Mb (368 downloads)
THIS IS A CSS-FORMAT SOUNDPACK, AND REQUIRES CSS BASEFILES VERSION 1.0 OR LATER TO WORK PROPERLY! Sounds for IAE V2500 engines, for both A320-family and MD-90 aircraft. All CSS format soundpacks made by FL2070 are made with high-quality audio samples recorded from real aircraft. Engines, cockpit ambience and warnings all sound like the real thing. Expect my signature quadruple-layered buzz sounds, along with extensive use of sound cones in external views for a more realistic experience from all outside angles and flyby views. Listen to the A320 variant on YouTube before you download. NOTE FOR THE FILE CHECKER GUY (REMOVE THIS NOTE UPON APPROVAL OF THIS FILE): THIS WAS UPLOADED AT THE SAME TIME AS THE CSS BASEFILES PACK, SO I DON'T HAVE A LINK TO THE BASEFILES PACK TO ADD AS THE "Base File URL" WHILE UPLOADING THIS FILE. PLEASE INSERT A LINK TO THE "[CSS] FSX/P3D CSS Sound System Basefiles v1.0" FILE WHILE PROCESSING THIS UPLOAD. THANKS!
Posted Jul 21, 2022 01:57 by FL2070
[CSS] FSX/P3D CSS Basefiles v1.0
75.65Mb (332 downloads)
CSS (Common Sound System) is a new way of packing sounds for FSX/P3D that enables more efficient creation and storage of soundpacks. The CSS Basefiles pack, which all the other CSS soundpacks are reliant on, is to be the backbone of an upcoming set of soundpacks for almost every jet airliner available in FSX. ALL CSS SOUNDPACKS WILL BE MARKED WITH [CSS]. ANY SOUNDPACK WITH THIS MARKER REQUIRES THESE FILES TO WORK PROPERLY. For more information about how CSS works, read the post "A (semi-)New Way of Implementing Sounds in FSX" in the FSX section of the Simviation forums.
Posted Jul 21, 2022 01:53 by FL2070
FS98/FS2000/FS2002/FS2004 Esound
0.06Mb (187 downloads)
FS98/FS2000/FS2002/FS2004 Esound - Extra Sound module, v2.572. A module to cause sounds to be played based on event triggers either from the sim or from EPIC or EPIC95 drivers. By Pete Dowson.
Posted Jul 19, 2022 02:30 by Peter Dowson
FSX/P3D B737NG CFM56-7b Soundpack v2.1
103.22Mb (873 downloads)
The passion project of a frequent flyer of Southwest Airlines, and the most realistic 737NG auditory experience in FSX freewaredom. Listen to the real sounds of the 737 NG recorded by me from the real aircraft, including quadruple-layered highly authentic buzzsaw sounds, as you spool up for takeoff. Included realistic cockpit warnings for autopilot, landing gear, and overspeed, and, of course, the 737NG's signature hydraulic sound. Sound cones used in external views for added realism from different angles: listen to the turbine screech from the front, and the blast of the thrust from the back. Watch the video on YouTube before downloading.
Posted Jul 8, 2022 10:46 by FL2070
FSX/P3D L-1011 RB211 Soundpack
143.54Mb (527 downloads)
Highly authentic early RB211 sounds for FSX/P3D, as realistic as FSX sound can get. Soundcones used in external views—hear the turbine screech from the front, and the blast of the thrust from the back. Autopilot disconnect, overspeed warning, and gear warning sounds from the real plane have been included. Quadruple-layered buzzsaw sounds create the most realistic experience as your engines spool up through 70, 80, and 90 percent N1, and triple-layered wind sounds drown out the engines during cruise for a realistic high-altitude experience. Works well with the L-1011 4K package: You can listen 1st on youtube link.
Posted Jul 8, 2022 05:50 by FL2070
[FSX/P3D] Boeing 737 Classic Soundpack
61.03Mb (590 downloads)
More realistic sounds for the Boeing 737 Classic (-300, -400 and -500). Compatibility: Tested in Prepar3D 4.5, but should work in earlier versions and FSX as well. About the addons, this was based on the Vistaliners 737 Classic, but should work with native packages for those simulators without issues.
Posted Jun 30, 2022 21:02 by BlueWings Simulations
FSX/FS2004/P3D CFM NEO and Max sounds
118.56Mb (1745 downloads)
Airbus A320NEO and Boeing 737 Max - CFM LEAP-X & PW1100G Sounds. By Rafael Matias
Posted May 6, 2022 05:00 by uploader
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