0.04Mb (301 downloads)
utility. Includes large factory complex with buildings, warehouses,docks,cranes
and cargo ships. By Marvin Carter. 40K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.08Mb (300 downloads)
Holland 1940.In May 1940 as war begun, the Dutch air fields
were the first victims of bombing and shooting by german Luftwaffe.In
the attached .BGL files most of the airports as situated in May 1940
are reconstructed. They are as well as possible laid on the right
N. and E. coordinates Buildings, hangars, roads and canals etc. are
included, but with some fantasy, so don't measure! With exception
of Schiphol, airfields had no asphalt or concrete runways. In order
to increase visability, some runways are added. By Dick van Faassen.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.01Mb (346 downloads)
scenery--Interlaken Switzerland Created by Chuck Domes STACFS12
Utility. Includes buildings, repair facility.fuel storage, ammo
dump and static aircraft. there is a Jagdgeschwader of 109s, a Kampfgeschwader
of Ju88s and Me 262s. By Marvin Carter. 6K
Created by Chuck Dome's STACFS 12. UTILITY. Includes factory,warehouses,docks,cranes
and a cargo ship.There is a few AA tracks around for protection.
By Marvin Carter.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.12Mb (224 downloads)
CFS Scenery
Add-On Peenemuende / Germany 1943 This download doesn't include
the airfield textures! You need the textures from my "Airfield Construction
Kit" which is available on this site! Peenemuende (codename "Heimat
Artillerie Park 11") was the place where the germans developed the
V2 rocket. The scenery was designed by using maps and pictures of
the Peenemuende research center and contains 400 objects. By Ralf-J.
Triebel (X_MAT)
1 1.2MB
2 790K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.04Mb (208 downloads)
Created with Misho Katulic's Terrabuilder this scenery is another
in a long list of "Canyon Scenery" designed for wideopen dogfighting!
Many mountains to hide behind, attack from , and manuever between!
If you want a real challenge, try turning off your id's and radar
in multiplayer! Definitely a "Hide and Shoot" Just imagine trying
to avoid any bogies while manuevering between towering mountains using
only your vision and luck ! by Paul Harmon
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.02Mb (257 downloads)
Texas: Texas is an island base with highrises, Large bomber
base, complete with refueling area, Lots of hangers, and factories.
Texas is located a short distance from Malta making this a great
bomber run arena. NBD is 410khz. 20kb file by TBS_TEX aka: Allan
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.10Mb (557 downloads)
Malta: Malta is a WW2 base, loaded with b17s, c47s, hangers,
barracks, radar stations, refuel zone and 2 airstrips. AA guns border
the coast. I have kept this as WW2 as I can. A short run to Texas
makes this a good place for a bomb run. NDB is 430khz 63kb file. by
TBS_TEX aka: Allan Tucker
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.32Mb (175 downloads)
Scenery Add-On Muenster / Germany 1941 This download doesn't
include the airfield textures! You need the textures from my "Airfield
Construction Kit" which is available on this site! The airfield
shows again a new set of photorealistic WWII buildings I have designed.
The scenery includes also 100km of the so called "Kammhuberriegel"
a line of searchlights and sound locators to detect incomming bombers
of the allies. The scenery was designed with the "Airfield Construction
Kit" using CFSMap from Martin "Wizard" Wright. By Ralf-J. Triebel
(X_MAT). 328K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.57Mb (320 downloads)
Scenery Add-On Muenster / Germany 1941 This download includes
all necessary textures! The airfield shows again a new set of photorealistic
WWII buildings I have designed. The scenery includes also 100km of
the so called "Kammhuberriegel" a line of searchlights and sound locators
to detect incomming bombers of the allies. The scenery was designed
with the "Airfield Construction Kit" using CFSMap from Martin "Wizard"
Wright. By Ralf-J. Triebel (X_MAT). 589K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

2.69Mb (293 downloads)
and SAIPAN for FS98 & CFS......ONLY the way it was in 1945.
It was built as a tribute to Nathan Hicks, "Nate", and all of the
men of Tinian and Saipan. Nathan was the Navigator/Radar Operator
on the B29 "genie". Genie was at Tinian in 1945 and part of the
Japanese Air Offensive. Contains static & dynamic WW2 aircraft.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive