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Scenery Page 17
CFS Scenery Add-On "Caldin RAF112 WEST Caldin Field England" for Combat Flight Simulator 1Joe Higgins. 753K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Achmer - Osnabruck" for Combat Flight Simulator 1 The "Achmer - Osnabruck" scenery is roughly historically accurate and highly detailed depiction of German Jets Fighters first airbase. . Edmundo Abad. 345K
NDB TRANSMITTERS for CFS1 Provence Scenery, V1.0 © Edmundo Abad, September 2002 eabad@entelchile.net http://mipagina.123.cl/eabad/index.htm These scenery files place Non-directional beacons on some of Add-ons Cfs airfields of Provence Scenery created by CRYINGTOTO(included). 1.2MB
CFS Scenery Add-On "Koln - Leverkusen" for Combat Flight Simulator 1 © Edmundo Abad, The "Koln - Leverkusen" scenery is totally fictional, but is an effort to represent the airport like it (may) have looked like in WWII days. 177K
NDB TRANSMITTERS for CFS1 Scenery For Austria, V1.0 © Edmundo Abad, These scenery files place Non-directional beacons on some of Add-ons Cfs airfields of Austrian Alps created by Steve McClelland (also for Munich Airport in Germany). 44K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Wiesbaden" for Combat Flight Simulator 1 © Edmundo Abad, The "Wiesbaden" scenery is roughly historically accurate and highly detailed depiction of German airbase. I am only based on aerial photos and wartime (and current) maps, for represent the currently europe USAF airbase like it have looked like in WWII days, in "Luftwaffe Style". 353K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Merseburg - Leuna" for Combat Flight Simulator 1 The "Merseburg - Leuna" scenery is a complement to my other scenery of Leuna Oil Complex. The airfield is totally fictional. The buldings and his position are not accurate and only the runway heading is correct, but attempt to represent the airfield near Leuna like it (may) have looked like in WWII days. Edmundo Abad. 194K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Linz - Austria" for Combat Flight Simulator 1 © Edmundo Abad, The "Linz - Austria" scenery is totally fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the austrian airport. I am only based on information taken from Linz scenery for FS98 by unknown creator who represent the 90s airfield. Also I have added a section of Danube river, and the railroad net around Linz. 387K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Paderborn - Lippstadt" for Combat Flight Simulator 1 by Edmundo Abad. The "Paderborn - Lippstadt" scenery is totally fictional, but shows the airport like it (may) have looked like in WWII days. The buldings's position are the same of FS98 scenery but in "Luftwaffe Style", in accordance with Combat Flight Simulator. I only took information from aerial photos and wartime maps, and also from Paderborn -Lippstadt scenery for FS 98 created by Markus Zurawka. 151K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Schwerin - Parchim" The airport Schwerin-Parchim is located to west from Parchim on Mecklenburg - Germany. In 1943 was built the concrete surface runway 07/25 and in 1944 was stationed a unit of jet fighters Me-262. In 1945 the airport was destroyed by allied bombers, but in early 50s was re-constructed for the Soviet Airforce. By Edmundo Abad. 179K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Rostock - Laage" for Combat Flight Simulator 1 by Edmundo Abad. The "Rostock - Laage" scenery is totally fictional, but shows the airport like it (may) have looked like in WWII days. The buldings's position are taken from aerial photos of current airport and FS98 scenery, but I built its in "Luftwaffe Style", in accordance with Combat Flight Simulator. 314K