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            in your coffee.
3.30Mb (503 downloads)
Sand in your coffee. A campaign for CFS 1 Following on from "Eagle in the Dessert." This campaign follows the fortunes of a Luftwaffe unit in the closing days of the north African campaign. Mission files include a new campaign file for Eagle in the Dessert which connects the two campaigns. As with the earlier release, an additional download of C Burgess's Libya and Tunisia scenery is required. Read me file also includes instructions for importing FS 98 scenery for the same region. By Richard Steele. 3.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
CFS-1            Final Phase - 18th August 1940
1.19Mb (390 downloads)
CFS-1 Final Phase - 18th August 1940 This completes the 'Hardest Day' trilogy. KG53 and ZG26 are tasked for the final evening raid. At 17:30 they approach the Essex coast, as usual the timing, units and events follow the history as closely as possible. 3 missions, fly a Spitfire to defend, an He111 to strike, and a Bf110 to protect the bombers. 'axisbombpak' needed from 'CFS-1 18th August 1940'. Scenery, and a flyable Bf110 included. By Terry Baldwin. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
CFS-1            Phase 2 - 18th August 1940
4.45Mb (423 downloads)
CFS-1 Phase 2 - 18th August 1940 Phase 2 is Luftlotte 3's contribution, 62 years ago. The 'Stuka Strike' at 14:30 re-enacted with historical accuracy. 1 RAF & 1 Luftwaffe Mission. Taking their choreography as close as possible to the actual timing and events of the raid. Scenery & 1 flyable Ju87 Stuka included to complete as near as possible the situation in Southern England 1940. Fly a Stuka of IGr\SG77 to more airfield assaults on the Hardest Day. By Terry Baldwin. 4.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            18th August 1940
0.94Mb (796 downloads)
CFS-1 18th August 1940 Known as 'The Hardest Day' of the Battle of Britain, in terms of aircraft losses. The 'lunchtime raid' phase re-enacted with historical accuracy. 2 RAF & 2 Luftwaffe Missions. Taking their choreography as close as possible from the actual timing and events in the raid. 3 BoB Airfields & 1 Utility included to complete the authentic scenery for Southern England in 1940. A Battle of Britain enthusiast's must have, and delight. By Terry Baldwin. 3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            days in may.
1.01Mb (472 downloads)
Five days in may. A campaign for CFS1. Under strength, and under funded, short of everything except courage, for five desperate days, the Dutch armed forces attempted to defend their homeland against everything that Germany could throw at them. With their airfields bombed on the first day, and flying outdated equipment, the Dutch army air force would continue to fly missions right up to the end. Climb into your Fokker DXXI and help the men of the L.V.A. defend their homeland. Campaign also includes a "four years after" mission flying the P51. By Richard Steele . 1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            in the Dessert.
2.63Mb (641 downloads)
Eagle in the Dessert. A campaign for CFS 1 A twenty one mission Luftwaffe campaign set in the early days of the German involvement in the western desert. All required aircraft included, an additional download of C Burgess's Libya and Tunisia scenery is required. Read me file includes instructions for importing FS 98 scenery for the same region. By Richard Steele.. 4.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Liberty Ships
CFS-1 Liberty Ships To commemorate the awesome task that the USA achieved by building 2751 Liberty Ships to assist the British Merchant Navy. Transporting essential food and war supplies across the Atlantic to the U.K. and help during the invasions of Europe. Fly a Beaufighter,Walrus [From the Water] and Fw190 in 3 missions depicting three different viewpoints of the same fictional action. 3 dedicated aircraft are included. By Terry Baldwin. 480K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
Y&G_01 Yanks and Gerries 01. USAF and Luftwaffe, 26 historic and historically based missions using default aircraft with 1% air and DP files plus historical repaints. The files include airfields and ground attack scenery items. Generally aircraft have correct textures, bases, and call signs, including default AI bombers with metal finishes and correct tail markings. Also uses and includes a few add on aircraft. By Norman Turner. 7.1MB Y&G_01 Yanks and Gerries 01 Fix1. C47 D Day USAF version, (also D Day RAF version not used) My apologies,I omitted in error to provide the D Day C47 which is needed for a couple of the missions. 42K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.03Mb (779 downloads)
CFS 1 Missions PACIFIC WARRIORS; MIDWAY DEFENDERS Go up against the best that the Imperial Japanese Navy had to offer with this pair of extremely challenging missions that show the battle of Midway from the point of view of those on the island itself. These missions are not for beginners, you will probably want to change settings to "easy" and "unlimited ammo" Mission files only, requires aircraft and scenery from the PACIFIC WARRIORS base pack. Richard Steele. 36K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Enhancement for "Night Visit to Poltava"
0.05Mb (564 downloads)
CFS1 Enhancement for "Night Visit to Poltava" mission (here) The Luftwaffe night raid on Poltava in the Ukraine is one of the best night bombing missions available. This enhancement heats up the bombing sequence with lots of explosions, ground fires, great billows of smoke and roving searchlights. High above are target marker flares. Gives the impression of a great battle happening. 51K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive