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  Scenery Page 68
FS2004 KEGL - Gainesville Municipal Airport, located in Gainesville Texas. The airport recently upgraded its main runway 17/35 by extending it 1000 feet. This update includes the added runway area and corrects some minor problems with the original FS9 airport, such as parking areas, and the location of the fuel pumps. Bill Gregg. 4K
FS2004 City of Gloucester in the UK v. 1.. Custom models of local landmarks and over 1,500 buildings in the centre of the city. Includes Gloucester Docks and Gloucester Cathedral. This is the complete Gloucester scenery. If you have any of my previous scenes please disable them first. Designed for and aligned with UK VFR Photographic Scenery. Designed in Gmax by Andrew Francis. 23.2MB
FS2004 World Environment Upgrade V. 2.0 This package will greatly enhance the world environment in Flight Simulator by adding more realistic sky textures and lighting for all phases of the day and seasons. This update corrects some of the issues from the previous version. The blue tinge that the previous package created on some of the textures has been fixed as well as the yellow fog effect. Also, new and more realistic sky textures for dawn and dusk have been included. By Maurice Moscoso. Dawn and Dusk textures courtesy of Thomas Grillo. 597K

FS2004 Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport Kalamazoo, Michigan. Kalamazoo Airport Scenry (KAZO). Uses some rnwy 12 objects. Includes AFCAD 2 file. by Mike Magner. 359K

FS2004 AFCAD File for Twenthe AB, located near Enschede in the Netherlands. This is the first afcad file for the default Twenthe and it's made with maps en real-life pictures. This is a very realistic AFCAD file made with Google Earth and maps from www.scramble.nl. I've added realistic taxiways en parkingspots. Gijsbrecht van Batum. 63K
FS2004 - Manukau City Council Building, NZ. . This scenery is offered as freeware. Accurately recreated using photo textures. Fully compatible with Real NZ Auckland City. By Ron Watson. 67K
FS2004 AFCAD File for Woensdrecht AB, located near Bergen op Zoom in the Netherlands. This is the first afcad file for the default Woensdrecht and it's made with maps en real-life pictures. This is a very realistic AFCAD with real taxiways & parking spots, this file is made with Google Earth and maps from www.scramble.nl. 79K
FS2004 Lake Hood, Alaska. Lake Hood is the largest and busiest floatplane base in the world. This scenery is a representation based on satellite images and what few photographs I could find. Google Earth images were used to locate the major buildings and determine their sizes. Unfortunately, all you can see are mostly the tops of buildings so you have to make your best guess at what they look like from the ground. John L. Woodward. 1.4MB
FS2004 Terrain mesh fix for TJ Synkral Area 51 add-on (here). TJ Synkral recommends flattening Area 51 in his original documentation due to runway elevation issues. However, for those of us who have terrain meshes for parts or all of the United States, this flattening process will take away the full visual impact of this mysterious area. The following line of text pasted into the, "scenery.cfg" file located in the FS9 root directory will only flatten a portion of this scenery leaving the adjacent mountains untouched. The final result will be a photorealistic area superimposed upon a terrain mesh (for those that have a mesh for this area). By Chacoma Steel. 40K
FS2004 LROP (Henry Coanda.Int Airport). This package contains the AFCAD and general scenery for LROP (Henry Coanda.Int airport from Romania). I've put the constructioncrane, the new fire building, some vehicles, buildings,and fuel tanks.By the way i've also linked the airport with the DN1 road and I hope the airport will be good enoug to make you land on it and surprise you. Did you know that the airport is one of the busiest in Eastern Europe and the base for TAROM airlines! By: Andrei Visan. 496K