Raid on Tarawa - Page 3 |
Move to waypoint #4. Zoom out until the map width is about 21 miles. Leave the action as ‘turn’, set the altitude at 5000 feet and click the ‘Warp to’ box. Now we are going to add some more aircraft. Click the ‘New aircraft’ button. Select a ‘B-25D Mitchell’ as the plane. ‘Nationality’ – ‘USA’, ‘Mission’ – ‘Nothing’, ‘Payload’ – ‘Guns only’ (he already dropped his bombs), ‘# of aircraft’ – ‘1’, ‘Skill level’ – ‘Rookie’, ‘Aggressiveness’ – ‘Average’, ‘Goal’ – ‘Must survive’ and set the ‘Pre damage’ to ‘20%’. Now you have a badly damaged bomber you are going to have to escort home. Place the first waypoint for the bomber 2 to 3 miles in front of your plane headed the same direction you are going. Place the second waypoint at the left edge of the map parallel to your course. Go to the Route tab and set the altitude at 4500 feet for both waypoints. Note that the action at waypoint #2 will be ‘Land anywhere’ that’s OK for now. Now add another new aircraft. This time select the ‘A6M2 Zero’ along
with the following parameters: ‘Japan’, ‘Intercept’, ‘Fujisawa’, ‘Guns
only’, ‘2’, ‘Fingertip’, ‘Veteran’, ‘Average’, ‘Must be destroyed’.
Place the plane about 5 to 6 miles from the B-25 to the Northwest.
Place the second waypoint directly on the bombers flight path and the
third waypoint somewhere to the Southeast. The action around waypoint
#4 should look like this: Note: The planes are set farther apart here
for clarity. |
![]() |
Now go to the Route tab for the Zeros. Set the altitude at waypoint #1 at 5000 feet. At waypoint #2 set the altitude at 4500 feet and select ‘Intercept bombers’ as the action. The default altitude and action are fine for waypoint #3 (they should never get that far). After you have these two Zeros plotted, click the maximum zoom out button then pan a little to the left until Ocean Island comes into view. Drag the bomber’s waypoint #2 over to the island and place it on top of yours. Now zoom in on Ocean Island, about 4 clicks. If you have trouble picking out the B-25’s waypoint marker from the cluster around waypoint #4 simply right click on the group of planes. A pop-up menu will appear listing everything that is located there and you can select the B-25. Place your 5th waypoint right on top of the ‘X’ marking the airfield and on the route tab for waypoint #5 select ‘Land at base’. When you do this ‘Ocean Island’ should appear as the ‘Base’ name. Move the bomber’s second waypoint anywhere over the island and leave it. The default action is already set at ‘Land anywhere’ which is fine. |
Great job! You have all of the planes and waypoints
plotted now let’s tie it all together and give it some life with
Triggers and Events.
Triggers and Events The first thing we need to do is spawn the first group of Zeros. Click
on the ’Triggers’ button and then on ‘New’. Title this trigger “Player
arrives at WP #2”. Select your plane if it doesn’t show as the default.
Drop down and for ‘Type’ choose ‘Status’, ‘Param’ will be ‘Waypoint
reached’, the ‘Operator’ will be ‘Equals’ and the ‘Value’ will be ‘+2’.
See below. |
Click ‘OK’ & ‘Close’ then click on the ‘Events’
button. Start a new event and title it “Spawn first flight”. Select
‘Player arrives at WP #2’ as the trigger and click the double right
arrows (>>). Under ‘Action type’ scroll down and select ‘Spawning’
then ‘Spawn unit’ under that. “Abe” will appear in the ‘Unit ID’ window
as the default. Since that is the unit we want (Abe was the default
name for the first Zero flight), click the right arrows then ‘OK’ and
close the event window.
NOTE: You need to keep track of the various Unit ID’s when setting events. We have two sets of Zeros, Abe and Fujisawa. If you spawned Fujisawa instead of Abe it would goof up your mission. The next trigger we set will be to disable warp for the time it takes us to bomb the Bettys. Our mission goal is to destroy the four Betty bombers. We MUST do that to fully succeed. We shouldn’t leave the target Area (warp) until all four Bettys have been destroyed. To prevent getting the blue “Press ‘X’ to warp…” message we need to turn warp off while we’re attacking the Bettys. |
Create a new trigger called “Player within Target Area”. The ‘Category’ will be your plane again and the parameters are as follows: ‘Type’ - ‘Status’, ‘Param’ - ‘Area’, ‘Operator’ - ‘Inside’ and ‘Value’ - ‘Target Area’. Click ‘OK’ then close the trigger out and open up a new event. Title this event “Disable warp”. Choose the trigger you just made
and click the right arrows. Drop down, and under ‘Miscellaneous’ select
‘Disable warp’. If we didn’t create this trigger we would get the blue
“Press ‘X’ to warp…” message, which would be generated by the game
when the Zeros are destroyed. This will keep warp disabled until we
leave. |
© Grumpy's Lair 2004