
S2F Grumman Tracker MLD Fully animated model with opening
bombdoors, mad boom and radome. The original design is from
Mike Greenwood and i modified the engine, radar, prop, MAD boom
design and added some parts to make it look more like the S2F's
that operated with the Royal Netherlands Navy. 2.8MB. Modified
by Emile Lancee. 2.8MB |

Douglas A-4 Skyhawk VF-1 "Falcões do mar" The VF-1 Squadron
is the first Brazilian Navy Aerial Unit to operate fighters.
It was created October 02nd, 1998, and it is under the command
of the Naval air force. The VF-1 duty is to provide and operate
aircrafts used for dogfights. Original by Deane Baunton Moving
parts, flight dynamics: Lewis Magruder Repaint by Carlos Henrique.
805K |

EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON Depicted as Red Arrows version (Purely
Fictitional Version) FS98 REDS Typhoon. May'be impossible
for the Red's pilot's to fly this kyte, but not for you. Enjoy!
Re-painted by Steve Anderson, from an excellent original,
by Bepino. 116K |

& CFS Dassault-Breguet Super Etendard Single seat jet attack
aircraft Argentinian Navy paintscheme, Falklands Aircraft id
3-A-203 with "kill" markings Aux tank & Exocet toggle on/off
Animated gear, flap, spoiler & control surf. no panel no sound
custom .dp file for CFS by Thierry Romain & Christian B Alexandersen.
99K |


Douglas A-4 Skyhawk VF-1 "Falcões do mar" The VF-1 Squadron
is the first Brazilian Navy Aerial Unit to operate fighters.
It was created October 02nd, 1998, and it is under the command
of the Naval air force. The VF-1 duty is to provide and operate
aircrafts used for dogfights. Original by Deane Baunton Moving
parts, flight dynamics: Lewis Magruder Repaint by Carlos Henrique
(BRA_Goose) 1º Brazilian Fighters Squadron. 417K |
F-84G Thunderjet-5a Aerobrigata-Pattuglia Acrobatica
(Demonstration Team) "Guizzo" A.M.I. (Aeronautica Militare Italiana)-1953/54.
On 1st June 1953 the 5a Aerobrigata was charged to form the
first national post-war aerobatics team, named "Guizzo" (Flash)
from the radio-call of the 103° Gruppo. The formation was composed
by 4 ship piloted by Magg. Deggiovanni (leader), Mar. Pillepich,
Ten. Bladelli, Cap. Marsilli and by Serg. Magg. Birago. The
team took part in exhibitions also abroad and at Soesterberg
(Holland), for the first time in aviation history, performed
the famous aerobatics "Bomb". Original by Tim Piglet Conrad
1999. Repaint by Corrado Sandri from a rework by Torben Svane.
248K |
FS98/CFS Alenia F-104S/ASA-M Tribute.
A complete set of F104S/ASA-M from all the Wings of the Italian
Air Force which own this special and amazing "Rocket whit a
man whitin". These are the last Starfighters flying in an Air
Force and, in the year of their dismission, this package is
a tribute to the best aircraft in the world. Designed by Alpha
Simulations. Sound by M.Hambly. Textures, Panel, Damage Profile,
Flight Dynamics and Package by Simone Prattico'. 4MB |

FS98/CFS AMI Aeritalia F-104S Starfighter (9-41).
The F-104S is a develop of the original F-104G with a more powerful
engine, stronger body structure, improvements to avionics and
ordinance capabilities and two new lateral tail fins for better
stability at high speeds. The F-104S was choosen by the Italian
Air Force in 1966 to replace its fleet of F-104G. Almost all
the 206 F-104S were directly produced in Italy by Aeritalia
which produced also 40 aircraft for the Turkish Air Force. This
aircraft is from the 9th Wing "Francesco Baracca" of the 10th
Group of the Italian Air Force (AMI) which received its first
F-104S in early 1972. This F-104S has the "Europe Camo" color
scheme as it appeared in 1970s and 1980s. Its primary role was
interception and air superiority. Designed by Alpha Simulations.
Sound by M.Hambly. Textures, Panel, Damage Profile, Flight Dynamics
and Package by Simone Prattico'. 3.8MB |
De Havilland DH-100 Vampire Anthology This
is an Anthology of nine De Havilland DH-100 Vampire from various
Air Forces from all over the World. Included are Vampires from:
Royal Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force, Royal Australian
Air Force, Italian Air Force, Indian Air Force, Switzerland
Air Force, Mexican Air Force, Venezuelan Air Force, France Air
Force. Aircraft Design from Antoine Delacretaz; Moving Parts
from Pattick Boissel; Sound from Mike Hambly; Texture, Flight
Model, Panel, Damage Profile and Package by Simone Prattico'.
3.5MB |
Northrop/McDonnell Douglas YF-23A "Black Widow"
II PAV-1 87800 "Grey Ghost" The YF-23A "Black Widow II" was
the Northrop/McDonnell Douglas team's entry into the Advanced
Tactical Fighter (ATF) competition. It was a supersonic "Stealth"
fighter. Along with its Stealth capabilities, the YF-23A was
designed to "Supercruise". This meant that the YF-23A "Black
Widow II" could cruise supersonic without the use of engine
augmentation or "afterburning." YF-23A "Black Widow" II PAV-1
(S/N 87-800) is currently at the USAF Test Center Museum at
Edwards Air Force Base, California. Model design by Paul Hartl,
Background Panel Image by Chuck Dome, Sound by Walker Grant,
Flight Dynamics, Checklist, Panel and Package by Simone Prattico'.
4.5MB |
AMI Alenia F-104S/ASA-M Starfighter
(9-41) The F-104S/ASA-M is a further development of the Italian
F-104S and is fitted with up-to-date avionics and weapon delivery
systems. This F-104S/ASA-M has the "Europe Camo" color scheme
as it appeared in 1988 when it was delivered at the 9th Wing.
Its primary role was interception and air superiority. The 9th
Wing of the Italian Air Force was based on Grazzanise "Carlo
Romagnoli" Air Base, Caserta. Designed by Alpha Simulations.
Sound by M.Hambly. Textures, Panel, Damage Profile, Flight Dynamics
and Package by Simone Prattico. 3.8MB |
Saab Gripen Collection 2005.
This file contains 3 different versions off the Gripen, a Swedish,
Czech, and Hungarian Air Force versions. This is an early FS98/FS95
model & contains no moving parts, Painted in the original
liveries of the above mentioned air forces. Original model by
Michael Gurezka, repaint by Nils Steyaert. 230K |
Dassault Mirage IIIB-R AdA.
Alphasim freeware release with backdated FS98 compatable textures.
Also includes DP file for CFS1. BMPs used in backdated include
for benefit of future repainters. Conversion by Derek 'Deke'
Wakefield of Indianola Flightcraft. 145K |
Convair CV5800 Kelowna Flightcraft
Freighter C-FKFS. The CV5800 is a 14 ft 3 in. extended version
of the Convair CV580, by KELOWNA FLIGHTCRAFT, Canada, with two
4300 TSHP Allison 501-D22G Series III Turboprops. Post conversion,
the aircraft are delivered with zero-hours and offer nearly
the same lifting capacity as a DC-9 but at greater cost effectiveness.
C-FKFS is displayed here in it's early Kelowna livery before
being leased to NZ Air Freight. Original Design: Keith Waugh;
AF99 2K upgrade: Dee Waldron 6/00; Original CV580 Mod: Frank
Safranek. Flight dynamics with help from Christoph Ruhtenberg
(of EYA - Enjoy Your Aircraft). Model extension and FS98 downward
conversion by Stephan Scholz. Includes rebuild of Chuck Dome's
RADPAN into a generic Twin JetProp panel with GPS and Weather
Radar (with gauges by Chuck Dome, Glenn Clopeland, Brian Kostick,
Jay Crawford, Paul Scherdtferger, Andreas Jaros, Christian Koegler,
R.L. Clark, Alex Yanes, HGHB, and Scott McMillian). Features
Jetprop sound package. Screen Grab of official Kelowna CV5800
sale brouchure included. 5800 concept, panel rebuild, textures
and package assembly by Derek 'Deke' Wakefield of Indianola
Flightcraft. 1.8MB |
Austrian Eurofighter Typhoon
made up in Austrian Air Force Markings. Austria has 18 of these
aircraft on order and the first, 7L-WA, rolled out of the production
line at Manching, Germany in January 2007. original model by
G. Chiacchietta, repaint by Nils Steyaert. 94K |