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Dch6-100 FACH
1.64Mb (704 downloads)
The Chilean Air force operate the Twin Otter since the sixties, mainly in southern territories as Llanquihue, Aysén and Magallanes regions. The resemblance of the climate and the topography between our southern regions and his native land Canada, make it optimum to operate here. Created by: John de Miranda for FS98 Adapted to CFS1 and repainted by: Edmundo Abad Converted to CFS1 and repainted as DHC-6 100 Twin Otter FACH #939 homebased at Grupo 5, Tepual Airbase, Puerto Montt, 1976. I have included a damage profile for use with CFS1, with experimental armament for close support missions, tested in the DHC-6 during the "Beagle Channel crisis" (1978) : 2 x 0.50 machine gun in the wing-struts, 1 x 0.30 machine gun in the left side door, and bombs.
Posted Dec 21, 2009 07:35 by Edmundo Abad
Beechcraft C-45 FACH
0.50Mb (5012 downloads)
Beechcraft C-45 "Expeditor"FACH for FS98/CFS1 Fuerza Aérea de Chile - Chilean Air Force The Beechcraft C-45, is the military version of Beech Model 18. The Chilean Air Force (and Chilean Navy), operated the Beechcraft C-45 "Expeditor" (and AT-11 "Kansan"), in the years 60-70, as VIP, passenger and sanitary transport, navigation training, skydiving, courier and liaison plane, for air reconnaissance and photography. Homebased at Grupo 6, Punta Arenas (Magallanes Straits). Created by: Bill Lyons & Sergio Kaiser for FS98 Panel: Michel Polski Adapted to CFS1 and repainted by: Edmundo Abad Converted to CFS1 and repainted as: Beechcraft C-45 "Expeditor" FACH #485, Grupo 6, Punta Arenas, 1968. I have included a damage profile for use with CFS1, with fictional armament: 2 x 0.30 machine gun in the side windows.
Posted Dec 18, 2009 06:39 by Edmundo Abad
1.68Mb (231 downloads)
De Havilland DHC-3 Otter for FS98/CFS1 Fuerza Aérea de Chile - Chilean Air Force The Chilean Air force operated the Otter in the years 50-60, mainly in the difficult access south territories. Created by:Fred Banting for FS98 Adapted to CFS1 and repainted by: Edmundo Abad Converted to CFS1 and repainted as: -DHC-3 Otter FACH #931 with weels. I have included a damage profile for use with CFS1, with fictional armament: 2 x 0.30 machine gun in the side windows and bombs.
Posted Dec 17, 2009 06:44 by Edmundo Abad
DHC2 Beaver FACH
DHC2 Beaver FACH
3.28Mb (517 downloads)
De Havilland DHC-2 Beaver for FS98/CFS1 Fuerza Aérea de Chile - Chilean Air Force The Chilean Air force operated the Beaver in the years 50-60, mainly in the difficult access territories as Easter Island, Chilean Antartic Territory, and Patagonia's Ice Fields. Created by:Fred Banting for FS98 Adapted to CFS1 and repainted by: Edmundo Abad Converted to CFS1 and repainted in tree textures as: -DHC-2 Beaver FACH #911 with floats. -DHC-2 Beaver FACH #907 with weels. -DHC-2 Beaver FACH #910 with skis. I have included a damage profile for use with CFS1, with fictional armament: 1 x 0.50 machine gun in the nose. 2 x 0.30 machine gun in the side windows. Rockets and bombs.
Posted Dec 17, 2009 06:38 by Edmundo Abad
1.07Mb (993 downloads)
CFS UH-1H(Huey), with a rescued pilot dangling from the winch, operated by the spoiler key. Gunship Helicopter. Also includes DP, panel and sound. Airfile By Deane Baunton. Repaint and DP file by Steve McClelland. File size 1123248
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            McDonnell XF-85 Goblin
0.12Mb (854 downloads)
CFS McDonnell XF-85 Goblin Moving Parts model of the experimental Parasite escort fighter. Designed to be carried within the fuselage of a bomber. G key operates recovery hook & ski gear. DP included. by Satoshi Terasaki. File size 124521
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.15Mb (769 downloads)
F84E Thunderjet, USAF Korean fighter. F-84e Thunderjet PPP v1.0 1999 Tim Piglet Conrad File size 154259. Panel for this :F84Pangau CFS Only. F-84E Thunderjet panel. Would suit other '50's jets. File size 421023 Author Mike Eustace
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Shooting Star
            Shooting Star
0.67Mb (832 downloads)
P-80 Shooting Star. 1st US jet aircraft to be used in operation, 1945. Later used in Korea. Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star for MS Combat Flight Simulator Aircraft by Chris Lampard Panel by Phil Perrot DP by Katy Pluta. File size 700131
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.35Mb (718 downloads)
DH Venom Mk 4 CFS VERSION File size 368391. Capt Slug
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.09Mb (1256 downloads)
F-14A Tomcat. FS98 / CFS Grumman F-14A Tomcat Package The F-14A Tomcat is a twin engine, two seater, sweep wing jet fighter. It has been the standard U.S.Navy carrier-based interceptor for more than twenty years. This version features panel and flight model enhacements, as well as full CFS compatibility and .dp file (featuring the Vulcan cannon). Original 3D model by Terry Hill,repaints flight model & panel by Dino Cattaneo. Soundwork by Aaron Swindle. File size 2192496
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive