Utility. This will estimate your time of arrival.
File size 60247. S Johnson.
for this. File size 65752
The Titanic. On May 31st, 1911 this great vessel was
launched in Belfast from the dock at Harland & Wolff. The ship
was considered "Unsinkable". Unfortunately during Her maiden
voyage to North America the "Titanic" struck and iceberg on
april 12th, 1914 and the rest is History. This version was designed
with Aircraft Factory 99 and is made for use in Microsoft Flight
Simulator 98. The interior panel was designed by Casey Priscilla.
Copyright (c) Frank J. Petriccione 1999 |
Project Files. For Aircraft Factory '99. Conatins all parts,
structures and components for a Klingon Bird-of-Prey that was
never finished. Files are not crated. If you can improve on
it, please notify me. 36K |
51 UFO With panel & sound By Paul Emsley This aircraft was
made using Abacus Aircraft Factory 99 and is for flight sim
98. *The panel for this aircraft is not great, feel free to
make improvements on it. 670K |

Flying Fun Videos Thank you for downloading this video set
It includes : *Paragliding over Oahu.vid *Paragliding over NYC.vid
*Flying the 737-200.vid. By Tom Coogan. 62K |

ID4 Alien Attacker You could have seen this extra-terrestrial
fighter/attacker in the movie "Independence day". Now you can
fly it in your FS98/2000 or fight with it in CFS. This vehicle
features high manoeuvreability and effecive weapons. Modified
Learjet panel and CFS damage profile are included. Created by:
Milan Lisner. 253K |
Starwars X-Wing v2 Design & paint By Paul Emsley This aircraft
was made using Abacus Aircraft Factory 99 and is for flight
sim 98. Requires Flight Shop Converter 98 to be installed. What's
new? My X-Wing now has a clear canopy, R2-D2 and a pilot. 62K |
Goa'uld space vessel for FS98 & it might work with FS2K
By Paul Emsley Place this folder in the aircraft directory of
FS98. Used by all Goa'ulds I think! I just made it because I
saw it on a picture (that pic is included) and I thought it
looked good! I am a big fan of Stargate SG-1 and I am working
on a panel for this ship and two different death gliders then
I will move on to a Goa'uld Ha'tak vessel (mothership). 52K |