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  Scenery Page 67
FS2004 Brookhaven Airport (KHWV) Shirley, NY, USA Version 2. Located on the south shore of LI, NY a small but large airport of plenty of people. Civil air patrol (Unites states Airfoce Auxilery). Airshows are there and is part of the great Dowling College Brookhaven Campus. Took me a long time. If you want you can add builings and other spots if you need to make it better. At least 150 parking spots all based on real maps and photos. Created using AFCAD2. 12K
FS2004 Moscow City Scenery. Adds many buildings & features to Moscow. 2.2MB
FS2004 FsSkylight Cirrus Clouds v1 This addon is a highres replacement of the default cirrus cloud textures and visibility layer. All images were replaced with more discreet cloud pictures. Compared to the default textures the colors are a bit darker, and the transperency is a little higher. This produces a more realistic blending against the background skycolor. Especially on Sunset or Dawn Flights. 3.7MB
FS2004 BlueStream Airlines (va) - Holley Navy Outlying Airfield (NKL) - Maintenence & Painting Facility This is Holley Navy Outlying Airfield (NKL) located in Navarre/Ft. Walton Beach, Florida USA. This airfield is being used by BlueStream Airlines of Ohio as their Maintenence & Painting Facility. BlueStream Airlines is headquartered in Hamilton, Ohio USA at KHAO and flies charter, air taxi, cargo, and scheduled passenger flights to various regional airports. This scenery is made for FS2004+. The airfield is real, but has been modified extensively by me. The runways have been moved to the correct position, and the third one added. In reallity, there is nothing on the airfield currently except the runways. It is used for some Navy flight training. Everything in this scenery is ficticious. Scenery by: Gregory D. Swagler. 8.2MB
FS2004 City Of Rotorua & Surronding Area, New Zealand. A photoreal scenery covering a land area of approx 1,728 square kilometres in the central North Island of New Zealand. Notable areas you can visit with this scenery include: Rotorua City, Owhata, Ngongotaha, Lake Rotorua, Lake Rotoiti, Lake Tikitapu, Lake Okareka, Lake Okataina, Lake Tarawera, Blue & Green Lakes, Pohutu Geyser. By Heath Wells. 48MB
FS2004 Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah.(works probably in FS2002 too) A small landclass addon for Bonneville Salt Flats near Salt Lake City in Utah. The old lake bed is covered by a flat layer of salt. Very flat, very white, this is a place where land speed records are set. by Per Kruuse. 63K
FS2004 AFCAD File for Leeuwarden AB, located near Leeuwarden in Frisian, the Netherlands. This is the first afcad file voor Leeuwarden and it's made with maps en real-life pictures. Gijsbrecht van Batum. 261K
FS2004 Boise Air Terminal (KBOI), Boise, Idaho (ID). BOI2004 was formerly payware. By Andrew Niiranen and Bob Niccolai. 8.7MB
FS2004 Deer Valley Airport KDVT. This is a complex replication of the Phoenix based Deer Valley airport. For those of you that have wanted a cool and realistic rendition of KDVT, here it is. This package includes Westwind, Cutter, and PanAm flightschools and hanger complexes, the Honeywell hanger and Honeywells massive complex nearby. There are a moderate amount of static aircraft and cars, hangers, a detailed terminal building with outside restaurant, newer detailed tower, night lighting, custom textures with light maps, etc. AFCAD2 and Rwy12 were used to compile this package. Modeled in Gmax by William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 22MB
FS2004 Changi Airport Singapore Afcad v3 file. This file adds more gates to the default flight simulator Changi. 18K