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FS98/FS2000/FS2002/FS2004 AutoSave v1.501
0.01Mb (75 downloads)
FS98/FS2000/FS2002/FS2004 AutoSave v1.501. A utility that will save flights ("STN" or "FLT" files) at regular intervals, so you can retry that crashed landing or quickly recover from other problems. By Pete Dowson.
Posted Jul 1, 2024 08:29 by Pete Dowson
FSX/Acceleration Paddlesteamer SCHILLER
14.19Mb (310 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration Sidewheel paddlesteamer SCHILLER. This vintage steam ship sails since 1906 on the lake Vierwaldstätter See (Lake Luzern) in Switzerland. During almost 120 years of service she was several times modernisized and renovated. With her 700 HP she mastered more than 1.5 million of kilometers. The sim model shows up to forty seven passengers and all the details can be seen by twenty one cameras. It will probably also sail in FS2004 and in P3dV3 (not tested). The pretty 2D-panel is borrowed by the Lake Como steamer Patria and the VC is regarding to the 2D. FSDS Model by Erwin Welker.
Posted Jun 11, 2024 08:43 by Erwin Welker
Upgrade Package For Royal Navy Warships From 1943
16.11Mb (747 downloads)
FSX Package Upgrade for Royal Navy Warships From 1943. The package contains the cruiser HMS Belfast with improved textures and the Tribal-class destroyers HMS Zulu (new textures and improved details) and HMS Tartar (little improved textures). This three vessels are pilotable. The ai-versions are the same as from my package from 2015. The pilotable ships has 2D panels or virtual navigation bridge- and decks views and all has many animations and camera definitions. You even can shoot two torpedos from the destroyer or you can launch a Supermarine Walrus flying boat from the cruiser. The ai-ships are supposed to be used with the great tool ai-carriers2 or for ai-traffic. FSDS 3.5 models and panels made by Erwin Welker.
Posted Jan 5, 2022 02:53 by Erwin Welker
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Porsche 911 Targa 4s Extension Pack
27.63Mb (619 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Extension Pack for Porsche 911 Targa 4s, type 991 from 2014-18 with effect upgrades. The Targa is the model with convertable rooftop which is realisticly and detailed animated. The extension pack comes now in five colours plus new switches and effects. This package includes 2D panels and can be used as replacement for the previous package. The model is easy to repaint because most of the parts are in uni color as glossy alpha channel. The gauges, effects and additional colours are made by J.P. Carosine. The FSDS 3.5 model with VC is made by Erwin Welker.
Posted Mar 17, 2021 04:35 by Erwin Welker
FS2004 HDE - High Definition Environment v2.0
FS2004 HDE - High Definition Environment v2.0
22.45Mb (1825 downloads)
A high definition and photorealistic texture pack that will change the aspect of your clouds (cumulus, stratus, cirrus), sky color, aircraft reflections and ground detail. Version 2 has new and better photorealistic cumulus, some new cirrus, better sky colors, and the game engine mod ENB Series (Bloom effect with great performance). HDE v2 is compatible with your favorite weather engine and environment software. By Pablo Diaz.
Posted Mar 3, 2021 04:41 by lastivka
0.03Mb (153 downloads)
FS2004 Aircraft.cfg Auto-Renumbering Utility. This small utility will renumber the [fltsim.xx] sections of your aircraft.cfg file when you make modifications or add new liveries. For example, if you add a [fltsim.n] section, instead of renumbering the sections by hand, just run this utility so you no longer have to worry about keeping the numbers straight. Useful for people who do a lot of aircraft.cfg editing, such as AI Traffic enthusiasts. Stand-alone program, no installation required. Works in Windows 10. By Scott Lookabill.
Posted Feb 26, 2021 18:26 by lastivka
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Porsche 911 Targa 4s-2018
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Porsche 911 Targa 4s-2018
8.83Mb (411 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Porsche 911 Targa 4s, type 991 from 2014-18. This is the model with convertable rooftop which is realisticly and detailed animated. The model is easy to repaint because most of the parts are in uni color as glossy alpha channel. The gauges and effects are made by J.P. Carosine. The FSDS 3.5 model with VC is made by Erwin Welker.
Posted Feb 9, 2021 02:23 by Erwin Welker
FSX/Accel/FS2004 Pilotable And Divable German WWII 9D U-Boat
FSX/Accel/FS2004 Pilotable And Divable German WWII 9D U-Boat
18.19Mb (1636 downloads)
FSX/Accel/FS2004 Pilotable and divable German WWII 9D U-Boa with animations. This model comes originally from UBI Softs Silent Hunter 3, converted to FS2004/FSX by Shessie from SOH. After sending the crew into the boat you let it go submerging. Six different 2D views and twelve FSX camera views plus virtual conning tower views let you explore the boat. You even can watch the submerging from the periscope. The ship and weapon effects can be triggered with lights, strobe lights and smoke-key. Model convertion from SH3 to FS2004 and animations by Shessie from SOH. 2D Panels, activation of the virtual views, effect configuration and FSX-cameras by Erwin Welker
Posted Sep 30, 2020 03:11 by Erwin Welker
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta SWB
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta SWB
8.06Mb (1029 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Acceleration/FS2004 Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta SWB or "Passo Corto". Between 1959 and 1962 167 peaces were built and this rare beauties has nowadays a value above ten million Dollars or Euros. There were different variants buildt, some as road car, other as Competizione or "Scuderia Enzo Ferrari Automobili Corsa" Hot Rod. The 3 liter V12 engines performed between 240 and 302 PS. The FSDS 3.5 model with photoreal 2D panel and VC made by Erwin Welker.
Posted Aug 8, 2020 03:12 by Erwin Welker
FS9 2SF Sun Mod
FS9 2SF Sun Mod
10.29Mb (779 downloads)
"FS9_2SF" Package for FS9 contains remarkable sun mod that removes lens flare and is replaced with a stunning glare. Also contains low burn-in universal splash, tattered taxiway (2 styles, light or dark) and markings, life like color spotlight, vector Halo Texture generated from real life. Includes natural color lightning, lightning flash, artistic exhaust flame effect textures with smoke for propeller craft (C182/DC3/D18s/C47) for FS9 and FSX, also contains FX_2 texture with nav light mod resized and Trajectorized for various aircraft lights. Plus breathtaking Dusk ENV Textures for FS9. A must have for hard-core simmers. Intended for and created by HARD-CORE FS ENTHUSIASTS!
Posted May 23, 2020 00:01 by Brian Neitzel
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