
Gmax Bell 430 Utah Medivac.
by Alan Devins and Rory Kelly, Finished off by Keith Devins
This model is the last model that Rory Kelly was working on
before he died and is deciated to his memory. The model has
the usual Fs2004 features. (Ack Ack) McIntyre. 4.5MB |
Esquadron Pantera of FAB, in Rio Grande do Sul Repainting of
all new aircraft textures by Cristiano Magnani. Model, original
panels, gauges and textures by Deane Baunton. Sound by Manuel
Gonzalez and Olle Kauppi. 9.3MB |
USCG Air Station Detroit HH-65B Textures only.
Two repaints of HH-65B's based at Coast Guard Air Station Detroit
at Selfridge ANGB, Michigan, for use with Antti Pankkonen's
AS365N3 Dauphin here.
Textures only, original aircraft required. Air Station Detroit
and its five HH-65Bs provide SAR assistance to over 1,000 miles
of shoreline in the Eastern Great Lakes region. By Matt Magner.
1.2MB |
CH UH-1Huey British Army Training.
The remarkable Bell UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) has been the classic
all-purpose military helicopter for almost forty years. All
four branches of the US military have used the UH-1 at some
time as have about forty foreign nations. It has evolved through
thirteen models and was used in perhaps countless roles including
command and control, medical evacuation and transporting personnel,
equipment and supplies during its millions of hours of flight.
Design for Abacus by Tolga Piskin. 5MB |
Westland Seaking MK48 A&AEE Textures only.
: The Sea King helicopters of the RAF Search and Rescue. This
version is the A&AEE of Boscombe Down in Raspberry Ripple Textures.
Aircraft, and panel : Willy Vervaecke (required here)
Textures by ukmil.org.uk. 970K |

Eurocopter EC120B Package
- Nemeth Designs Model: Tamas and Peter Nemeth Gauges: Peter
Nemeth Sound: Eryk Sinica. All technical support and material:
Simon Baumann. Contains Full workable virtual cockpit &
3 liveries. No 2D panel. 32MB |
Westland Lynx HAS 8.
The Westland Lynx HAS 8 is flown by the British Navy. Aircraft
depicted Is with 815 Naval Air Squadron, RNAS Yeovilton, 2000
AIRCRAFT BY Kazunori AP Designs. Textures by UKMIL. 2.6MB |