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Post WW2 & Modern Aircraft Page 4
RAF Tornado GR1 Grey-Green Cammoflage. Full moving parts. Transparent canopy. For CFS, FS98, FS2000 Model by Massimo Taccoli Textures By Robert A Fett. 138K
CFS Racing Sea Fury 'Critical Mass'. Original design by Chris Lampard. First repaint by Mike Field. Panel adapted from Chuck Dome original. Packaged for CFS with panel & DP & updated with current markings by Ryan Harris. 253K
FS98/CFS Royal Air Force 74 Squadron McDonnell Douglas F-4M Phantom II version 1.0 Original F-4M by Michael Gurezka Repaint moving parts and landing lights by: Jason R. DeCesare. McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR 2 (F-4M) XV487 of No. 74 Squadron, Royal Air Force. This RAF Phantom, based at RAF Wattisham, England appears as it did in the early 1990s. 84K
FS98/CFS US Navy VF-103 McDonnell Douglas F-4S Phantom II version 1.0 Original F-4B by Michael Gurezka Repaint moving parts and landing lights by: Jason R. DeCesare. McDonnell Douglas F-4S Phantom II of VF-103 (Bureau Number 167305). 81K
FS98/CFS US Navy McDonnell Douglas QF-4N Phantom II version 1.0 Original F-4B by Michael Gurezka Repaint moving parts and landing lights by: Jason R. DeCesare. McDonnell Douglas F-4N Phantom II, Bureau Number 152303. This aircraft is one of the last F-4s in American service. It is used as a NOLO (NO Live Operator) full scale target aircraft, in other words a target drone. 94K
FS98/CFS/FS2000 Israeli Air Force McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom II version 2.0 Original F-4E by Michael Gurezka Repaint moving parts and landing lights by: Jason R. DeCesare. McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom II of the Israeli Air Force's 69 Squadron. 67K

RAF VULCAN B.2 (617SQN) in anti-flash white. Moving Parts. Includes authentic sounds. For CFS and FS98 only. NOT FS2000!! Designed By Graham 'dotcom' Waterfield. Textures by Robert A Fett. 810K

AVRO VULCAN XH558 'SPIRIT OF BRITAIN' DISPLAY FLIGHT. VERY COOL!!! For CFS and FS98. NOT FS2000! New livery concept for one of the last remaining Vulcans. Features Moving Parts, Sound included. Designed by Graham 'dotcom' Waterfield. Concept and Textures by Robert A Fett. 814K

FS98/FS2000/CFS Lockheed Sr-71 aircraft with RSO cockpit. You can sit into the aft cockpit with one click. Photorealistic panels and cockpit interior based on original pictures. Perspective distorted and shaded gauges to fit into the original photos. Sounds and sr-71a model included. By Peter Pellionis. 3.3MB

FS98/CFS/FS2000 F4C Phantom II from 57FIS based at Keflavik Iceland... had this scheme applied to 4 aircraft that participated in the William Tell competition held at Tyndal AFB Florida Updated to include moving control surfaces, flaps, gear, afterburner, 3D pilots and glass canopy original afx by Michael Gurezka Remodelled and painted by Colin Norwood. 126K

CFS/FS98/FS2000 F4J Phantom II 153088 from VX-4 based at NAS Point Mugu in California, This special scheme was applied to celebrate the Bicentennial year of 1976..... Updated version including full animation of gear, flaps,ailerons,rudder,3d pilots,glass canopy and afterburners - Michael Gurezka: original Model, revised by Colin Norwood. 121K