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Airbase at Kitzingen, Germany Version 1.0 for CFS1 This scenery
depicts a German Airbase in Kitzingen, Germany. This was not built
to replicate an actual base in WWII. However, I've only used objects
relevant to that time period to give it that realistic look. Comes
complete with NDB and a refueling area. By Eric Jonas a.k.a. Mobster
(266Kb) |
Allied Airbase at Duxford, England v1.0 for CFS1 Very well
equipped allied airbase utilizing the default Duxford dirt runway
surrounded by a grass taxiway. You'll also find blast pens, search
lights, custom signage, working fuel area, and more included in this
custom scenery. Great care was taken in order to keep this base as
realistic as possible all the while trying to create a very high quality
and unique scenery. By Eric Jonas a.k.a. Mobster (980Kb) Eric Jonas.
Only. 66TH_FC Home Base. Located within a 5 mile radius of
HMS Ark Royal, HMS York and RAF Charlie Base. 2 5400 ft runways. Large
refuel area marked in #CCCC66. Taxiway are lit in blue lights at night.
Includes static CFS aircraft and vehicles. All roads interconnect
to the base. Full night lighting on the hangers and streetlights.
Numerous other scenery objects. VOR and ADF frequecies. 4 ground CFO
parking spots for perfect alignment to begin missions. Freeware by
Rick Herring. 170K |
Lanes WWII Base Scenery Version 2.0 for CFS1 A fictional base
located NW of Near Southampton, England. No base was built in this
location during the war. However, if there was, maybe it would've
looked like this one. Built using stock CFS objects with the built-in
scenery editor and Airport 2.6 for the fuel areas and NDB. By Eric
Jonas a.k.a Mobster 322K |
Island for Combat Flight Simulator1 A small fictional island
located in the pacific. Single runway and detailed buildings and landable
areas for helicopters, VOR and NDB stations and a refuel area, it
also includes carrier group just to the north of the island. Originally
designed for the Ace's High Squadron by AH_LG_skycow (Ben Scholz)
using Airport 2.6 and Terrabuilder LITE. 2.2MB |
Marine Air Guard Command Center at Martlesham, England v1.0 for
CFS1 This scenery utilizes the three stock criss-crossing runways
in the default CFS scenery. This is a deluxe base complete with large
and medium hangars w/night-lighting, two fuel areas, helo landable
buildings, radar and satellite communications center, and a landable
carrier positioned nearby. There are no searchlights or runway lights,
therefore IFR rules will apply at all times between dusk and dawn.
The stock NDB is accompanied by the three runways own corresponding
NDB for IFR approaches. Has landable tower for ATC excercises. Good
for modern operations but not too flashy to make the WWII pilots shy
away from it. By Eric Jonas a.k.a. Mobster (714Kb) |
Volcano Island is a cfs/add-on scenery by Simon Platten
Fast video card required! Created with Misho Katulic's Terrabuilder
Pro with thanks to Paul Harmon. 124K
FC Island base for CFS1. This base is built on its own island
to prevent scenery overlaps found on Guernsey Island. Two 5700 foot
runways. Located 2.7 miles from HMS Ark Royal. Includes a refuel area
lit in orange ground lighting at night. Taxiways are easily navigated
at night due to intense lighting. A helicopter landing area is included
on the main ramp. NDB and ADF Frequencies. All runways utilize the
PAPI approach lighting system set at 3 degrees glide slope. All runways
may be accessed for takeoff without crossing another runway. (Only
thresholds are crossed.) Filesize 547 KB Freeware by Rick Herring.
145K |
Island for CFS1. This is a fictional Hawaian Island 50 nm
N of Kawai. It sits on a beautiful coral reef and is covered in palms.
Made with Airport 2.60, it makes a nice little holiday retreat. 79.3k
by Ted Griggs. 80K |
Scenery The ¨Ramp¨ Airfield, liquor store, suisse Era
A landing ramp creat for the reiher II/JG3 sail plane for the sail
plane go at my website Created using "Airport 2.60" and EOD by Ronald.dandurand.
74K |