2.54Mb (167 downloads)
Scenery Photorealistic scenery of Varde Airfield, Denmark
All objects are photorealistic; Buildings, hangars, even the
barrels along the two grass-strips. Also incluces fences, custom
made trees, bushes, and a precision landing point for parachutists.
By Ole Egholm. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

1.04Mb (502 downloads)
Meigs field,
Chicago Illinois. Well I had quite a few suggestions for this
one. And what a doozy it is! lots of static aircraft, Sail boats
and a cruiser. Need for speed is the word computer wise :) By
Frank Betts. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

2.19Mb (32 downloads)
Camp Floatplane Base Brooks Camp, Alaska has been called
the "Jewel of Katmai National Park". It's located on Naknek
Lake at the mouth of the Brooks River. Because of the abundance
of salmon, it's a popular destination for anglers, both human
and bears. Other than a couple of exceptions this is an accurate
representation of the floatplane base located there. By Tom
Fica. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.57Mb (135 downloads)
2000 SCENERY ADDON. Bendigo (YBDG) Airport. Australia. **
Version 2.0 ** Add on Hangars, Buildings, Taxiways, Roadways,
Trees and Street lighting for the Default Fs2000 scenery.This
is a completely new and improved version of the scenery that
I released in November 2000. Some details may differ from the
real thing but it is as close as possible to reality. 596K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.12Mb (153 downloads)
2000 SCENERY ADDON. Mangalore (YMNG) Airport. Australia.
Version 1.0 Add on Hangars, Buildings, Taxiways, Roadways, Trees
and Street lighting for the Default Fs2000 scenery.Mangalore
airport is home to several Flying training aorganisations (for
Light Aircraft, Helicopters & ultralights). It is also home
to the Sport Aircraft Association of Australia's convention
& airshow held every easter. Mangalore used to be the Alternate
Airport for YMML. Some details may differ from the real thing
but it is as close as possible to reality. 129K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.09Mb (183 downloads)
2000 SCENERY ADDON. RAAF Point Cook (YMPC). Australia. Version
1.0 Add on Hangars, Buildings, Taxiways, Roadways, Trees and
Street lighting for the Default Fs2000 scenery.Point Cook is
the worlds oldest continuously operated Air Force base (80years),
it is the birthplace of the Royal Australian Air Force and the
home of the RAAF Museum. (Website (Reccommended) http://www.raafmuseum.com.au/)
This scenery was created following a request by Mr. Paul Sheather.
Some details may differ from the real thing but it is as close
as possible to reality. 94K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

2.52Mb (234 downloads)
Florida Scenery Version 3a.Part 1(2.6MB)
Part 2:(3.6MB) Improved Version with increased visibility
(50 mi) of coasts and islands greatly stabilizing appearance
of scenery. Enhanced trees, bug fixes and other goodies. Features
automated install programs which eliminates previous confusion
in installation process. Unzip this First of two files to a
temporary directory and read the "Readme.1st" file. Scenery
by Bob Stellwagen
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

4.06Mb (314 downloads)
Scenery for Houston, Texas. This is a major update of my
IAH2000 scenery for George Bush Intercontinental Airport. Not
only does the airport have full seasonal textures and some new
structures, an accurate, detailed downtown Houston is a new
addition to the package. Includes 27 square miles of photo-realistic
ground textures and extensive night lighting. By James Shaddox
. 4.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.64Mb (225 downloads)
Scenery- MANCHESTER-BARTON V1 Barton is a small airfield
with three grass runways located on the outskirts of Manchester
England next to the ship canal.It is operated by the Lancashire
aero club and is the home of the annual Manchester airshow.This
is a highly detailed scenery which is as accurate as possible
and includes static aircraft as well as fs traffic tracks. By
Paul Baines. 674K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

4.30Mb (270 downloads)
Scenery ---- london City LCY 2001 Demo Version Scenery
for the amazing airport in the heart of the London Docklands.
Featuring satellite images (which cover the whole of London),
static aircraft, static airport vehicles, textured apron with
hand-drawn taxiways, realisitc night textures and casted shadows.
Enhancements made to the Millenium Dome, featuring night lighting
and Canary Wharf development including photo-realistic 1 Canada
Square. Also requires full installation of the Europe NW scenery
entry of Flight Simulator 2000. The demo features everything
but has a large box around the airport and writing on the
satellite textures. By Oliver Minchin. 4.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive