Mitsubishi Mu-2 Marquise Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' solution
for a turboprop with high cruise speed and short, rough-field
capability.Though dogged by a high accident rate, the Mu-2 remains
a beautifully unique aircraft with excellent performance. Features
a gmax model with full moving parts, reflect map, 3 different
variations, basic virtual cockpit and cabin. Includes a blank
texture in PSD format for repainting. Model and textures by
Björn Büchner Flight dynamics by Al Lynch Jr. 3.5MB |
Howard 500 Upgrade (with Virtual Cockpit)
Package includes bare metal textures (Paintkit) for the original
passenger version, and an additional Cargo Model with bare metal
textures. Original package (hw5vc4.zip) available - here.
By Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, and Joáo Paz.11.9MB |
Project SkyWorks Bombardier CRJ-700 Paint Kit.
Welcome to Bombardier's new 21st century aircraft . We hope
you enjoy flying this aircraft. Features full moving parts,including
ailerons,flaps,elevators,rotating engine fans,turning wheels,spoilers,passenger
doors,thrust reversers,other control surfaces,transparent windows,Full
Dynamic Panel & Cockpit.| Model Designer : Massimo Alteri |
Executive Painter : Massimo Alteri | Aircraft Livery By : Fahim
Safi | Panel Designer : Ken Mitchell | Sound Technician : Leon
Medado | Special Thanks to : Capt. Kent Goschke & Steve Macmahon
of Aerosite.net | Administrator : James Jaw | © Project SkyWorks
2004. 5.1MB |
MAAM-SIM DC-3 Repaint Templates
These are 24-bit templates on which to base repaints of the
FS2004/FS2002 MAAM-SIM DC-3 available from Mid-Atlantic Air
Museum Simulations (MAAM-SIM) at www.maam.org.
They cannot be used with the default FS2004 DC-3. This is not
a 'paint kit' as such, as the original MAAM-SIM DC-3 bitmaps
are partly photoreal. Rather, these are semi-finished templates
on which to base further work. This initial package comprises
bare metal and white top liveries for the base Passenger and
Cargo DC-3 models in different variations, together with revised
alpha channel templates. Simple instructions are included. These
base textures reflect commonly found "background" configurations
for many liveries, and will save repainters time by not having
to get rid of the default colour schemes found in the original
package before starting work. Please note that further templates
will be issued to complement any future versions of the MAAM-SIM
model. The intention is that those templates can be added to
this base 'paintkit' folder, the methodology and basic instructions
being similar for all paints. Where changes to the model invoke
changes in texture mapping or other differences, this will be
noted with each new package provided. By Mark Beaumont for MAAM-SIM,
based on original textures by Jan Visser. File name: MAAMkit1.ZIP.
17.2MB |
Lockheed C-130J-30 Hercules AI Aircraft Model + Repaint kit
Version 1.0
November 8th 2004. Model, Base Textures & Flight Dynamics by
David Friswell. Model: Built in Abacus' FSDS v2.24. Flight Dynamics:
This Lockheed C-130J-30 model is built for AI purposes only
using the excellent FSDS v1 Lockheed L100-30 model by Johan
Crous. Mixture of 1% Spreadshhets (for Aircraft.cfg) and MODIFIED
Default FS9 B747-400 (Airfile). 468K |
Lockheed C-130H Hercules AI Aircraft Model + Repaint kit .
Version 1.0 November 8th 2004. Model, Base Textures & Flight
Dynamics by David Friswell. Model: Built in Abacus' FSDS v2.24.
Flight Dynamics: This Lockheed C-130H model is built for AI
purposes only using the excellent FSDS v1 Lockheed L100-30 model
by Johan Crous. Mixture of 1% Spreadshhets (for Aircraft.cfg)
and MODIFIED Default FS9 B747-400 (Airfile). 485K |
Layered Repaint Kit For B5N2 Kate
Layered Repaint Kit by Marc Dornep AKA. XanyHead. This is a
layered PSP file of the CFS2 B5N2-Kate which will make repaints
much easier. There are 4 layers.....Background, Lines, Rivets,
and Weathering! Each and every line, rivet, and weathering area
were placed exactly as they were on the STOCK Kate texture,
Which took alot of time and effort to do. 1.2MB |
Airbus A380-800 Paintkit/
White livery High quality Gmax model of the Airbus A380-800,
the world's largest passenger jet. The model includes all the
usual things as a steering nosewheel, taxi and landing lights,
\dynamics shine and all moving parts, including a fully animated
landing gear animation. Some special things include three opening
doors, with visible interior. Flexing wings, wing views and
trim animation for the horizontal stabilisers. Model, dynamics
and textures by Robert Versluys. 2.2MB |
Pilatus PC-6 Porter Repaint Kit
This is my paint kit for use with Don Moser's Pilatus PC-6 Porter
. Files are in PSP8 format as well as PSD format (Photoshop).
Requires dmporter.zip (here)
By Chris Coarse. 2.1MB |
Blank Textures for the FS2004 Default Props .
This is blank texture files for Flight Sim 2004's Cessna 172,Cessna
182,Beech Baron,Beech King Air And the Mooney Bravo for flight
sim 2004 these are Blank no paint no markings just a very good
starting point to create your very own project Textures only
Created by Mark Rooks "Fire Ball". 6.8MB |
Beta F-5A Blank Textures
(cool repainters only) in psd format. V/N/C/RF-5A's aircraft
were used at least for 30 countries!!! give yourself a try and
make your repaint!!! thanx for all your downloads and feedback.
simviation exclusive, don't hotlink or clone this file, all
rights reserved. please show me your repaint before uploading,
Author: claudio sanchez / HANGARCEROUNO. 1.1MB |
SU27/ub/30 Paint kit & Effects Update.
This is Paint kit for the Bear Studios Su-27/30/ub aircraft
(here) .
It contains the textures for aircraft exterior models. The texture
sheet is modified from LOMAC flanker skins,changed and added
parts for FS aircraft. So,if you make the LOMAC skins,you can
simply modify it to my flanker airceafts. The Effects include
contail vapor effect & active engine smoke and burner effect.
Bill Wolfgen. 26MB |
Boeing 747-400PW Paintkit.
Paintkit for B747-400 from AI Aardvark designed especially for
AI traffic. Features 16 LOD models and moving parts. Very detailed,
includes animated gear, flaps & spoilers, antennas, flap canoes
and simulated gear bays and specular highlights. Extremely frame
rate friendly. Model by Craig Crawley Paint by Peter Pavlin
& Daniel DiBacco FS2004 FDE by David Rawlins FS2002 FDE by Koji
Tanaka & David Carter. 4.8MB |
OV-10 Bronco NASA Textures only + Paintkit.
Here are the textures for the NASA Research airplane that's
based at Langley AFB, Va. This is not a fictional repaint, but
one taken from photos of the actual aircraft. Because of texture
mapping constraints, the spinners and the metal framework around
the canopy cannot be painted. I'm assuming that for some reason
they were hardcoded into the model itself. Requires original
by Tim Conrad here.
By E Wells. 4.4MB |
Sikorsky S76 with Paintkit.
Based on Source Files By Lasse Lindh Paintkit By Mal Lloyd Requires
Panel and Sound to be Downloaded after repaint (search this
site Panel & Sounds sections). Good Luck with repaint !!!
by Bashir Ismail. 1.1MB |
Carvair v1.0 Repaint Kit (for both FS2004 & 2002 versions.
Designed to assist in producing repaints for the Carvair aircraft.
jwat98.zip (2004) or jwat98k2.zip (2002) Multi-Layered .psd
(photoshop) format files (where required) and .bmp's for producing
the three main texture sheets for the aircraft. By J Walton.
2.2MB |
Kit For Warwick Carter's Civilian P51D Package.
This is a full Paint Kit for the excellent Warwick Carter P-51D
Mustang. Master textures are in DXT3 Format. The texture set
contains a full white livery and two comprehensive multi layered
Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop images - the multi layered artwork
contains special dirt layers, a camo layer, detail layers, and
many other features to assist you in creating some great repaints
for this aircraft. The P-51D Mustang aircraft is available exclusively
from http://www.gjsmith.net
and is not to be included in repaint releases. Only texture
files may be released through any site and simmers should be
referred to http://www.gjsmith.net to obtain the full aircraft
for used of those textures released. 4.3MB |
Cessna 172 Blank Textures.
This is a Repaint of a Stock Cessna 172 For Flight Simulator
FSX Created as a blank texture Project Aircraft . A good starting
point for any C172 Project Created with easy to use Bit Map
Files and easy to follow instructions on how to convert for
FSX.. Textures by Mark Rooks of RSDG. 6.3MB |
Roger Dial's P- 51 Mustang Blank Textures.
This is a Repaint of Roger Dial's P- 51 Mustang For Flight Simulator
FSX Created as a Blank Texture for Project Aircraft . A good
starting point for any Mustang Project Created with easy to
use Bit Map Files and easy to follow instructions on how to
convert for FSX.. Textures by Mark Rooks of RSDG. 6.5MB |
Mooney Bravo Blank Textures.
This is a Repaint of a Stock Mooney Bravo For Flight Simulator
FSX Created as a Blank Texture Project Aircraft . A good starting
point for any Mooney Bravo Project Created with easy to use
Bit Map Files and easy to follow instructions on how to convert
for FSX.. Textures by Mark Rooks of RSDG . 5.2MB |
Beech King Air 350 Blank Textures.
This is a Repaint of a Stock Beech King Air 350 For Flight Simulator
FSX Created as a Blank texture Project Aircraft . A good starting
point for any Beech King Air 350 Project Created with easy to
use Bit Map Files and easy to follow instructions on how to
convert for FSX.. Textures by Mark Rooks of RSDG. 4.7MB |
Lear 45 Blank Textures.
This is a Repaint of a Stock Lear 45 For Flight Simulator FSX
Created as a Blank texture Project Aircraft . A good starting
point for any Lear 45 Project Created with easy to use Bit Map
Files and easy to follow instructions on how to convert for
FSX.. Textures by Mark Rooks of RDG. 11MB |
Mig-15 with Blank Textures. This is a modified Version of
the Mig 15 Model By Jean-Pierre, Jean-Pierre Bourgeois and Benoit
M. Dubé Langer For Flight Simulator X . Complete aircraft
with blank textures ready for repainting. This Aircraft has
been modified for FSX by Mark Rooks. 16MB |
F-4 Phantom Blank Repaint Starter Pack.
This is a Repaint of Kazunori Ito's F-4 Phantom For Flight Simulator
X . This Aircraft Has Blank Texture Files ( White Base Color
) This is a good starting point for any F-4 Phantom Project
With easy to follow instructions and easy to use BMP files lets
everyone create there own favorite F-4 Phantom .This Phantom
has New Afterburner Effects and a New panel ..Textures and Updates
by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft . Package Includes Instructions
and links to good aviation art Web sites to complete your project.
6.8MB |
F-5 Repaint Starter pack.
This is a Repaint of Tim Conrad's F-5 Freedom Fighter For Flight
Simulator X This Aircraft Has Blank Texture Files( White Base
Color ) This is a good starting point for any F-5 Freedom Fighter
Project With easy to follow instructions and easy to use BMP
files lets everyone create there own favorite F-5 Freedom Fighter
Textures by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft Package Instructions
and links to Aviation Art . 14.4MB |
F-4U1A Corsair Repaint Project.
This is a Repaint of Guy Hulin's Beautiful F-4U1A Corsair (
CORSF4U7.ZIP ) Updated For Flight Simulator x . This Aircraft
Has Blank Texture Files( Navy Blue Base Color ) This is a good
starting point for any F-4 Corsair Project With easy to follow
instructions and easy to use BMP files lets everyone create
there own favorite Corsair. Textures by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft
Package Instructions and Aviation Art and links to aviation
Nose Art . 23.7MB |
Kit for Canadair CL 215 for FS9 and FSX .
The texture set contains Master Blank multi layered Photoshop
files with an alpha layer too that you can use to recreate DXT3
format textures to be used in the model after the repaint. The
zip contain also a set of bitmap files that you can use as a
guide for the repaint Paint kit made by Massimo Taccoli. 11MB |
Cessna 182 Paint Project.
This is a 2004 default Cessna 182 Skylane modified for Flight
simulator X . This is a project aircraft created with blank
bitmap textures the perfect starting point for any Cessna 182
Project. Created by Rooks Silva Design Graphics with easy to
use Bitmap textures with easy to follow instructions Textures
and modifications By Mark Rooks of RSDG. 13.1MB |
Grumman AA-5B Tiger Repaint Project.
This is a Repaint of Tim Conrad's Grumman AA-5B Tiger For Flight
Simulator X . This aircraft is Created for projects with blank
BMP Textures and easy to follow instructions makes this a good
starting point for any Grumman AA-5B Tiger Project ..Textures
and by Mark Rooks of RSDG. 4MB |
SR-20 Cirrus Repaint Project.
This is a Repaint Wolfram Beckert,Guenter Kraemer and Thomas
Roehl's Cirrus Aircraft Modified for Flight Simulator X . The
SR20 and SR22 are constructed with composite construction and
advanced aerodynamics, This design was awarded FAA Type Certification
in 1998. with a final level of protection known as the Cirrus
Airframe Parachute System(tm) (CAPS). This aircraft is Created
for projects with blank BMP Textures and easy to follow instructions
makes this a good starting point for any Cirrus Project ..Textures
and Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG .This aircraft has a working
Cirrus Airframe Parachute System . 15.2MB |