Airbus 330-200 House Colors.
The A330 family has established itself as one of the most advanced,
comfortable and reliable long-haul passenger and cargo airplane.
The cockpit has long been looked upon as the most avanced alongside
the Triple Seven. \n\nTeam Memebers who Made This Possible:
GMAX Modelling Glaeson Ramnarine, Virtual Cockpit Peter Skolte,
2D Cockpit Eric Marciano, Flight Model Eugene Shneyder, Artwork:
Copyright 2003 FlightCraft. 10MB |
Airbus A380-800 Air France livery
High quality Gmax model of the Airbus A380-800, the world's
largest passenger jet. The model includes all the usual things
as a steering nosewheel, taxi and landing lights, \dynamics
shine and all moving parts, including a fully animated landing
gear animation. Some special things include three opening doors,
with visible interior. Flexing wings, wing views and trim animation
for the horizontal stabilisers. Model, dynamics and paintkit
by Robert Versluys. Air France Textures by Xavier Villaneau.
1.5MB |
Ryanair Kittyhawk 737-800,
which includes full moving parts, dynamic shine, custom lighting,
scratch-built visual model using the latest technology from
GMAX, custom textures. All new never been flown before flight
dynamics, tested by a 737 rated commercial pilot. Model and
textures by: Erick Cantu. Flight Dynamics (FDE) by: Shawn Anderson.
32 bit textures used on the fuse for extra detail and dxt3 used
everywhere else to make her frame rate friendly, and reduce
the download time. Ryanair repaint by Steve Drabek. 2.2MB |

2004 United Airlines Boeing DC-10-30
Part 1 Aircraft. G-Max Extended 32bit 888-8 "Photorealistic"
textures This aircraft has a modified Aircraft.cfg file with
Excellent flight characteristics,Leading edge engine wing
view, 15% aft flap View, 50% Flap wing View, 4 passenger cabin
Views, 15 different fixed window Views 2 different spot View
panel.cfg's to choose from with 36 Instruments. Other files
needed D10dLSGb and D10dLSgc Re-paint of the Stewart-Global
Aircraft DC-10. By: Donald L. Derwin. 3.6MB
2 - Panels & Cabin Views. 6.6MB
3 Textures Files. 2MB
Airbus A380-800 Continental
High quality Gmax model of the Airbus A380-800, the world's
largest passenger jet. The model includes all the usual things
as a steering nosewheel, taxi and landing lights, \dynamics
shine and all moving parts, including a fully animated landing
gear animation. Some special things include three opening doors,
with visible interior. Flexing wings, wing views and trim animation
for the horizontal stabilisers. Model, dynamics, and textures
by Robert Versluys. Repaint by Kevin Boydston. 2.1MB |
Automatic engine smoke for Robert Versluys's Airbus A380-800
models and also for all default fs9 aircraft. The gauges and
effects contained herein will start smoke in propeller, jet
or turbo jet when the aircraft is accellerated over about 50%
and turn smoke off if decelarated bellow. This version adds
smokes for all default aircraft and also gives instructions
on how to install smokes in any other aircraft. By Alejandro
Villa. 28K |
BAC One-Eleven 501 Brymon European Textures only. Short
lived Brymon European operated a fleet of ex British Airways
BAC One-Eleven 400's and this solitary series 500. This machine
built for British United, was transferred to the BCAL fleet
on the takover by Caledonian Airways. This in turn was acquired
by BA who also took over Brymon. Requires the BAC One-Eleven
500HK model by David Maltby here
: Repaint Garry Russell. 531K |