Air France SE210 Caravelle
This is the complete package for an Air France Caravelle F-BHRI
christened “Bretagne”. The model is by J R Lucariny, with the
re-paint by Ian Roussel. 1.6MB |

Gulfstream GV version 1.2
By LiderDesigns Gulfstream GV Freeware model by Peter Brun/LiderDesigns
including Moving parts, Flaps, Spoilerons, Elevator, Rudder,
rolling weels, Opne door, Virthual cockpit with gauges, Night
effects, 32bits textures Includes All default FS2004 gauges.
5.2MB |
BOAC Vickers Supper VC-10
FS2004 BOAC Vickers Supper VC-10, my first flight Bahrain-Bombay
in 1968 was on this aircraft , Model by David Maltby. Panel
by Nick Cooper. Soundpackage by Aaron R. Swindle (CV880).Repaint
by Mohammed Al-Khalifa. 4.3MB |
United Airlines Friendship Livery B747-200
Model made by Project OpenSky Model Designer : C. Vincent Cho,
Yosuke Ube Flight Dynamics Designer : Nick Peterson FDE Advisor's
: Warren C. Daniel, Simon Ng Hin Tat Quality Control : Simon
Ng Hin Tat Tested : Project-Opensky Members Master textures
: C. Vincent Cho, Yosuke Ube Painted : Devyn Silverstein. 6.3MB |

Bombardier/Canadair CRJ700-ER Frontier Airlines.
A 70/75 seat, Twin Turbo Fan Regional Airliner in Frontier Airlines
Reg# N611QX, A Horizon Airlines operator. An FSDS 2.24 Design
with 2D Panel, Dynamic VC and Night Effects. Now includes Wing
Views. Full Animation Featuring Operating Airstair, Thrust Reverser,
Leading Edge Slats, steerable Nose Wheel, HTML Check & Reference
Lists, Custom Sound, a Panel_Docs_Help folder and more. View
the readme first.txt in the zip file for complete install instructions.
Special Thanks to Nick Linehan, Mesa Group CRJ700 / 900 Pilot
for his assistance in this project. Enjoy flying the 4th version
of this great aircraft. A CRJ900 is coming soon. By Premier
Aircraft Design. 10.3MB |
TU-334 Aeroflot.
The TU-334 is a Russian short-range turbojet aircraft designed
for 102 passengers which flight range is equal to 3150 km with
designed payload. Designed & textured by J R Lucariny. 1.5MB |