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FS2002 > Props > Page 38
                  Italian Air Force DOUGLAS C118-A
3.55Mb (1799 downloads)
FS2002 Italian Air Force DOUGLAS C118-A code 31-26 (DC-6B) 31° stormo Stato Maggiore - Presidential and VIP transport, spring 1980. Complete with moving landing gear, flaps, ailerons, elevators, and rudder. It also features switchable landing lights. Included very realistic engine sound. Model By Harry Follas and Tom Gibson, Flight Model by Brian Horsey. Completed with night light textures by Hans Hermann,(thanks Hans), Repainted (with Tom's permission) by Roberto Piazza. 3.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  Prop Enhancement package for the FS 2002 Beech Baron and King
0.93Mb (1012 downloads)
Twin Prop Enhancement package for the FS 2002 Beech Baron and King Air. This package was developed to replace the flight models for the default aircraft, with your choice of a standard Baron with normally aspirated engines, or a special turbocharged model. Both aircraft flight models feature all of the cutting edge developments implemented by Steve Small to date. Includes configuration utility. Freeware release by FSD International. 954K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  Twin Otter Amphibian, CC-238 , CAF package
10.79Mb (952 downloads)
DHC-6 Twin Otter Amphibian, CC-238 , CAF package. Panel & Model : Eric Dantès , Textures : Mauricio Illanes. 11MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  , Twin Otter Amphibian, C-FOPI package
10.90Mb (944 downloads)
DHC-6 , Twin Otter Amphibian, C-FOPI package. Panel & Model : Eric Dantès , Textures : Mauricio Illanes. 11MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  , Twin Otter , CC-138 Canadian Air Force package
11.16Mb (1317 downloads)
DHC-6 , Twin Otter , CC-138 Canadian Air Force package. Panel & Model : Eric Dantès. : Mauricio Illanes. 11.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  D 112
3.38Mb (1619 downloads)
JODEL D 112 is a single engine prop two seat, design by Joly and Délémontez. In France, several pilotes were formed with her in aéroclubs. She is the first of the series D 11 which get a popular succes (D117, D119, D 120, and so on) At the beginning of her carrier, in the 50's, she has no starter. As the demand grow up, she was build in several factories and also by enthousiast which added theyr own touch. This modèle has full surface animation, Complete panel, virtual cockpit, open canopy (Maj + E) Design by Christian DAVI, 3.4MB.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  D 117 "Grand Tourisme"
3.01Mb (1289 downloads)
JODEL D 117 "Grand Tourisme" is a single engine prop two seat, build by the SAN near Bernay. Her first flew was made in 1956 and was a new version of the famous D112 design by Joly and Délémontez. She is was equiped with a radio, a second fuel tank behind the seats and navigation lights. She was more powerfull and more comfortable. This modèle has full surface animation, Complete panel, virtual cockpit, open canopy (Maj + E) Design by Christian DAVI, 3.1MB.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  D 120 "Paris-Nice"
                  D 120 "Paris-Nice"
2.90Mb (1344 downloads)
JODEL D 120 "Paris-Nice" is a single engine prop two seat, build by WASSMER Aviation at Issoudun (France). Her first flew was made in 1952 and was a new version of the famous D112 design by Joly and Délémontez. She is was equiped with a radio and has a second fuel tank for medium travels. She was more powerfull and more comfortable. This modèle has full surface animation, Complete panel, virtual cockpit, open canopy (Maj + E) Design by Christian DAVI, 2.9MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  Pro Beech 18 Volpar
                  Pro Beech 18 Volpar
11.81Mb (1372 downloads)
FS2002 Pro Beech 18 Volpar This FSDSv2 project was inspired by my flights as a pilot in a beech 18 volpar when I was based in Hawaii. The Volpar/Beech 18 a truley unigue classic aircraft which has a nosewheel undercarrige (trycycle gear) where the main wheels retract completely, and also features a lengthened nose. It also had a revised leading edge for the wing which sweeps back at a greater angle to smaller wing tips. It features full moving parts including rolling wheels, landing gear, etc. The realistic panel is designed by myself and is based on a beautiful classic photo, with side and rear views. By Roger Gilbert. 12.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  , Twin Otter , Requin package
11.03Mb (1469 downloads)
DHC-6 , Twin Otter , Requin package. Including virtual cockpit & more. Panel + model : Eric Dantès , textures : Mauricio Illanes. 11.3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive