0.36Mb (1106 downloads)
brazilian public transport bus.
A repaint of Chistian Friederich's bus by Israel Dias. With
panel. For FS2000 only. 372K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
0.00Mb (253 downloads)
suitable for a Cessna 172 or 152.
Installation: Just simply drop into any of your aircraft files
in which you would like this check list. Make shure that there
are no other checklist files in there. Curtis Driedger. 2K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

1.00Mb (744 downloads)
Golden Wings 2000 Project Screenshot Package. The Golden
Wings 2000 Project is an on-going group effort to create a freeware
golden age environment in which to fly those great old vintage
aircraft but still staying within the FS2000 framework. This
package illustrates our progress to date! GW2 works within Fs2000
and does not require a separate installation. With two button
clicks you can be flying back in the 1930's and listening to
the wind in the wires! Click again and you're back in 2001 ready
to fly your modern planes! See enclosed details if you love
flying the old birds! Jack Hill, Gary Milera and Bill Lyons.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.03Mb (1317 downloads)
States Coast Guard HUMMER 4WD (Vehicle) Drive this truck
in Flight Sim! Don't fly! Yes, Drive! Vehicle Hummer 4WD in
the US Coast Guard paint (Fictional). 32K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
0.08Mb (244 downloads)
UPS Virtual Air Cargo CSL Addon File. This file allows anyone
who downloads it to be and see UPS VAC aircraft on Squawk Box
2.3 and above. Squawk Box 2.3 or above and MSFS2000 or above
recommmended. Adam Reynolds. 86K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.94Mb (1541 downloads)
non-rigid airship, for MSFS2000. By Alexander Belov . Non-rigid
airship, first flown in 1932. The most successful airship type
developed in Soviet Union prior the Second World war. During
The Second World war SSSR-V1 was used for carrying supplies
for captive baloon units of Red Army, making more than 900 flights.
Fully animated model featured detailed engines and cart interior.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.05Mb (736 downloads)
Video of Shuttle gliding to Runway at the NASA space center
in Florida. Requires you have a shuttle model in your sim.
If not use a normal aircraft and ensure engines are switched
off for wind. Terry Poppy. 51K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

1.14Mb (1793 downloads)
Gerry Anderson's Supercar.
A craft from the 1960s TV show which can travel over land, in
the air or under the sea. Supercar design by Reg Hill. FS model
by Austin Tate. Flight dynamics by Shane Pickering. Black Rock
scenery and dynamic objects by Iain Murray and Austin Tate.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.93Mb (738 downloads)
One Space Craft Able to reach Mach 3.5 in a Vertical climb
and altitudes of over 4 million feet in FS2k By H_Snake...956K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.02Mb (896 downloads)
Airplane (For FS2000) - By Pedro Huitema. This is probably
the first paper airplane for FS2000. 23K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive