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FS2002 > Helicopters > Page 26
                  Alouette III. Commercial Transport Helicopter (CAT Heli) Textures
0.41Mb (465 downloads)
SA.319B Alouette III. Commercial Transport Helicopter (CAT Heli) Textures only. Requires Alouette Rega on previous page. AG, Reichenburg, Switzerland, HB-XOO. Original Aircraft by Wolfgang Kulhanek Repaint by Pascal Küffer. 423K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  47 Textures. From the "Whirlybirds" television show
0.26Mb (1025 downloads)
Bell 47 Textures. From the "Whirlybirds" television show that ran in the 1950's and '60's, helicopter N975B or "75Bravo". This repaint of the Gmax Bell 47 G2 by Jean-Marie Mermaz (available here) was created for the loyal 25 million viewers that watched the weekly television series, and as a tribute to Kenneth Tobey (1917-2002) who played pilot Chuck Martin. Textures for the skid model only! By Tom Heaverlo and Jeff Jankovics. 271K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  205A-1 UH-1H Huey Evergreen Helicopters (Tundra Pads).
5.00Mb (1682 downloads)
BELL 205A-1 UH-1H Huey Evergreen Helicopters (Tundra Pads). Thanks to Jordan Moore for the excellent design work, Original version "belluh1h.zip" onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','730','400','yes');return false">. This Version of the Bell 205-A-1 (UH-1H Huey) includes a paint theme of Evergreen Helicopters (Tundra Pads), the panel which I have included is my own. This helicopter is fully animated and upgraded with the "Huey" sound package. I have upgraded the Nav. Lights in the correct position and added those that were missing and one rotating beacon on the bottom, the horizontal stabilizer, cyclic and rudder pedals, and landing light are animated, the tail rotor assy. has been moved to the pilots side. The lights are independantly operated from the switch's inside the cockpit on the collective and the landing light can also be operated by a switch or from "ctrl L". The helicopter has had a major overhaul so that additional parts (ie: ground handling wheels (visible when A/C is shut down), ext speaker, cargo hook, steps, antenaes, pilot & co-pilot doors open) and various textures could be individually added and painted. The pilot and co-pilot doors open when the aircraft is shut down, then close when rotor rpm increases. The cargo doors open and close with the landing light switch or "ctrl L". Modifications and Repaint by: Lynn Rogers Instrument Panel by: Lynn Rogers. 5.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  205A-1 UH-1H Huey Evergreen Helicopters (Floats)
4.96Mb (1849 downloads)
BELL 205A-1 UH-1H Huey Evergreen Helicopters (Floats). Thanks to Jordan Moore for the excellent design work, Original version "belluh1h.zip" onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','730','400','yes');return false">. This Version of the Bell 205-A-1 (UH-1H Huey) includes a paint theme of Evergreen Helicopters (Floats), the panel which I have included is my own. This helicopter is fully animated and upgraded with the "Huey" sound package. I have upgraded the Nav. Lights in the correct position and added those that were missing and one rotating beacon on the bottom, the horizontal stabilizer, cyclic and rudder pedals, and landing light are animated, the tail rotor assy. has been moved to the pilots side. The lights are independantly operated from the switch's inside the cockpit on the collective and the landing light can also be operated by a switch or from "ctrl L". The helicopter has had a major overhaul so that additional parts (ie: ext speaker, cargo hook, steps, antenaes, pilot & co-pilot doors open) and various textures could be individually added and painted. The pilot and co-pilot doors open when the aircraft is shut down, then close when rotor rpm increases. The cargo doors open and close with the landing light switch or "ctrl L". Modifications and Repaint by: Lynn Rogers Instrument Panel by: Lynn Rogers. 5.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  III HELI-TV, Lodrino, Switzerland (Air Rescue & Services)
0.42Mb (494 downloads)
Alouette III HELI-TV, Lodrino, Switzerland (Air Rescue & Services) textures. Requires Wolfgang Kulhanek's Alouette III available above. Texture sets by Pascal Küffer. 428K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  350B Air Zermat.
7.09Mb (980 downloads)
AS 350B Air Zermat. This is a repaint from Denis and Daniel Da Silvas "HS-355 Esquilo"also ecureuil mentioned in Air Zermatt-Design. Brasil/Switzerland, February 2003 Original Repaint by Marco Peter SWISS HELICOPTER REPAINT GROUP I make repaints from helicopters after Swiss helicopter companies. In co-operation with Andreas Hegi of Swiss helicopter design group. If you have questions to Swiss Repaints contact me! For Swiss helicopter design, please contact Andreas! Repaint Design Marco Peter: 7.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  350B Ecurueil Heli Gotthard.
7.14Mb (789 downloads)
AS 350B Ecurueil Heli Gotthard. This is a repaint from Denis and Daniel Da Silvas "HS-355 Esquilo"also ecureuil mentioned in Heli Gotthard-Design. Brasil/Switzerland, February 2003 Original Repaint by Marco Peter SWISS HELICOPTER REPAINT GROUP. Sounds produced by Uplink Productions. 7.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  III REGA addon textures pack
5.93Mb (646 downloads)
Alouette III REGA addon textures pack. Repaint textures for ITH, ITH Kispi, Helipartner, KAPO Bern, EG DARD Vaadt, Antiterror GI-TE Neuenburg, DGA Geneve, Police Aeroport Geneve, SEK Enzian Bern, Kapo Graubünden, Intervento Polizia TI, Guardia Aeroporto Lugano, LUCHS Innerschweiz, SE BASILISK BS, Kapo Baselland, Kapo BS Diensthunde, BOHAG. Texture sets by Pascal Küffer. 6.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  III REGA, DIAMANT & KODIAK
5.39Mb (1180 downloads)
Alouette III REGA, DIAMANT & KODIAK Repaint by Pascal Küffer. Created from the original aircraft by Wolfgang Kulhanek. 5.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  315B Lama Bohag (Berner Oberland Helikopter)
1.79Mb (1104 downloads)
SA 315B Lama Bohag (Berner Oberland Helikopter) The Bohag is Swiss a helicopter company, in Bernese the upper country. A beautiful alpine region. Visit those homepage by Bohag! The helicopter is designed by Wolfgang Kulhanek. Repaint by Marco Peter. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive