206 Long Ranger Native Air.
Repaint of Ian Standfast's Bell 206L Long Ranger presented in
the painted livery of Native Air based in Phoenix, Arizona.
Repaint by Brian Wilson. 3.9MB |
AS332L2 Swiss Army for FS2002.
It has animated rotor blades, gear, landing lights, Search light,
floats, transparent windows, a highly realistic Panel and realistic
sounds.by Dirk E. Fassbender. 4.2MB |
Air Evac. Repaint
of Frans Vranken's AS-350 "A-Star" in the painted livery of
Air Evac based Phoenix, Arizona. Repainted by Brian Wilson.
5.9MB |
Guardian Air.
This is a repaint of Ian Standfast's Bell 206L Long Ranger presented
in the painted livery of Guardian Air based in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Repaint by Brian Wilson. 4.2MB |
Breda-Nardi (Hughes) NH-500E
Repainted in Italian Air Force 72° stormo Helicopter Flight
school, based on Frosinone Airport, by Roberto Piazza. Original
model by By Björn Büchner. 1.1MB |