Boeing 737-200 AIRG Linea Privada. AIRG
Linea Privada blue livery for YeoDesigns 737. GMAX model, 64
sided fuselage, full moving parts, opening doors (passenger
& cargo), access retractable stairs, steerable gear with rolling
wheels, animated compressing thrust reversers, transparent canopy,
3D crew, dark windshield, sliding flaps and outboard slats,
reflective textures and accurate flight dynamics. Original by
YeoDesigns, repaint by Alberto Guerrero. 1.9MB |
Boeing 737-200 LAN Express.
LAN Chile Express livery for YeoDesigns 737. GMAX model, 64
sided fuselage, full moving parts, opening doors (passenger
& cargo), access retractable stairs, steerable gear with rolling
wheels, animated compressing thrust reversers, transparent canopy,
3D crew, dark windshield, sliding flaps and outboard slats,
reflective textures and accurate flight dynamics. Original by
YeoDesigns, repaint by Alberto Guerrero. 2.2MB |
Boeing 737-200V2 3 livery pack. Canadian North, Air North &
West Jet.
A Gmax model with 64 sided fuselage, moving control surfaces,
rolling wheels, moving pitch and aileron trims, opening doors,
retractable stairs, cargo doors, steerable front landing gear,
animated compressing struts, animated reverser buckets, transparent
canopy with 3D pilots inside, dark windshield glass, 3D gear
bays, sliding flaps and outboard slats, FS2002 style landing
light, beacon lights, nav lights, strobe lights and logo lights,
FS2002 style night lighting, 1024x1024 and 512x512 textures
and accurate and realistic flight dynamics. Includes panel by
Fabrizio Berretta. Model and aircraft package by YeoDesigns
Group. Repainted by Richard McMaster. 10.2MB |
Manual/Checklist -- Airbus A-340.
FS2002 Manual/Checklist Airbus A-340. In PDF-format as a booklet.
From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before
Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach
- Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to
"cold". Based on the panel by Eric Marciano, using RealCRT gauges
by Tony d'Ambrosio. Freeware by Werner Schott, Switzerland.
641K |
Manual/Checklist -- Airbus A-330.
FS2002 Manual/Checklist Airbus A-330. In PDF-format as a booklet.
From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before
Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach
- Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to
"cold". Based on the panel by Eric Marciano, using RealCRT gauges
by Tony d'Ambrosio. Freeware by Werner Schott, Switzerland.
1.2MB |
Manual/Checklist -- Airbus A-319/320/321.
FS2002 Manual/Checklist Airbus A-319/320/321. In PDF-format
as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi
- Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent
- Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft
- to "cold". Based on the panel by Eric Marciano, using RealCRT
gauges by Tony d'Ambrosio. Freeware by Werner Schott, Switzerland.
1.7MB |
737-700 Winglets (Boeing Business Jet -BBJ) COPA AIRLINES FOR
FS2002. COPA airlines Boeing 737-700 winglets for FS2002.
Copa Airlines of Panama has become the first carrier in North,
Central and South America to operate the Boeing 737-700 with
advanced winglet technology. The distinctive winglets reduce
drag and provide greater fuel efficiency, increasing range capability
by up to 115 nautical miles. Copa operates out of its "Hub of
the Americas in Panama" at Tocumen International Airport in
Panama City, positioning it as a major time-saving hub on routes
between North and South America and the Caribbean. MODEL DESIGNED
Am 737-200 Repainted by : Alvery Guiler Description of Content:
This is a repaint of the YeoDesigns Gmax 737-200 in Pan Am's
new livery. 1.7MB |
Manual/Checklist -- B-757-200. FS2002 Manual/Checklist Boeing
B-757-200. In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start
- Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff -
Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To
Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". Based on the
B-757 panel by Greg Hatstat. Freeware by Werner Schott. 472K