
Aero Ae-45S (OK-KGB) Aero Ae-45 is a Czechoslovak twin engine
airplane, very often used as a taxi plane, which first flew
in 1947. This one (OK-KGB) is version S (Super), which has some
improvements in construction, higher range and revised interior
and control panel. Include airplane with moving parts. by Jiri
Masnik (CVA Design). 51K |

Cessna 404 Titan(version 3 Animation):The next step up from
the 402 model is the 404. With 2-375Hp Continentals a Tailplane
with 12 degree dihederal and the ability to carry 30% more in
ton/mile per gallon over the 402-C.:By Peter Kodis animation
Hans Petter Roverud. 126K |

TEC-7T with panel & sounds, Turbine modification of
the DC-7C. Full moving parts wih retractable 727 style airstair
ramp and full feathering props. Switchable Pilots and FO panels
with cstom painted gauges. Complete Rebuild of Tom Gibson origainal
AFX. Thanks to HGHB, Dragonflight, special thanks to Richard
Probst of CARP for allowig me to repaint his 727 gauges for
this plane. By Dana McGee. 3.8MB |

DeHavilland Dash 8-311 For FS98 with Moving Parts by Aircraft
Animator AF99 Design & Artwork: Barry Blaisdell Flight Dynamics:
Jens Borgstroem, Duckling Air Virtual Airline and Aircraft Factory.
77K |

Cessna 337G Turbo Skymaster. The Frank Lloyd Wright Brothers
Aircraft Co. is proud to present its latest series of new aircraft:
1980 Cessna 337G, in four models. This the second file contains
Volume 2 of the four volume set and includes the second model:
1980 Cessna 337G Turbo Skymaster Complete with moving parts
including gear doors. Volume 1 included the Pressurized version.
Volume 3 will include the Cessna 337 Skymaster O-2 Military
Version. And Volume 4, the final model will showcase the 1998
Riley Super Skyrocket variant. All Volumes designed in fs98
with AF99, but tested in fs2k as well. Unzip the file SkymasT3.zip
first for documentation and screen shots. Have fun! Donn E.
Bohde. 367K |

340b Prima Air. Features Moving parts, Nav Lights, Strobes,
Landing Lights, Night Lighting, Position Lts, Spoilers and Flaps.
Model design by M.D. Baclawski Engine Nacelles/Wheels by Pascal
Linder Flight Dinamics & Textures by Tony Bolton AF99 work by
Jim Youngken Textures by Germán Erostarbe. 96K |

Island Air DHC-6-300 Version 3 N710PV- An accurate representation
of the current livery of an Island Air (Aloha Island Air) Dash
6-300. Island Air is a sister airline in Hawaii, specializing
in connecting the much smaller, remote airports in Hawaii with
the larger ones, such as Honolulu Kahului, and Keahole-Kona.
This aircraft is a part of the Hawaiian Wings Collection. Visual
Model by Barry Blaisdell, Flight Model by Jens Borgstroem Island
Air Paint by Bryan Shirota. 69K |

Tumbleweeds Engineering TEC-7Cargo Turbine This is a complete
rebuild of Tom Gibson's original DC-7C AFX By Dana McGee. Full
moving parts with opening nose cone. New Panel with cstom painted
gauges. Complete Rebuild of Tom Gibson original AFX. Thanks
to HGHB, Dragonflight,CARP and the other gauges designers that
do great products. Alain Capt's ACS-GPS required(here).
2.3MB |
