Vtol Solotrek XFV Police Airport Craft.
The craft which was designed to perform like a helicopter, provide
the operator with a birds-eye view, be economical to operate,
and be easy to maintain and store. Created by J R Lucariny.
840K |
Unreal Aviation Tandem Aerofoil Boat Wing-in-Ground-Effect
vehicle for recreational use in sheltered waters. Not a problem
in FS as even the oceans are calm. ;-) Although it is true that
WIG craft perform better the larger they get and need to be
somewhere in the region of 400 tons plus to be capable of crossing
oceans, there is something to be said for this much smaller
class. Faster than any speedboat or hovercraft yet needing no
more skill to pilot than either. The only limitation being its
inability to climb more than a few inches above the water plus
the need for the calm waters of slow rivers, lakes and estuaries.
Kevin Bryan. 2.2MB |

Airport Ramp Tractor TG5000.
This tractor is used at Euroairport (LFSB) to tow and pushback
regionnal aircrafts (like CIMBER's Crj-200).Very detailled
model. The vehicle has two tow bar avalaible with landing
light and panel light keys. See read-me file for technical
features. Virtual Cockpit is include and sound package. The
airport map is personalizable for each user. Really usefull
to discover your new airport. Don't hesitate to send me screenshoots
from your ride !! If you have suggestions for further evolution,
conatact me via e-mails. By HAUGER Fredo. 4.6MB
Tractor (Tug) Panel.
. This is a panel for the TG5000 Tractor released the day
before this panel by Hauger Fredo. Its fictional but its cool.
(Includes 2 diffrent backgrounds) By Calvin Gwinner. 186K
Kneeboard Web browser v 2.0.
The newest version of my browser for FS2004's kneeboard. It
now provides quick acces to weather and charts services, as
well as beeing a very powerful web browser with back&forward
buttons and more. Alex George. 61K |
Airshow Manoeuvres.
For all you Fighter Pilots out there, who have been inspired
by the recently held Farnborough airshow in the UK, here is
a "Do your own air show" in a state of the art F/A-18F Super
Hornet [TEAM FSKBT's F/A-18F (here].Just follow the simple aircraft
manuevers given in the word doc in which the description of
the manuevers is given in the end. Try to complete the airshow
in under 10 mins,[real pilots do it under 6 mins].We like to
thank the FSKBT Team for the brilliant job on the Flight Dynamics
of the Super Hornet. 50K |
Wintery Haze FX.
This program will add a wintery haze on the ground much like
a blowing snow haze much like you would see while driving down
the highway during a snow storm. 176K |
Unreal Aviation SWing SST.
Slew-Wing supersonic transport prototype. Inspired by the work
of NASA-Dryden (who pinched the idea from Dr Voght of Blohm
und Voss) this concept gives you both a STOL performance and
Mach 2. I was having a 'Can I make a model in a day' moment
so it's a bit simple but still turned out well. By Kevin Bryan.
1.9MB |