FS98 Mexicana
Fokker F27Fokker Fairchild F-27 . Painted in Mexicana Aerocaribe
INTER 1996 livery. All major parts are textured, including the
wings. Lights are also modelled when there off. Repaint by Ruben
Chanona Llano. Mexico City. File size 84212 |
FS98 Fokker
F27 mk 200 Full pack sound panel etc for FS98 Operated by
Eagle Jet Charter in Las Vegas, NV. This is a complete file
developed by pilot's for Eagle Jet. It includes actual Rolls
Royce Dart engine sounds, complete plane with realistic flight
characteristics, and a nearly 100 percent realistic panel to
include radar altimeter, wx radar, space for a GPS, and ADI
with flight director. By Brian Magby and Greg Jarchow (First
Officers, F-27) File size 2067821 |
Grumman HU16
Albatross (Albarcaf)Royal Canadian Air Force for FS98.
This is a remake of my first Albatross for FS5. The fuselage
was remodeled and transparent prop circles were added. Copyright:Dennis
Wasnick Remodeled:Bob TremblayFile size 159881 |
FS98 USAir
DH 114 Heron deHavilland Heron - DH114 Series2A Reg. N14FB
of US AIR - Allegheny Commuter by Les Penridge. revised flight
model by Brian Horsey. for FS98 (FS5.1 included) File size 113970 |
114B Light Aircraft (FS98) A four-seat, single prop engine
aircraft for training and general aviation. Capable of speeds
up to 190Knots and above with a range of about 630nm. Thoroughly
tested, with very nice handling. By: Joshua Maynard File size
81862 |
FS98 Phillipine
Fokker F50FS98 Philippine Airlines Fokker 50. A PAL Domestic,
inter-island plane that flies around the Philippine Islands.
These aircraft are leased by PAL from the Netherlands. Made
upon the request of Kevin Go. Original flight model by Emile
Lancee. This version made by Sami Puro (Flight Model) and Rodion
Herrera (Paint). File size 158003 |
FS98 Pilatus
PC12 FS98 Pilatus PC-12 in USA house-colours The pilatus
PC-12 is a high performance single engine turboprop which combines
high speeds, long range and short take-off and landings in one,
a truly unique aircraft. FS-model is very detailed; includes
opening doors, transparant props, landinglights & chekclist.
This version is painted in the american house livery (N168WA)
which is used by Pilatus (USA) to promote the aircraft. By Marcel
Ritzema. File size 101957 |
FS98 LoganAir(Scotland)
DH Twin Otter FS98 Loganair de Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otter
Loganair (British Airways Express franchise) livery. Twin engine
turboprop regional airliner. By Barry Blaisdell, Loganair repaint
by Iain Murray. File size 188662 |
FS98 Aer
Lingus - 1953 era- Viscount 707 Dave McQueen and Tom Gibson
present to you Aer Lingus' Vickers Viscount 707 for Flight Simulator
98. An all new simulation, it was manufactured in December,
1997. It has landing lights and turbo-prop sounds that may be
used with other converted aircraft by editing the sound.cfg
in the sound directories for those aircraft.Full Pack File size
1118914 |
FS98 Sukhoi
(Russian) Aerobatic SU26 (pack) FS98 Su-26m Ver2 full package
PJAS(Virtual Airline Pacific Japan Aerobatics Squadron) A wild
cat specification machine Su -26m Ver2fullpackage *AIRCRAFT
SU26m(A machine only for the acrobatics made in Russia) *The
original sound *new original panel AIRCRAFT BY,Kouzou Maki(noraneko
{It means stray cat}) PANEL BY,Kouzou Maki & TOYOHARA. File
size 1543795 |