FS2000 > Helicopters > Page 4

1.11Mb (1141 downloads)
Late model Bell 47G Includes panel and sound files. Uses
fs2k default gauges. Sound files are mix/modified various downloads
Org. artists are unknown. Everything else is original Designed
by Monte L. Caudill. File size 1167384
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.06Mb (635 downloads)
Bell 206 replacement textures in Simviation colors & Stevie
Wonder at the controls. File size 64k
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

3.22Mb (3802 downloads)
RAF CH1 Chinook A twin-turbine, tandem-rotor, heavy-lift
transport helicopter. Model includes an opening loading ramp,
moving parts night textures and more. Panel by Michael Vader.
Model and sound by Shlomo 'Slo Mo' Hakim. 3.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.19Mb (3279 downloads)
Flying Made Easy "er" .
. If you've
ever tried flying the Bell 206 in FS98 or 2000 . . and you are
NOT a chopper qualified pilot yet then you probably gave up
in disgust and believed all those comment from the sim forums
that the Microsoft flight dynamics are not very realistic. You
are missing a real treat. Real chopper pilot Dave Cook shows
us how in this downloadable word document.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.11Mb (310 downloads)
Helicopters Robinson R-22 (OO-KVI). Paramount Helicopters
is a Belgian helicopter operator and training school. They use
the famous Robinson R-22 for training and aerial work. OO-KVI
is not the real immatriculation, however Paramount does have
a OO-TVI. The repainting is done by Kristof Van Ingelgom (cfr.
KVI). Please read the original readme from Tim Harris, whose
helicopter model I used to repaint. 117K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

1.02Mb (296 downloads)
"U.S.C.G. MD900 Enforcer" MD 900, Explorer Created for FS2000/98.
This is my 2nd repaint of the U.S.C.G. Enforcer. The Coast Guard
recently commissioned two MH-90 Enforcer's and assigned them
to patrol the southern coast of Florida to monitor drug traffic.
Hope you enjoy. Aircraft by Tim Harris Repaint by Tim Werner.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.58Mb (232 downloads)
Panel Aerospatiale AS355 Twin Squirrel Panel for FS2000
- Pro version required. Original panel by Ian Standfast, optimized
for FS2000 by David Giles. Conversion to FS2000 uses mostly
stock FS2000 gauges and adds FS2000 GPS and collective. All
gauges have night lighting. 596K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.58Mb (205 downloads)
Panel Aerospatiale Dauphin Panel for FS2000 - Pro version
required. Original panel by Ian Standfast, optimized for FS2000
by David Giles. Conversion to FS2000 uses mostly stock FS2000
gauges and adds FS2000 GPS and collective. All gauges have night
lighting. 596K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
0.12Mb (256 downloads)
Panel Hughes/MD 500E Panel for FS2000. Original panel by
Ian Standfast, optimized for FS2000 by David Giles. Conversion
to FS2000 uses mostly stock FS2000 gauges and adds FS2000 GPS
and collective. Includes digital RADAR Altimeter. All gauges
have night lighting. 124K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
0.11Mb (272 downloads)
Panel Hughes 500C/D Panel for FS2000. Original panel by
Ian Standfast, optimized for FS2000 by David Giles. Conversion
to FS2000 uses mostly stock FS2000 gauges and adds FS2000 GPS
and collective. Includes digital RADAR Altimeter. All gauges
have night lighting. 117K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive