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Missions & Campaigns Page 7
THE DECISIVE DAY Two three mission campaigns for CFS 1 dealing with the events of September 15th 1940. The day that would later be known as Battle of Britain Day. While one campaign gives you three British intercept missions, the other gives you their German counterparts. As these are an attempt to reproduce some measure of the historical events, the number of aircraft involved is quite high, therefore this may not be suitable for some slower machines. RICHARD STEELE. 45K

*CFS1 ONLY* VALLEY FORGE Campaign. Navy War Korea, Mission Pack 3. New set of a dozen Missions (Navy_F2H-2_301 to 312) featuring the F2H-2 Banshee Navy Fighter, to be played singly or as a campaign. Completely self-contained package in 2 zipfiles, VForge1.zip & VForge2.zip. Includes CFS Korea scenery & other improvements. Both files are needed but it does not require any further downloads in order to function. A joint project by Mike Eustace, Doug Attrell & Bill Potvin.

Part 1 2.8MB

Part 2 1.5MB

Midway.... This is my first mission, simple objective and format. Rick Sidwell. 2K
OST FRONT A 17 mission campaign for CFS1 dealing with the activity of the German Luftwaffe on the Eastern Front 1941-45. The campaign includes repainted CFS1 stock and reworked add-on aircraft, a few additional ground units, and some small new scenery (air fields). This is an attempt to give CFS1 players a chance to experience some of the Eastern Front type of combat. While many of the missions are based in history, a point has been made to stress playability over realism. Numbers and types of aircraft have been held down in order to provide a smaller download size and allow faster frame-rates. By J.Poltorak and B.Irle. 2.8MB
Mediterranean Beaufighter Campaign for CFS1: A campaign of 19 missions which follows the fictional career of an RAF Beaufighter pilot, starting in the Western Desert and proceeding to Malta, Tunisia, Sicily and Corsica. Requires separate download of Beaufighter and several sceneries covering the Mediterranean theatre. By C Burgess. 262K
SUPER SPAD CARRIER OP'S FOR CFS 1 Join a marines attack squadron for this ten mission campaign for the AD-4 Skyraider. Try a different style of flying, as you carry out day and night ground attack missions from the deck of an aircraft carrier with these fictitious missions. Uses mainly default scenery, all required aircraft included. While these missions are basically in the standard format, be sure to read the read me file before running them. 1.8MB
For King and Country The mission is an attack on a German destroyer that is trans- porting top secret documents and equipment that will allow the Germans to fit the V-2 rocket with deadly Nuclear warheads. A wave of Hurricanes are sent to destroy the ship but the ship turns out to be HEAVALY gaurded. Designed By: Josh Roberts. 107K
MOVIE MIG Jet action for CFS 1 Back in the fifties, Hollywood made a Korean war movie called "The Hunters" staring Robert Mitchum as a world war 2 retread, and Robert Wagner as a young fighter pilot fresh out of flight school. This campaign recreates the F86 vs. F84 dogfights from the film (plus a couple that will end up on the cutting room floor) Also included, are alternate files to fly the same missions against Mig 15's. Keep filming until you get it right! RICHARD STEELE. 658K
Resistance Rescue My first uploaded CFS 1 Mission.(Yes OK a bit late, but I'm a slow starter.) Fly a Mosquito FBVI to destroy a Gestapo HQ and a few other German assets. Stock CFS 1 aircraft except the Mosquito which is included. By Terry Baldwin. 93K
no pic supplied
Shipyard: Some kind of mission?? This is the only information supplied -> "Aircraft Carriers available from any airfield (jap or US) Offshore oil drills helipads are located in Hawaii, Midway, and Espiritu. 5 weather settings are available! All missions are the same...only you will see the weather and time of day." 507K
CFS1 SUSSEX CH PATROL By Terry Baldwin Fly in a Hurricane patrol over the Sussex and Kent coast to protect our vital RDF Stations at the begining of the Battle of Britain. Partly historical, partly fictional. An,I was there mission. All stock CFS media.You must read the readme to sort out the Fact from the Fiction. Dedicated to the WAAFs and Erks that manned the R.A.F. RDF Stations and the Royal Observer Corps during the summer of 1940. 65K
EAGLE ANGRIFF An all new Battle of Britain (German) campaign for CFS 1. Push the Bf109 to its limits as you take on the fighters of the R.A.F. on their home ground. Includes twenty four brand new missions and six aircraft. 1.3MB