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2.83Mb (486 downloads)
CFS1 Pilots war part 5; WHIRLWIND. A campaign for CFS 1 "Germany has sown the wind, now she will reap the whirlwind." So declared Arthur "Bomber" Harris. And in 1944 it came to pass. Join the allied air forces as they first take control of the European skies, then set about the destruction of the German war machine. By Richard Steele. 2.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.44Mb (320 downloads)
CFS 1 LUFTWAFFE SEELÖWE A sister campaign to Operation Seelöwe R.A.F. Again you are heavily involved flying a variety of tasks in a variety of Luftwaffe aircraft against a motley collection of British aircraft that they have scraped up from the bottom of the aviation barrel to oppose your invasion. 6 Non Standard Aircraft included. By Terry Baldwin. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
1.08Mb (935 downloads)
*CFS1 ONLY* RED STAR OVER KOREA: MiG-15 CAMPAIGN This is a new set of a dozen Missions set in the Korean War, featuring the North Korean MiG-15 Fighter. Now you can fly for the other side! Play as a Campaign or Single Missions. Package contains Missions, Aircraft and Panel, but in order to use them you will also need to have downloaded the Korean War Basic Pack ( available from this site. Unzip to a temp folder, and follow the Install.txt instructions for an easy install. A joint project by Mike Eustace, Tim "Piglet" Conrad, and Doug Attrell. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.00Mb (631 downloads)
CAM = Catapult Aircraft Merchantmen. This is a little mission in the Arctic waters. Your Hurricane is embarked on a CAM, a catapult adapted to a standard convoy ship. You are ready to intercept the long column of german bombers that daily attack your convoy. When done, you have no airport to land! You must splash near your convoy and hope to be rescued! Note: requires Setclass utility to splash on water without destroy your aircraft! By A Paoleschi. 3k
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.54Mb (886 downloads)
Air Superiority for the Dieppe Operation Fly a Spitfire Mk V escorting a flight of the brand new Hawker Typhoon fighters-bombers over their target. Lot of action and plenty of enemy fighters here: your Spitfire is more agile to handle and you will take by surprise your enemy. But this is not a milk run... By A Paoleschi. 565k
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.94Mb (931 downloads)
Moresby. Outstanding Freeware Campaign by the author of the Guadalcanal Campaign Fight with the RAAF against the Japanese over the New Guinea jungle New CFS style scenery includes nav aids for use in Free Flight Lite version. Option 1: For those already having the Guadalcanal Campaign - Download (1mb) & Full version.(2.4mb) Option 2: For those without the previous Campaign - Download (1mb) & (4.5mb) FS98 Oceania scenery recommended but not necessary to fly the Campaign Update 1. Coral Sea (US) campaign, based on the Coral Sea Battle and previous US Navy and USAAF operations in the New Guinea Theatre (February - May 1942). Includes which adds a carrier group with landable carrier. By M Giacomazzi. File size 98667 By Mauro Giacomazzi
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.00Mb (986 downloads)
B-17 into Germany and bomb berlin. tanks are the target, there is about 30 of them. there are also 8 enemy fighter's. John Downs
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.31Mb (605 downloads)
Pearl Harbour Mission, requires FS98 scenery for Hawaii. File size 321783. P Simpson
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
3.21Mb (963 downloads)
N_Italy_Update North Italy Campaign 2. Three complete non-historical campaigns in this comprehensive project comprising 18 missions each from RAF, USAAF & Luftwaffe viewpoints. Also includes required aircraft. Does not require previous versions or other files. File size 3364257 (3.3mb) Author Jonathon Pearson
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
Battle of the Bulge Campaign An 8 mission campaign using CFS default aircraft. The initial missions included with the Campaign revolve around the 23rd and 24th of December 1944, with an initial mission covering a key group of sorties on the 18th. Five of these first missions are from December 23rd alone, so get ready for a busy day. File size 69440 Author Bill Potvin
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
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